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I won't lie to you перевод на французский

175 параллельный перевод
You know I won't lie to you.
Tu sais que je ne te mentirai pas.
And here, just the year when they're getting ready to graduate, you go and... I tell you, i  s against the law and you're making her live a lie and I won't have you doing it.
Et l'année de leur certificat. C'est contre la loi, je ne te laisserai pas faire!
I won't lie to you, I did kill him.
Je ne vous mens pas.
I won't lie to you. I wanted it.
En vérité, je voulais gagner.
- Yes... I promise you won't have to lie on that uncomfortable sofa. Unless you really want to, of course.
Tu ne seras pas obligé de coucher sur le divan... à moins que tu y tiennes.
I won't lie to you.
Je ne te mentirai pas.
I won't lie to you.
Je vais être honnête avec vous.
I won't lie to you, I was waiting for a phone call.
j'attendais un appel.
No, definitively no. I won't lie to you.
Non, certainement elle ne le sera pas.
I'm not going to ask you to understand me, but I won't lie to you.
Tu as sûrement du mal à comprendre mais je ne te mens pas.
I won't lie to you, I was a little worried.
Je vais être honnête avec toi, j'étais un peu inquiet.
I won't lie to you.
Je ne vous mentirai pas.
I won't lie to you. That's out of my hands. I'll have to talk to my superiors.
Ce n'est pas de mon ressort, je dois en parler à mes supérieurs.
At least I won't have to lie to you anymore. Oh!
Au moins, je ne te mentirai plus.
Ted, I won't lie to you. We don't have a hope of winning if you're out of work.
Je ne vais pas vous mentir... mais impossible de gagner si vous êtes au chômage.
Just you listen to him. Sir Henry, I won't lie to you.
Ah, ah Watson vous avez vu?
Now, I'll call myself collect tonight and you'll tell them I'm not home and that way you'll know I arrived safely and you won't have to lie to the phone company.
Je m'appellerai en PCV, je serai pas là, mais comme ça, vous saurez que je suis bien arrivée.
I won't lie to you, Timmy.
- Je vais être franc.
I won't lie to you.
Je ne peux pas mentir.
Soldats, vous allez partir en guerre.
And it's easy to lie to you. But I won't do it.
Pour moi, ça serait facile de te mentir, mais je le ferai pas.
I am an incredibly skilled doctor and I will continue to pursue a safe and effective treatment until I find one... but I won't lie to you.
Je suis un docteur extrêmement compétent, et je poursuivrai mes recherches jusqu'à ce que je trouve un traitement.
I won't lie to you.
Je vais être franc.
I told you, I won't lie to you.
Je vous ai dit que je ne mentirai pas.
Look, I won't lie to you.
Je ne vous mentirai pas.
I won't lie to you.
Je ne mentirai pas.
I won't lie to you, ma'am. Our chances of finding your children are slim to nil.
Pour être franc, les chances de retrouver vos enfants sont très minces.
I won't lie to you. I do.
Je vais pas te mentir.
I won't send you off... because I don't want to lie to you.
Je ne veux pas te dire bon voyage... parce que je ne veux pas te mentir.
I won't lie to you. I think it's a possibility.
À dire vrai, je pense que c'est possible.
Okay, I won't lie to you. A lot of people saw that.
Bon, tout le monde t'a vu prendre un râteau.
"Luck"? I won't lie to you, Doctor. A lot of things could go wrong.
ça pourrait mal se passer.
I won't lie to you - .. you don't look so great...
Je vais pas te mentir - t'as pas l'air en forme...
OK, Tonane, I won't lie to you.
O.K., Tonane, j'arrête de mentir.
I won't lie to you on that.
Je ne te le cache pas.
"Now, i won't lie to you. I have" absolutely no idea what i'm doing.
A dire vrai, je n'ai aucune idée de ce que je fais.
I won't lie to you, Neo.
Je serai franc.
I'm just curious about you. I won't lie to you, definitely not.
Je n'irai pas si tu ne le souhaites pas.
I won't lie to you - she could die.
je serai franche. elle peut mourir.
I said I would never lie to you, and I won't.
J'ai dit que je ne te mentirais jamais.
Bite mark isn't good, I won't lie to you.
La morsure joue contre nous.
I won't lie to you :
Je ne te le cache pas :
I won't lie to you, David, I'll push for some change at St. Bart's.
Je serai sincère. Je vais faire bouger les choses.
You want to be very careful about what you say in this room because if subpoenaed to give a deposition, I won't lie under oath.
Si je suis cité, je ne mentirai pas.
You're right. I need someone who won't lie to me, like you did.
J'ai besoin de quelqu'un qui ne me mentira pas, comme toi.
I won't lie to you.
Je ne vais pas vous mentir.
- I won't lie to you.
Je ne vous mentirai pas.
Lin i come to bring you home i won't go i said goodbye it's all lie even you said he will come for me why you lie to me i just fell in love with Mr. Tabuzai
Lin. Je suis venue pour te ramener à la maison. Je ne veux pas y aller.
Captain, i won't lie to you.
Capitaine, je ne vous mentirai pas.
Stain, I won't lie to you.
Tache, je ne vais pas te mentir.
And if you are asked to testify to what happened, I trust that you won't lie... not in a court of law.
Et si tu es appelé à témoigner de ce qui s'est passé... je compte que tu ne mentiras pas...

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