If you're going перевод на французский
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Quirke, if you're going to keep on apologising, you can clear off. Sorry, I...
- Inutile de vous confondre en excuses.
But if you're not gone by then, I'm going to have you thrown out.
Si vous ne partez pas, je vous fais expulser.
And, listen, if you're ever interested in moonlighting in street medicine, my little clinic isn't going anywhere.
Écoutes, si jamais tu es intéressé par de la médecine de rue clandestine, Ma petite clinique n'ira nul part.
If you're going to do something this stupid and selfish after I already told you what would happen- -
Si tu veux faire ce choix stupide et égoïste, je t'avais prévenu sur ce qu'il allait se passer.
If you're going to be that preachy, I'd rather stop.
Si c'est pour entendre ces sermons, je préfère ne plus rien écrire.
Listen to me, okay, you're going to bleed to death if you don't get to the hospital right now.
Écoute, tu sais que tu vas te vider de ton sang si tu ne vas pas à l'hôpital immédiatement
If that's how you're going to be, this session is over.
Si c'est comme ça, la session est finie.
If you're not even going to try, I don't know if I can take it anymore.
Si tu ne veux même pas essayer, je sais pas si je pourrais supporter ça plus longtemps.
If you're going to eradicate the Watchdog,
Si vous comptez éradiquer le chien de garde,
If you flunk that test and your mother calls... I'm going to tell her that you're studying or playing?
Si tu rates le test et ta mère appelle, je lui dis que tu étudiais ou que tu jouais?
But if you're telling me the reason they were separated... is because there was no host family here for her, then you're going to have to find one.
Mais si vous dites qu'ils ont été séparés car aucune famille ne pouvait l'accueillir, il va vous falloir en trouver une.
If you're going to be insolent, it wouldn't kill you to call me "sir".
Si vous voulez être insolent, ça ne vous tuera pas de m'appeler "monsieur".
If you're a bonobo, I mean, how do you know that's going to work?
si l'on est un bonobo bien sûr! Comment savez-vous que cela peut fonctionner?
Well, you know, I think it's going to make me nervous if I think you're waiting right outside the door.
Ça va me faire stresser si je pense que tu es juste là derrière la porte.
Additionally, if you're going to commit murder, you might consider changing your perfume, Lady Smallwood.
Si vous comptez commettre un meurtre, vous devriez changer de parfum, Lady Smallwood.
Well, could you brush your teeth if you're going to breathe into my face like that?
Va te laver les dents si je dois supporter ton haleine.
You're crazy if you think I'm not going in there with you.
Tu rêves si tu crois y aller sans moi.
If you're going to settle old scores, you can't be half-assed about it.
Si tu veux réussir, pas de demi-mesure.
If you're staying or going?
Si tu restes ou si tu pars?
I swear to God, if you sign off, you're going to be sitting there in silence, honey.
Je jure devant Dieu que si tu rends l'antenne, tu vas rester là en silence, chérie.
I know you're a hermit and everything, but if you don't stop that fucking dog from barking, lam going to roll your trailer off the cliff.
Je sais que tu es un ermite, mais si tu ne l'empêches pas d'aboyer, je vais pousser ta roulotte en bas de la falaise.
I've seen you go, but I don't know if you're going to N.A. or not.
Je t'ai vu y aller, mais je ne sais pas Si tu vas à N.A ou pas.
If he sees those partitions, he's going to know that you're the source of intel I've been selling to China.
S'il voit ces partitions, il saura que vous étiez la source de l'info que j'ai vendu à la Chine.
If he sees those partitions, he's going to know that you're the source of intel I've been sending to China.
S'il voit ces partitions, il saura que vous êtes la source des renseignements que j'ai envoyés à la Chine.
If he sees those partitions, he's going to know that you're the source of intel I've been
S'il voit ces partitions, il va savoir que tu es la source de intel J'ai été
I've seen her and if you want to keep Cosima out of this, you're going to tell me where she is.
Moi, je l'ai vue. Et si tu veux éviter des ennuis à Cosima, dis-moi où elle est.
If you're in so much trouble that you're going to be hanged, what on earth would be so important that you would still keep it a secret?
Si on a tellement d'ennuis qu'on risque d'être pendue, que peut-il y avoir de si important qu'on l'emporte dans la tombe?
What is the point in not eating if you're not going to flaunt your figure?
Ça sert à quoi de pas manger si tu t'affiches pas un peu plus?
I want to know whose idea this was and if you guys tell us, we're going to get a lot friendlier.
Je veux juste savoir qui a eu l'idée, et si vous nous le dites, on sera beaucoup plus amies
So if you find yourself going up against an uncooperative detainee, remember you're being watched.
Donc si vous êtes confrontés à un détenu récalcitrant, souvenez-vous qu'on vous voit.
If... if you call on your radio, you're not going to make it.
Si vous utilisez la radio, vous n'y arriverez pas.
Don't you think you should probably be wearing clothes and shoes if you're going into town?
Tu ne pense pas que tu devrais probablement porter des vêtements et des chaussures si tu vas en ville?
But if you have it, they're going to let you go home.
Mais s'il vit, ils vous laisseront partir.
[Sighs] If you're going to yell at me again, you might as well leave.
Si tu vas me crier dessus à nouveau, tu ferais aussi bien de partir.
Finally my father said, "If you're going to do it, you might as well do it right."
Mon père a fini par dire, "Si c'est ce que tu veux faire, autant le faire correctement."
Listen, if you're going to do it, you gotta get up there now.
Si vous voulez y aller, il faut y aller maintenant.
Well, I don't want to keep anything from you either, and if you're going out to see Sophie, then there's something that you should know.
Je ne veux rien te cacher non plus. Si tu vas voir Sophie, il y a une chose que tu dois savoir.
You are going to need an original on your side, and I'm gonna need a witch on mine if we're gonna stop those two from running things.
On devra se soutenir mutuellement, si on veut mettre fin à leur règne.
If you're going up there, I'm going too.
Si vous allez là-haut, j'y vais aussi.
- And if you do, you're going to have to give back all this money plus a huge penalty.
- Et si tu le fais, tu devras rendre tout l'argent plus une énorme pénalité.
Dad, you're not going back through all your old cases seeing if any of them had something to do with the supernatural, are you?
Papa, ne me dis pas que tu réexamines tes vieilles affaires pour voir si certaines sont liées à des pouvoirs surnaturels.
Well, if you're going to sweat and strain all day, at least eat a decent lunch.
Bon, puisque vous allez être trimer dur, prenez au moins un repas décent.
What if I was to bring a doctor of economics round to your house, Father, and explain to you where you're going astray?
Que diriez-vous que j'amène un docteur en économie à côté de chez vous, Mon Père, pour vous expliquer en quoi vous courrez à votre perte?
But if what we have is going to last, you have to start thinking me as the person you're closest to, the person that you want to share everything with.
Mais si tu veux que ça dure, tu dois commencer à penser à moi en tant que personne la plus proche, la personne avec laquelle t'as envie de tout partager.
If I get one more text or stupid doll, you're going to be buying your soap on a rope.
Si je reçois un message ou une poupée stupide de plus, tu vas perdre le contrôle.
You have no idea how much trouble you're going to be in, if you show those videos to anyone.
Tu n'as aucune idée de combien tu auras de problème si tu montres ces vidéos à quelqu'un.
And if you want to maintain my respect, you're going about it all wrong.
Et si vous voulez conserver mon respect, vous vous y prenez très mal.
If we're going to be working together, we need to be friends, don't you think?
Si nous travaillons ensemble, nous devrions être amis, non?
Actually, we're going to The Stud later if you want to join.
- En fait, on va au Stud plus tard si tu veux nous rejoindre.
But I'm not going to do that to myself if you're not ready.
Mais je ne m'infligerai pas ça si tu n'es pas prêt.
You know, I'm going to Harvard, and if they find out, they're going to cut me, and my life will be over.
Je vais à Havard et s'ils le découvrent Ils vont annuler mon admission, et ma vie sera finit. Chut.
if you're going to kill me 19
if you're happy and you know it 31
if you're hungry 89
if you're 71
if you're reading this 32
if you're watching this 56
if you're not happy 19
if you're not ready 23
if you're gonna kill me 28
if you're lying to me 20
if you're happy and you know it 31
if you're hungry 89
if you're 71
if you're reading this 32
if you're watching this 56
if you're not happy 19
if you're not ready 23
if you're gonna kill me 28
if you're lying to me 20
if you're interested 214
if you're not doing anything 22
if you're lying 50
if you're lucky 177
if you're not busy 22
if you're happy 43
if you're right 147
if you're not interested 24
if you're desperate 83
if you're not too busy 32
if you're not doing anything 22
if you're lying 50
if you're lucky 177
if you're not busy 22
if you're happy 43
if you're right 147
if you're not interested 24
if you're desperate 83
if you're not too busy 32