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I thought that's what you wanted перевод на французский

100 параллельный перевод
If the old lady had her way, you'd have seen the last of me. I thought that's what you wanted.
Je vous croyais d'accord avec elle pour me faire déguerpir!
I thought that's what you wanted.
Ne sois pas si pressé! Désolé.
I told him that you were not here because I thought that's what you wanted.
Je lui ai dit que tu n'étais pas là, pensant que c'était ce que tu voulais.
I thought that's what you wanted.
Je croyais que c'était ce que tu voulais.
I thought that's what you wanted.
Je croyais que c'est ce que tu voulais.
I thought that's what you wanted to hear.
Je croyais que c'était ce que tu voulais que je dise.
I thought that's what you wanted.
Je croyais que tu le voulais.
Up until tonight, I thought that's what you wanted too.
Je croyais que c'était ce que tu voulais, toi aussi.
Because I thought that's what you wanted to hear.
C'était ce que vous vouliez entendre.
Well, I thought that's what you wanted. It was.
- C'était ce que vous vouliez, non?
That's what I thought. - I always wanted to meet you.
- Je rêvais de vous rencontrer
I thought that's what we needed, what you wanted.
Je croyais que c'était ce que vous vouliez.
Now... did you answer because you thought that's what I wanted to hear... or did you think about what I said... and answer cause you truly believe that to be right?
Tu dis ça pour me faire plaisir, ou parce que t'y as réfléchi et que tu crois sincèrement que c'est juste?
I thought that's what you wanted.
J'ai décidé de revenir.
I thought that's what you wanted.
C'est pas ce que tu veux?
- I thought that's what you wanted.
- Ce n'était pas ce que tu voulais?
I thought that's what you wanted.
C'est ce que tu voulais? Oui, mais pas comme ça!
I thought that's what you wanted, too.
Je croyais que tu en voulais un aussi.
I thought that's what you wanted. You wanted something more personal.
Je croyais que c'était ce que tu voulais, quelque chose de plus intime.
It's easier for you to say I'm too young than to risk something that's not what you thought you wanted.
C'est facile de dire que je suis trop jeune, tu ne prends pas de risques.
I wanted to help him out..... and make a few bucks. I guess I thought, you know, what's the worst thing that could happen?
Je voulais l'aider. J'allais me faire du blé.
I thought that's what you wanted.
Désolé. Tu ne pensais pas à ça?
! I thought that's what you wanted too!
Je pensais que c'était ce que tu voulais aussi!
- I thought that's what you wanted!
- Je pensais que c'était ce que tu voulais!
I thought that's what you wanted so you could afford to go to Paris.
Je croyais que tu voulais ça pour avoir les moyens d'aller à Paris.
I thought that's what you wanted.
Je pensais que c'est ce que vous vouliez.
I've been trying to give you space since I got back, because I thought that's what you wanted.
J'ai essayé de te donner de l'espace depuis que je suis revenu, parce que j'ai cru que c'est ce que tu voulais.
I thought that's what you wanted.
J'ai pensé que c'est ce que tu voulais.
- I thought that's what you wanted.
- Je croyais que c'était ce que tu voulais?
I thought that's what you wanted Lonely Lady Michigan to do to you
J'ai pensé que c'est ce que tu voulais que Lonely Lady Michigan te fasse
I thought you'd be happy about it. I thought that's what you wanted.
Je pensais que ça te ferait plaisir.
Uh, I thought that's what You wanted.
Je croyais que c'était ce que tu voulais?
I thought that's what you Wanted.
Qu'est-ce qui te fait penser ça?
Okay, I agree, I said that'cause I thought that's what you wanted me to say.
D'accord avec toi, j'ai cru que c'était ce que tu voulais entendre.
I thought, the other day, that's what you wanted, too.
Je pensais, l'autre jour, que c'est ce que tu voulais aussi.
Oh, Jeremy. We've spent the last two long years getting you in. I thought that's what you wanted.
Jeremy, on a passé deux longues années à t'y préparer.
- I thought that's what you wanted.
- Tu voulais pourtant y aller.
That's what I told them cause I thought you were happy, but they wanted to talk to you specifically
Je le leur ai dit, mais ils veulent te parler.
I thought that's what you wanted me to do.
Ce n'est pas ce que vous vouliez?
I thought that's what you wanted.
Pardon, j'ai cru vous plaire.
Talk to me, Ames. I thought that's what you wanted.
C'est ce que vous vouliez, non?
Oh, no, no, I thought that's what you wanted.
Je croyais que c'était ce que tu voulais. Non.
Um, listen, uh, the thing is that, uh... Nathan said this whole gambling thing's just gonna go away, and I don't real know, uh, how much I believe that, and I just wanted to know what you thought - - if you think that he's right or - - or do you think he's right?
Écoute, Nathan dit que toute cette histoire va s'en aller, et je ne suis pas sûre de le croire.
And I thought that's what you wanted, too.
Et je croyais que c'était ce que tu voulais.
Sorry, I thought that's what you wanted to hear.
Pardon, je croyais que c'était ce que vous vouliez entendre.
I thought that's what you wanted.
Je pensais que c'est ce que tu voulais.
Oh, I thought that's what you wanted.
Oh, je pensais que c'étais ce que tu voulais.
I thought that's what you wanted.
Je pensais que c'était ce que tu voulais.
But I thought that's what you wanted to do?
mais je croyais que c'etait ce que tu voulais faire?
The only reason why I've been going along with the big wedding is because I thought that that's what you wanted.
La seule raison pour laquelle je m'engageais dans un grand mariage, c'est parce que je croyais que tu le voulais.
I thought that's what you wanted. - You were wrong.
- C'était ce que tu voulais, je croyais.

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