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I'll call her back перевод на французский

158 параллельный перевод
I'll call you when it's born. Go back to her. Quickly.
Dès que l'enfant sera né, je vous appellerai.
- How can I tell her I'll call her back?
- Comment lui dire ça?
Tell her I'll call her back.
Je la rappellerai.
I'll have her call back.
Je lui dirai de vous appeler.
Call her back. Tell her I'll stop by on my way home.
Rappelle-la et dis-lui que je passerai chez elle en revenant.
I guess I'll call Mrs. Drayton. Tell her we're back.
J'appelle Mme Drayton.
No, I'll go with her, you hang back until I call you in.
Non, j'y vais avec elle, tu reste ici en attedant que je t'appel.
And I'm to call her back and tell her the time and the place, and she'll meet you at the front entrance.
Je dois la rappeler pour lui dire où et quand, et elle vous retrouvera devant l'entrée.
Don't hurt me. All right. I'll call her back.
Ne me tapez pas dessus, je la rappelle!
Just let me get rid of her and I'll call you right back.
Je me débarrasse d'elle et je te rappelle juste après.
I'll Call her back later.
Je rappellerai.
- I'll call her back and explain.
- Je vais la rappeler pour lui expliquer.
- To be sure... I'll call back and keep her talking.
Il faudrait qu'elle parle plus pour que je la reconnaisse. Je vais la rappeler. Je vais essayer de la faire parler plus longtemps.
Tell her I'll call her back after Junior Bible.
Je la rappellerai après le catéchisme.
Honey, it's Hildy. I'll call her back.
Je te rappelerai plus tard.
Dani, tell her I'm at work. I'll call her back.
Dani, dis-lui... que je bosse.
I'll call her back.
Je la rappellerai.
Tell her I'll call her back.
Dites-lui que je la rappelle.
I'll call her back.
Je la rappelle.
I'll call you back after I talk to her.
Je te rappelle.
Tell her I'll call her back.
Je la rappelle.
- If she has any questions, I'll call her back.
- Si elle a des questions, je la rappelerais.
- I'll have to call her back.
- Je la rappelle.
If I have this much influence, I'll call her and tell her to get back together with him.
Si j'ai tant d'influence, je vais lui dire de retourner avec lui!
Tell Noreen I'll just call her back later.
Dis-lui que je la rappellerai.
- Tell her I'll call her back.
Dites-lui que je vais la rappeler.
Tell me she called, and I'll call her back.
Pour me dire qu'elle a appelé et je la rappelle.
I'll just call her back.
Je la rappelle en vitesse.
You tell her that, and I'll call you back.
Transmets-lui le message. Je te rappelle.
I'm sorry. You'll have to call her back.
Désolé, vous allez devoir la rappeler.
I'll call her back.
- Je la rappellerai.
- I'll call her back!
Je la rappelle!
- I'll call her back, it'll be fine! - What an idiot!
Tout va s'arranger!
I'll have her call you back. Thank you. Alice, sorry.
Je lui dirais de vous rappeler.
Unless, eventually, I call her to see what's going on and she says she'll call me back, but then she doesn't.
Ou alors, je l'appelle pour prendre de ses nouvelles... elle promet de me rappeler mais ne le fait pas...
- Tell her I'll call her back.
- Je la rappellerai.
Let's just bury her and move on. Tell him I'll call him back.
Enterrons-la et allons de l'avant.
- Tell her I'll call her back in 10.
- Je la rappelle dans dix minutes.
- I'll call her. Get back fast.
- Je l'appelle.
- Tell her that I'll call her back.
- Dis-lui que je la rappelle.
Just tell her I'll call her back, it's okay.
Dis-lui que je la rappelle. Ça ira.
Tell her I'll call back. - Okay.
Dis-lui que je rappellerai.
Okay, just tell her... I called again. I'll be home if she wants to call me back.
Dites-lui que j'ai rappelé et que... je suis chez moi si elle veut rappeler.
If she's not here when I get back, we'll call all her friends, everyone we know, until we find out where she's gone, OK?
Si elle n'est pas revenue, on appellera tous ses amis, jusqu'à ce qu'on la trouve.
Oh, just tell her I'll call her back.
Oh, dites-lui que je la rappelle.
Okay, I'll just call back and check in on her.
Je rappellerai pour reprendre de ses nouvelles.
I'll call her back.
Dites-lui que je la rappelle.
If you're okay going with her, say,'Sorry, Leonard, I'll call you back.'
Oui, aussi bien à elle qu'à moi. - Vous partagez un Léonard? - On n'est pas d'accord sur lui.
Uh, tell her I'll call her back.
Dites-lui que je la rappellerai.
Tell her I'll call her back.
Dis-lui que je la rappelle.
All right, I'll tell her if she needs to talk to me to let the phone ring once, that'll be her signal, then hang up and call back.
D'accord, je lui dirai de laisser le téléphone sonner une fois si elle a besoin de me parler. Ce sera le signal. Ensuite elle raccroche et rappelle.

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