I just did it перевод на французский
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This is the point where I normally burn you alive, but I just did it to prove a point that I think I made my point.
C'est à ce moment que normalement je vous fais brûler vifs, mais j'ai juste dit ça pour illustrer mon avis et je pense que c'est réussi.
But then I just did it, because it was a national commercial and I was all, " whatever!
Mais finalement je l'ai fait, parce que c'était une pub national et je me disais "peu importe"!
I just did it cause I want to. The thing is I have clean times and dirty times.
J'ai des moments de prévus pour m'occuper du ménage.
The guys told me to iron again, and I just did it.
Les gars m'ont dit de repasser alors je l'ai fait.
- I just did it to pass the time.
- C'étaitjuste comme ça.
and it- - it would... it would just go around and around in my head, " what did she give him that I didn't?
et ça... me trottait dans la tête, "que lui apportait-elle de plus que moi?"
Just because my father surprised my mother with a new house, and I catastrophically did the same thing, it doesn't make us the same person.
C'est pas parce que mon père a surpris ma mère avec une nouvelle maison et que j'ai catastrophiquement fait la même chose, que nous sommes comme eux.
And you told me to handle it, and I just did.
Et tu m'as dit de m'en occuper, c'est ce que j'ai fait.
Not as weird as it'd look if I went to her office, told her what you just did to me, or what I'm about to do to you.
Moins que si je lui racontais ce que tu viens de me faire. Ou alors... ce que je vais te faire.
Listen, chloe, as much as i appreciate Whatever it is you just did here, this is all because of brainiac, isn't it?
Écoute, Chloé, autant j'apprécie tout ce que tu viens de faire, mais c'est à cause de Brainiac, pas vrai?
It can't be that I just did well at my actual job?
Ca ne peut pas être que j'ai bien fait mon travail?
Did I? You just needed to prove it to him.
Vraiment? Tu devais juste le lui prouver.
Darren rivers just figured it out before i did.
Darren Rivers l'a remarqué avant moi.
Besides, you know, I just kind of figured that you'd come around, so I went ahead and did it.
En plus, j'ai deviné que tu allais venir, alors j'ai pris les devants et je l'ai fait.
Now this isn't how we do things in the squad where I come from, But if you just tell us what happened, Nobody has to know why you did it.
Ce n'est pas ainsi qu'on fait les choses dans mon escouade d'origine, mais dites-nous ce qui s'est passé, et on ne révélera pas vos motifs.
I am just going to accept that the whole damn mess happened and, pain or not, I'm glad it did.
Je vais accepter que tout ça soit arrivé et, douloureux ou pas, j'en suis heureuse.
It's just a phrase. I did't meant to offend you.
Ce n'est qu'une expression.
It's just that it seemed like no matter what I did for you, it was never enough, or it wasn't right, or...
J'avais l'impression que peu importe ce que je faisais pour toi, ce n'était jamais assez, ou ce n'était pas bien, ou...
When I first met you, and your mother had just died, and you didn't talk about it, and you buried it, it almost did you in.
Je t'ai rencontrée à la mort de ta mère. Tu n'en as pas parlé. Tu l'as enterrée.
I don't even think I did it for the right reasons. I just...
Même pas pour de bonnes raisons.
I'm just pissed because I did it.
Je suis furieux de l'avoir fait.
When I told you it was dangerous, did you think I was just kidding? I know.
Quand je t'ai dit que c'était dangereux, tu crois que je rigolais?
I just figured since we haven't talked about it... you went and did the test without me, huh?
J'ai pensé depuis qu'on en a parlé... Tu y es allée et tu as fait le test, hein?
But I do really need to know, did you choose this because you wanted it, or did you just take it because it was there?
Mais j'ai vraiment besoin de savoir, tu as choisi cela parce que tu le voulais, ou tu l'as juste pris parce que c'était là?
I'm just glad that Puerto Vallarta meant as much to you as it did to me.
De savoir que ce qui s'est passé à Puerto Vallarta comptait pour toi.
I just know you did it, because you always do it.
Mais je sais que c'était toi. C'est toujours toi.
She just said, "Nod if it's true." And that's all I did, is nod.
Elle m'ajuste dit d'acquiescer. C'est tout ce que j'ai fait.
I stayed because every time you threw a brick at my head or said I smelled it hurt but it could never hurt more than it did every day of my life just being me.
Parce qu'à chaque fois que vous m'avez lancé une brique j'ai eu mal. Mais ça faisait jamais aussi mal que le fait d'être seulement moi.
And I think I just saw the guy who did it.
Et je pense avoir vu le tireur.
And just like that she was out of their lives. I did it.
Et c'est ainsi qu'elle disparut à jamais de leurs vies.
Yes, I know I did, but it's just...
Oui, je sais que je l'ai fait.
You know, I would tell you to go fuck yourself, but it sounds like you just did.
Écoute, j'aurais envie de t'envoyer te branler, mais on dirait bien que c'est déjà fait.
Yeah, I just wanted to let you know, man, this year, you coaching us... the way you did it, you really made us feel -
Je voulais juste que tu saches que, cette année, comme entraîneur, - ce que t'as fait...
One of my people, as part of the preparation for this interview, she did a profile on you. And I'm sorry to say that I just got around to reading it tonight.
Une de mes employées a monté un dossier sur vous en préparation de ces entrevues, mais malheureusement, je viens tout juste de le lire.
It's just, I guess, something I did.
J'ai fait ça comme ça.
No, I just kissed her. I just did that to make it seem cool.
Non, je l'ai juste embrassée.
No, I'm just... No, I did not give you, my daughter, permission to come over here because it matters to me what you're learning and who you're learning it from.
Je ne t'ai pas donné la permission de venir ici car je surveille ce que tu apprends, et de qui.
How much would you have if I said I would pay you a penny on the first day and then two pennies on the second, and then four pennies on the third day and I just kept doubling it and I did this for a month?
Combien auriez-vous si je vous donnais un penny le 1er jour, deux le 2e jour, quatre le 3e jour, et qu'ensuite je doublais la mise?
Just because I did something so beyond the Valley of Sad City last night it doesn't give you the right, as my parents, to humiliate me further.
Voilà, juste on dépasse la limite de votre petit univers tristounet, et ça vous donnerait le droit comme parents de m'humilier encore plus?
I think it would be so special if I did a wedding just like Mom and Dad's.
Je crois que se serait vraiment spécial si je faisais le même genre de mariage que nos parents.
Look, I thought that maybe if he did Want to flirt, just a little bit, that it Would be fine if I...
Ecoute, je pensais que si il voulait draguer, juste un peu, que cela pourrait le faire si je...
You knew what you did when you were doing it and now you're just upset because I found out.
Tu savais très bien ce que tu faisais quand tu l'as fait et maintenant tu es mal parce que je l'ai découvert.
Roger didn't commit suicide, and having people just tolerate me, tell me it was my grief talking. I'm going to find the people who did this to my son, Brian.
Tout ce temps, savoir au plus profond de moi que Roger ne s'est pas suicidé et voir les gens tout juste me tolérer, me dire que c'était le deuil qui parlait.
When I asked him, he didn't even blink. He just did it.
Quand je le lui ai demandé, il a tout de suite accepté.
Look, I've been through all this, man. So just tell me, how did you do it?
J'ai connu ça, alors dis-moi comment t'as fait.
I just thought it'd be nice if I brush my teeth first, but I didn't have my toothbrush, so what I did was I borrowed...
- Je me lave les dents. J'avais pas ma brosse, alors j'ai emprunté...
You know, I don't know if we ever did it at an inn before, it's just- -
Je sais pas si on l'a déjà fait à l'hôtel.
Just because Axel wants to think that I did it doesn't mean that I did.
Juste parce que axel pense que je l'ai tué Ca veut pas dire que c'est moi.
I did it. You just stopped a children's playground from being built, and saved a parking garage.
Vous avez empêché la construction d'un parc pour enfants et sauvé un parking.
Tell me who did it and I'll just leave a puddle.
Donne-moi le coupable et je ferai une flaque.
Just forget I did this. Ignore it. I'll erase it, okay?
Je vais tout effacer, d'accord?
i just 13298
i just want to sleep 24
i just want you to be happy 100
i just want to talk to you 112
i just want to say 190
i just wanted to hear your voice 33
i just want to be with you 40
i just don't 165
i just got here 258
i just did 342
i just want to sleep 24
i just want you to be happy 100
i just want to talk to you 112
i just want to say 190
i just wanted to hear your voice 33
i just want to be with you 40
i just don't 165
i just got here 258
i just did 342