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If you're going to kill me перевод на французский

76 параллельный перевод
Jump off a rope if you're going to kill yourself, but don't ask me to help you.
Saute du toit, si tu veux te tuer. Me demande pas de t'aider.
If you're going to die, kill me first!
Mais si nous mourons, que va devenir notre enfant?
But Ozeki... if you're not going to kill me, how will you save face?
Mais, Ozeki... si tu n'essaies pas de me tuer, comment va réagir le clan Kannon?
I won't tell you anything, even if you're going to kill me!
Parce que je ne dirai rien, même sous la torture! Bien!
If you're going to make me feel lonely again, I'll kill myself.
Si tu me fais encore sentir seule, je me tuerai.
Why should I do what you tell me to do if you're going to kill me anyway?
Pourquoi devrais-je vous écouter puisque vous allez me tuer?
If you're not going to kill me, I have things to do.
Si tu n'as pas l'intention de me tuer... j'ai des choses à faire.
If you had challenged anyone else in that manner you would be dead right now. If you want me off this ship you're going to have to kill me.
Cela fait cinq heures que Damar essaie de vous joindre.
If you don't, I'm going to kill her, I'm gonna burn this place to the ground, and you're gonna watch.
Si tu ne me le donnes pas, je vais la liquider, je vais foutre le feu à cette baraque et tu pourras te rincer l'œil.
If you don't bring me that film we're going to kill him, fuck him and film it.
Si tu ne rapportes pas ce film... nous allons le tuer, le niquer... et filmer le tout.
( SINGING ) Amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch... Even if you kill me, they're all going to stop you, you fucking freak.
Même si tu me tues, ils te planteront espèce de putain de taré!
If you want the money... You're going to have to kill me.
Si tu veux l'argent... il faudra me tuer.
If you're going to kill me, at least tell me who it is that's going to send me to God.
Si tu veux me tuer, dis-moi qui m'envoie auprès de Dieu!
If you're going to kill me anyway just get it over with, brother Kakihara.
Je connais tes méthodes. Si tu vas me tuer de toutes façons alors fais vite, grand frère.
If you're going to kill me, do it.
Si vous voulez me tuer, allez-y.
You see, they're going to kill me if I don't get the money in 30 days.
Ils sont décidés à me zigouiller si j'ai pas l'argent dans trente jours.
So if you're going to kill me, just get it over with.
Alors, si tu comptes me tuer, finis-en.
If you're going to kill me, I'd like to confess first.
Si vous comptez me tuer, je voudrais me confesser.
Because... if you want to kill me Johnny, you're going to have to get in line like everybody else.
Parce que... si vous voulez me tuer Johnny, vous allez devoir passer à l'antenne comme tout le monde.
If you kill me, you're going to have to drag me.
Si tu me tues, tu devras me traîner.
And if you're not pregnant in three months... your dad and Jai's mother are going to kill me
Et si vous n'êtes pas enceintes Dans trois mois... Votre papa et la mère de Jai Vont me tuer
Kill me if you're going to.
Tuez-moi, si c'est votre intention.
now I don't know what's gonna happen... but if I feed I might lose control and you're not going to have a choice... kill me.
Je ne sais pas ce qui va se passer, mais la faim aura le contrôle. Tu n'auras pas le choix. Tue-moi!
If you're going to kill me, I want to see your faces.
Si vous comptez me tuer, je veux voir vos visages.
If you want it, you're going to have to kill me.
Si vous la voulez, vous allez devoir me tuer.
They said they're going to kill me if you don't give us pizza.
Ils disent qu'ils vont me tuer si vous nous donnez pas des pizzas.
If I tell you, how do I know you're not just going to kill us anyway?
Qui me dit que vous ne nous tuerez pas?
If you're going to kill me, do it quickly!
Si tu veux, tue-moi vite!
I - I... I can't do it, Burt,'cause you're just going to kill me if I write it anyway.
Je... je ne peux pas le faire, Burt, parce que tu vas me tuer même si je l'écris de toute façon.
you're going to kill me? If you really want to die, ben, that's your best bet.
Si vous voulez vraiment mourir, c'est votre meilleure chance.
If you don't do anything to help, they're going to kill me and my mom.
Si vous ne faites rien pour m'aider, ils vont me tuer moi et ma maman.
If you're going to kill me, get on with it.
Si vous êtes venu pour me tuer, finissons-en.
If you're going to kill me, Then can I please have some water?
Puisque vous allez me tuer, pourrais-je avoir de l'eau?
If you're going to kill someone, kill me.
S'il le faut, tuez-moi.
God, they'd... they're going to kill me if they know that I'm talking to you right now.
Mon dieu, ils... ils vont me tuer, si ils savent que je vous parle.
It didn't piss me off enough to kill him, if that's where you're going.
Pas au point de le tuer, si c'est ce que vous pensez.
If I don't kill you, I take the money and you're going to come after me, right? Yeah.
Si je ne te tue pas, tu me pourchasseras.
If you're going to kill me, get it over with.
Si vous voulez me tuer, finissons-en.
If you're going to kill me, just do it.
Si vous allez me tuer, faites-le.
If you're going to kill me, just go ahead an do it.
- Si tu veux me tuer, alors vas-y, maintenant.
If I don't give it to you, they're going to kill me.
- Ils me tueront si tu refuses.
Well, if you think I'm going to let you use me, then kill me, you're crazy.
Si vous pensez que je vais vous laisser m'utiliser, alors tuez-moi, vous êtes cinglé.
If you're going to kill me, just do it.
Si vous voulez me tuer, faites-le.
If you're going to kill me, just do it!
Si tu comptes me tuer, fais-le!
If you're going to kill me, kill me.
Si tu veux me tuer, vas-y.
If you kill him, you're going to have to kill me.
Si tu le tue, tu devras me tuer
If you're going to kill me, just get it over with.
Si tu comptes me tuer, autant en finir.
If you're going to kill him, you'll have to kill me first.
Si tu le tues, il faudra me tuer d'abord.
If you're going to kill me, just get it over with.
Si tu vas me tuer fait le maintenant.
So if you're going to kill me, go ahead.
Alors si vous voulez me tuer. Allez-y.
If you're not going to kill me you don't have a choice.
À moins d'essayer de me tuer, tu n'as pas d'autre choix.

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