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I think you do know перевод на французский

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I think you do know a lot more than you're telling us right now.
Tu en sais plus que tu ne le dis.
- Do you know, I think we did.
- Vous savez, je pense que nous l'avons fait.
I don't know. What do you think, honey?
- Je ne sais pas.
Why do you think it is folks take their own life? I don't know.
Pourquoi les gens se suicident?
I do not think you know that at all.
Je pense que tu n'en sais rien du tout.
DARRIEN : I don't know. What do you think, old man?
Tu en dis quoi?
I mean, I would never want you to think that my kindness had anything to do with, you know, wanting something in return.
Je veux dire, je ne voudrais pas que vous pensiez que ma gentillesse demande quelque chose en retour.
Do you want to know what I think you should do?
Tu veux savoir ce que je pense?
AVA : Do you want to know what I think?
Vous savez ce que je pense?
Do you know what, Mr. Nobbs? I think you are the strangest man I've ever met.
Vous savez, M. Nobbs, vous êtes l'homme le plus étrange que j'aie jamais rencontré.
- Do you know? I think you need.
C'est ce qu'il lui faut.
Do you know what I think?
Tu sais quoi?
- What do you mean, you win? I know you think I think you're not romantic, but I think you think I'm not smarter than you.
Tu penses que je pense que tu n'es pas romantique, mais je pense que tu penses que je suis moins maligne que toi.
You know, I don't think we're gonna be able to do this every Wednesday.
On ne pourra sûrement pas faire ça tous les mercredis.
But I don't know why. I mean, do you think...
Mais je ne sais pas pourquoi.
You know, detective Beckett... I think I do remember her.
Vous savez, inspecteur Beckett, je crois que je m'en souviens.
I think I could probably... Do you think they know?
Tu crois qu'ils savent?
Do you really think I don't know that you're not my mother?
Tu crois que je ne sais pas que tu n'es pas ma mère?
- You know, officer... even if I did, do you really think I'd tell you?
Même si je savais, vous pensez que je vous dirais?
Nonetheless, I can't help but think that the reason you're keeping this relationship discreet is not because of me or Wexley, but because you know you can do better.
J'en suis sûre. Mais je ne peux m'empêcher de penser que la raison pour laquelle vous vouliez garder cette relation secrète n'est pas à cause de moi ou de Wexley, mais parce que vous savez que vous pouvez mieux faire.
Do you wanna know what I think?
Tu veux savoir ce que je pense?
I might not know anything about marriage, but I do know how to help you guys stay married. Auntie, I think you got the perfect one.
C'est parfait.
You probably think I'm crazy for liking Oswald but - - do you know how we met?
Vous pensez probablement que je suis folle d'aimer Oswald mais... savez-vous comment on s'est rencontrés?
Hey, Lar. - I don't know. What do you think?
- T'en penses quoi?
You know what, Larry? I think you're taking the wrong tactic with these women. I really do.
Je pense vraiment que tu t'y prends mal avec les femmes.
I don't really know what that means, but I think it has something to do with you making a new life and me getting over it.
Je ne sais pas vraiment ce que ça veut dire. Mais je crois que je dois admettre que tu commences une nouvelle vie et que je dois l'accepter.
Why do you think I need to know that?
Pourquoi pensez-vous que J'ai besoin de savoir cela?
Do you know, I think directing a movie has to be just about the best job ever invented.
Tu sais, je crois que réaliser un film doit sûrement être le meilleur boulot qu'on ait jamais inventé.
I think I do know what you mean, and I kind of hate that I do.
Je crois bien que oui et que je déteste ça.
Look, I think this has been, you know, uh, what do you call it?
Ecoutez, je pense que ce a été, vous le savez, ce appellent-ils?
No, I do think you know it.
- Non, je pense que tu le sais.
- What do you think I'm doing, lady? - I don't know what you're doing.
- Je faisais quoi, à ton avis?
Well, do you think I don't know that?
Tu crois que je ne le sais pas?
We're in dire fuckin'straits here! Well, do you think I don't know that?
Tu crois que je ne le sais pas?
I mean, I know you're friends with a lot of vampires, and I do not judge but I got kids I gotta think about, okay?
Tu es amie avec beaucoup de vampires, ce que je respecte, mais j'ai des enfants, tu comprends?
Do you know what I think?
Vous savez ce que je pense?
I don't know if we... do you think we've done enough?
- Tu crois que c'est assez?
- Do you know what I think?
Vous voulez mon avis?
Do you think I might know that?
Crois-tu que je l'ignore?
I mean you know I think he thinks if he pulls these two shows off and shows that he can really do it he'll be able to take care of her and make money and all that [sighs]
je veux dire... tu vois je pense qu'il pense que si il fait ces deux shows et ces shows peuvent vraiment le faire il sera à nouveau capable de prendre soin d'elle et de faire de l'argent et tout ça
I just... You know I think Grace has more experience with those feelings than I do. I mean...
Grace a plus d'expérience que moi dans ce domaine.
I don't know what that meant, But I think that's good. - But you wouldn't do anything,
Mais tu ne ferais rien.
But you know I think that you do have it in you. And I want you to be happy.
Mais t'as ça en toi, et je veux que tu sois heureux.
I know it's too soon to jump to conclusions, but do you think this could be...? I mean, it'd be amazing.
Je veux dire, ça serait étonnant.
Do you think I don't know that?
Tu crois que je l'ignore?
you need to go now. Okay then how do you think I know all that stuff in the amnesia case ; you even said it was impossible.
Okay alors comment croyez-vous que j'ai su toutes ces choses dans le cas de l'amnésique ; vous avez dit vous-même que c'était impossible.
I can handle it! You know, I really do think that this little play date has come to an end.
Je pense vraiment que ce petit jeu touche à sa fin.
I think you do... know... what... this... is... about!
Je crois que tu sais très bien!
Darling, you know I like it spicy but I do think...
Chérie, j'aime ce qui est pimenté, mais je crois que...
I know you, and you don't think you are, but you're strong enough to do this.
Je te connais, tu en doutes, mais tu es assez forte pour faire ça.
I think you're the coolest chick I've ever met, and I know deep down in your heart, you'd do anything to help other people.
Je pense que vous êtes le plus cool de poulet que j'ai jamais rencontré, et je sais au fond de dans votre cœur, tu ferais n'importe quoi d'aider les autres.

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