I couldn't see it перевод на французский
422 параллельный перевод
What? When I was young, what was it like when I made fun of you and was mean because you couldn't see?
Quoi? Comment ça s'est passé quand je me suis moqué de toi que j'étais méchant parce que tu ne pouvais pas voir?
I don't see why we couldn't arrange a bond issue, if it weren't too big.
C'est probablement faisable, si le montant n'est pas trop élevé.
And to think I couldn't see into this heart I knew so well and see that it was sacrificing itself for me.
Comment n'ai-je pas lu dans ton coeur que tu te sacrifiais pour moi?
- Joe couldn't talk. I don't see what you fellas are so frightened about. Mr. Wagner was bound to discover it anyway.
Il l'aurait découvert d'une façon ou d'une autre.
I couldn't help thinking to myself that if I were going to London... I'd certainly make it a point to see Miss Latham.
Je ne peux m'empêcher de penser que si j'étais à Londres, je m'empresserais d'aller voir Miss Latham.
She didn't see you, did she? ─ I couldn't avoid it.
- Elles t'ont vu!
It were too dark. I couldn't see.
Je n'ai rien vu, il faisait noir.
It was so dark, I couldn't see and not until I'd hit them and not even then did I realize what I'd done.
Il faisait si noir que je n'ai rien vu, même quand je les ai renversées et même là, je ne me suis pas rendu compte.
I couldn't see beyond it.
Je ne voyais pas derrière.
Since I couldn't see it, I supposed the Lady meant that it was below the ground.
Comme je ne trouvais rien... j'ai supposé que la source était sous terre.
I just want to set you right about something you couldn't see... because it was smack up against your nose.
Je veux juste te raconter. C'était sous ton nez et t'as rien vu.
It was pitch black when I relieved you, Kovac. I couldn't see a thing.
Quand j'ai relevé Kovac on ne voyait pas à deux pas, c'était le noir complet.
- It was dark. I couldn't see.
- J'ai pas pu voir.
It was enormous. I couldn't see over it. I nearly knocked a woman down.
J'ai failli renverser une femme.
I couldn't bear the thought of leaving you... but now I see, it's got to happen soon anyway.
Je ne pouvais supporter l'idée de vous quitter. Mais je vois qu'il faut en arriver là de toute manière.
It was so dark, I couldn't see him.
Il faisait trop noir.
I could be in that room and see her stab the guy and I couldn't make it stick unless I graped her and hold on to her.
Si je l'avais vue le poignarder devant moi, le seul moyen de la coincer aurait été de m'agripper à elle jusqu'au cachot.
I couldn't bear it to see you break down and feel like a human being.
Je supporterais pas, de vous voir craquer et avoir des sentiments humains.
Because I couldn't do it. I mean, I don't think I could. See, I've never seen a dead person.
Parce que je crois que je ne pourrais pas, je n'ai jamais vu de mort.
I couldn't stand it anymore. I had to see you.
Il fallait que je vous voie.
You called a turn for me once, and I couldn't see it. Now we're even.
Vous m'aviez déjà conseillé... on est quitte.
It was so crowded I couldn't see him.
Il y avait tant de monde que je n'ai pas vu.
It was dark and I couldn't see who it was but if I knew...
J'avais des œufs dans la main et je cherchais à les préserver.
You see, I couldn't possibly have worn it tonight.
Tu vois? Je n'aurais pas pu la porter ce soir.
Sue, can't you see I'd rot here? I couldn't take it!
Me vois-tu pourrir dans cette ville?
I told you it was dark. I couldn't see anything.
II faisait trop noir.
I couldn't see it. There was a man with her.
J'ai vu une femme en robe rouge.
They wanted me to ride in the parade, but then I couldn't see it.
J'ai pas voulu parader : j'aurais pas pu me regarder!
Dreadful, it was dreadful! I heard people shouting and falling, and I couldn't see anything!
À cause d'elle, j'allais rompre nos fiançailles.
Couldn't I see you later? It won't take the whole evening.
Tu n'en as pas pour la soirée!
All I wanted to do was see you alone and I couldn't do it unofficially, so I used an x-ray.
Je voulais juste vous voir seule et je ne pouvais pas, d'où la radio.
Oh, I suspected her right from the start, but the men couldn't see it, of course.
- Dès le début. Mais les hommes ne voyaient rien.
Surgery has done miracles, I don't see why it couldn't do them with me.
La chirurgie a fait des miracles, elle en fera pour moi.
Yes, it was so dark I couldn't see.
Je vous ai dit qu'on ne voyait rien dans l'obscurité.
I thought I couldn't bear it if I didn't see you again.
J'ai cru que je ne supporterais pas de ne pas te revoir.
I don't see how it could affect the machine. I'm sure it couldn't.
- Je doute que ça ait affecté la machine.
So plain I couldn't see it.
Si évident que je n'ai rien vu.
I couldn't, wouldn't face the horror of the truth even that last day in the Encantadas when Sebastian left me and spent the whole blazing, equatorial day in the crow's-nest, watching that thing on the beach until it was too dark to see.
Je refusais d'affronter l'horreur de la vérité... Même ce dernier jour, aux Galapagos... quand Sébastien me quitta... pour passer la journée entière sous un soleil tropical... au poste de vigie d'où il contempla le carnage sur la plage... jusqu'à la nuit.
It was rather dark, and I couldn't see him clearly
Il faisait noir et je n'ai pas pu le voir clairement.
Then it was so dark, I couldn't see my own face in front of me.
Alors, il faisait tellement noir que je ne me voyais même pas!
I know, but couldn't I just see it, please?
Seulement pour voir...
You still say it couldn't have been General Sutherland? - I don't see how. - I'm sure it was.
Allons voir, mais avant, à votre retour.
No one has convinced me that I didn't see it. I wish they could, but they couldn't.
Personne ne m'a convaincu que je ne l'ai pas vu, malheureusement.
I'm a blind man, so I couldn't see it even if it were a show.
Je suis aveugle donc je n'aurais rien vu, même s'il y avait eu un spectacle.
je ne peut pas le faire, la puissance nucléaire a été gelée.
- You see, l-I couldn't give you something mediocre. Even if it's all you asked for.
Je refusais de vous livrer une oeuvre médiocre, vous comprenez.
I'm sorry I couldn't come and see you when I arrived two weeks ago but I've had lots to do, it wasn't easy.
J'ai eu tant de choses à faire, ça a pas été facile.
I was having a beautiful little life and I couldn't see it. There was this manageress of a dry-cleaner's.
Car j'avais une mignonne nana, une gérante de teinturerie.
I looked for it on the way - I couldn't see it.
Je ne l'ai pas vue.
My neck itches like it used to when a Comanche was around and I couldn't see him.
J'ai la gorge nouée, comme quand je flairais un Commanche à distance.
I don't know. Couldn't you see what's happening to it?
Va voir ce qu'ils font.
i couldn't agree more 197
i couldn't find it 44
i couldn't find you 43
i couldn't resist 80
i couldn't help it 192
i couldn't stop 53
i couldn't stand it 38
i couldn't agree with you more 58
i couldn't hear you 49
i couldn't 1105
i couldn't find it 44
i couldn't find you 43
i couldn't resist 80
i couldn't help it 192
i couldn't stop 53
i couldn't stand it 38
i couldn't agree with you more 58
i couldn't hear you 49
i couldn't 1105