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Is that all you got перевод на французский

802 параллельный перевод
- Is that all you got to say?
- Vous avez terminé?
- Is that all you got to say?
- C'est tout ce que t'as à dire?
Is that all you got to say to me?
C'est tout ce que tu as à me dire?
is that all you got to say to your Papa?
C'est tout ce que tu as à dire à ton père?
Sure. Is that all you got in mind?
C'est tout ce que tu as dans la tête?
What? Is that all you got to say to me?
C'est tout ce que tu as à me dire?
Is that all you got to say, Steve?
C'est tout ce que tu as à dire?
What do you mean? All you've got is 5 years of experience as an assistant writer, with no publications, not even a debut experience, not to mention the fact that you were excommunicated from the field and wasted 3 years away.
Qu'est-ce que vous voulez dire? Sans mentionner le fait que vous avez été excommunié du domaine et que vous avez été absente pensant 3 ans. Auriez-vous eu la moindre chance de venir ici?
All you've got to do is just shamelessly throw your book at them for review, hoping that that will boost the sale of your book and they are stuck with reading the whole pathetic writing, and even if they do finish reading it, 99.9 % of the time it ends up being a waste of time.
En espérant que cela boostera vos ventes. 99.9 % de ce temps sera gaspillé.
All you got in the world is a dirty deck of cards and a crooked one at that.
Tout ce que tu as au monde, c'est un vieux jeu de cartes... et truqué avec ça.
All I've got to say is that you've got a good job now.
Écoute, tu as un bon métier.
All you got to do is answer their questions, that's all.
Il vous suffit de répondre à leurs questions.
All I'm saying is that I got in over my head and it's up to you boys to bail me out.
Je me suis fais avoir et je compte sur vous pour me sortir de là.
Well, all I've got to say is that you'd better be good.
Je vous conseille d'être excellente.
Now all you've got to do is to find the guy that belongs to that.
Maintenant, il faut trouver le gars à qui ça appartient.
- Is that all you got to tell me?
- C'est tout?
Is that all you've got to say? Why don't you do something about it?
C'est tout ce que vous avez à dire?
All you've got to do is get him so enthused over what life insurance would do for him that he can see himself lying in his grave glorying in the physical comfort of his family.
Vous devez le persuader de contracter une assurance vie, de telle sorte qu'il puisse s'imaginer reposant dans sa tombe, fier du bien-être matériel qu'il a procuré à sa famille.
Is that all you've got to say to me?
C'est tout ce que vous trouvez à me dire?
We've all got our health, and as far as anything else is concerned we still leave that up to you.
Nous sommes tous en bonne santé, et pour le reste, nous nous en remettons à Vous.
Mr. Kidley, I been watchin'you mighty close here of late... and all I got to say is that you ain't been livin'up to your promise.
M. Kidley, je vous ai observé de très près, dernièrement... Vous n'avez pas tenu votre promesse.
- That's the idea. Now all you have to do is build it up a little bit, and you've got something.
Élaborez un peu et vous aurez quelque chose de bien.
84 bucks is all we've got left, and you spend $ 75 on a piece of junk like that.
Il ne nous reste plus que 84 balles. Tu en as dépensé 7 5 pour cette pacotille!
Julia, is that all you've got to say?
Julia, c'est tout ce que vous avez à dire?
All I got is 6, but you can have that.
J'ai 6 $. Prends-les.
What have we got on the other side? All we've got is that maybe you love me and maybe I love you.
D'un autre côté, le fait que peut-être tu m'aimes et que peut-être je t'aime...
You've got to have something, that's all there is to it.
Vouloir quelque chose à tout prix.
- All you've got to do is just say that you...
- Il vous suffit juste de dire que...
You see, Miz Hilton, it's this way... them uptown folks is all right in their way, but it's that lazy trash they got working for'em.
Voilà, Mme Hilton, ce qui arrive... Les gens du haut de la ville, ils sont bien à leur façon, mais c'est la racaille qui travaille pour eux.
- Is that all you got?
C'est tout?
Just as everything is going good... you got to go and start all that again.
Juste quand tout va bien tu dois ressortir tout ça.
Is that all you've got?
C'est tout ce que vous avez?
Is that all the evidence you got?
Ce sont là toutes vos preuves?
Is that all you've got to say to me?
C'est tout ce que tu as à dire?
Is that all you've got?
Il n'y en a plus?
All you've got to do, Quincy, is find him. Yes, that's all I've got to do.
Comme si c'était facile.
Ah bon, vraiment?
Don't make it so that all he's got to look forward to... is something happening to you.
Il ne faut pas que son avenir se résume à un éventuel accident.
- Is that all you've got to say?
- C'est tout ce que tu as à dire?
All I got to do is lift that phone and you're out of action.
Je n'ai qu'à téléphoner, et vous serez hors d'action.
I've been trying to understand why he wouldn't go with me, and now all I can think of is that it's got to be because of you.
Je ne comprenais pas pourquoi il refusait de partir. C'est pour vous.
Is that all you've got to tell us?
C'est tout ce que vous avez à nous dire?
"All I know is that whatever it is, it's got nothing to do with me or you..."
"En tout cas, ça n'a rien à voir avec nous!"
"That's all you've had for four months, ever since you got back from Scotland." is that right?
Vous buvez du whisky depuis votre retour d'Ecosse.
is that all you've got to say?
C'est tout ce que tu as à dire?
" Son there'll be times when all you've got to be proud of is the fact that you're a man.
" Fiston, viendront des moments où la seule chose dont tu pourras être fier c'est d'être un homme.
Okay, sir, all you got to do is back up to those doors, pick up a load of those renegade nurses and enlisted men, follow that last ambulance, they'll lead you right to the place.
Vous n'avez qu'à reculer jusqu'aux portes, récupérer ces infirmières et ces soldats rebelles, suivre la dernière ambulance, elle vous y mènera.
You've all got to understand that the reason you were picked is immaterial.
Il faut comprendre que la raison de votre choix est sans importance.
- Is that all you've got?
- C'est tout ce que vous avez?
Is that all you've got to say?
C'est tout ce que vous avez à dire?
Now that you're satisfied and that the kid's got his guns, would you mind telling me what this is all about?
Maintenant que vous êtes content et que le gosse est armé, dites-moi ce que signifie tout ça.

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