It's like they say перевод на французский
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You know how people are. They say it's just like home to them.
Vous savez comment sont les gens.
It's just a mite of talk. They say you's got yourself so hooked onto that Captain Gaskell that he's shaking himself like a wet hound-dog and can't get you loose nohow.
Que vous vous agrippez si fort au capitaine Gaskell qu'il est comme une bête prise au piège qui arrive pas à se libérer.
They say it's like a long cloud in the distance.
Il est caché derrière un énorme nuage.
- It's like a barber chair. They're gonna ask, "Anything to say?"
C'est comme le fauteuil du coiffeur.
They say the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world... but, believe me, it's songs like this that fill it.
On dit que la main qui remue le berceau dirige le monde... Mais croyez-moi, ce sont des chansons comme celle-ci qui les remplissent.
When I told'em it was my wife they'd say "Nobody's got a wife looks like that." "What's her telephone number?"
Quand je répondais que c'était ma femme, ils refusaient de me croire et réclamaient ton numéro.
They say it's just like going to sleep.
On dit que c'est une mort douce.
Well, it's what they say here, darling you know, like,
C'est une expression d'ici. Comme...
But it's like they say about streetcars - there'll be another one along any minute.
Mais c'est comme pour les bus, le suivant peut arriver juste après.
If it's like you say, they'll send him to an institution.
Si vous dites la vérité, on l'enverra se faire soigner.
When they call and say, "It's a boy!" I'm going to rip them off and wave them like a flag.
Demain matin, si c'est un garçon, je le déchire et je m'en fais un drapeau!
It's like killin'a cop on duty, they say.
C'est comme tuer un flic en service.
You know, they say, it's not what you call a true fog. More like a sort of heat mist. Heavier than your typical fog, it is.
C'est pas un vrai brouillard mais une brume de chaleur, il paraît.
Let's say that we're going to follow this trail just like well, just like they did it, huh? Now, what i want to know is what's going to happen next?
Mettons qu'on suive cette piste, tout comme ils l'ont fait!
They say it's under control, but I like to be prepared for the worst.
Ils disent que c'est maîtrisé, mais je préfère prévoir le pire.
Oh yes, it's just like what they say. It's like... like a fairy story.
Un vrai conte de fées!
They say when you have your second wall-screen... - it's like having your family grow around you.
Il paraît... que c'est comme si la "famille" vous entourait de partout.
It's all very well for you to say that I can get them back undetected but, well, if something goes wrong, I don't think that they would understand that you merely like to wear them for a couple of hours.
C'est facile de dire que je peux les rendre sans problème. mais si ça devait mal tourner je ne suis pas sûr qu'ils comprendraient que tu les portes seulement quelques heures.
- It ´ s just like ´ hey man! ´ in the US. They say ´ Hey Papa San ´.
Ici, tu dis : "Salut vieux." Là-bas, ils disent : "Papa San."
Like they say, it's always the trombone player.
- Comme on dit : "Tout pour le joueur de trombone!"
It's like they're neurotic or psychotic or having fun as they say in... I don't know. I don't know.
Ce sont des fous, mais peut-être... qu'ils s'amusent, comme le dit Life Magazine.
It's like you say, if they're willin'to talk, well...
Comme tu dis, s'ils veulent parler, alors...
They say he looks like his father But it's only a coincidence
Selon la rumeur qui court, c'est le fils de ses parents.
It's like they say, Miss Cake... some people are born great... and others have greatness thrust into them.
Comme ils disent, Mlle Cake, certains naissent grands, et d'autres ont de la grandeur insufflée.
Sometimes a deejay'll play a tune... and ask everybody to phone in and say how they like it.
Ça arrive que l'animateur mette une chanson et demande aux gens de téléphoner pour dire s'ils l'ont aimée.
If they say "I like you", it's not so bad.
On n'a rien à craindre quand ils disent qu'ils aiment bien.
Huh? You know, it's like they say on the [inaudible].
Tu sais, c'est comme on voit sur les boîtes de pizzas.
It's like, They give you a name, and they say,
Ils vous donnent un nom, et disent,
That's what they say it tastes like.
C'est le goût que ça a.
It's just like they say.
C'est comme ils disent.
No, it's like they say'.
Mais non?
It's like when you're sitting somewhere, and they come over and they say to you,
Ce qui fait que les femmes sont pour nous une bénédiction? Quand tu es assis quelque part... elles viennent te voir et te disent :
Well, I guess it's like they say.
Eh bien, j'imagine que c'est un peu ce qu'on dit.
Actually, it's more like they're not what they say they are.
Plutôt comme si elles s'étaient mises dans la peau de quelqu'un d'autre.
It's every bit as tough as they say, unless you're a genius like Meeks.
C'est aussi dur qu'on le dit, sauf si t'es un génie comme Meeks.
I mean, you know, it's like they say - "The clothes make the man."
C'est comme on dit, les vêtements font l'homme.
It's like they say - "The clothes make the man."
C'est comme on dit, les vêtements font l'homme.
* she got such good lovin', they can't say good-bye * * not too skinny, she's not too fat * * she's a real humdinger, and I like it like that * * devil with the blue dress, blue dress on *
Allo, le 911? Le diable à l'appareil. il y a un bande de malade qui joue une musique d'enfer.
They say, " What's it like to kiss a Jew?
" Ça fait quoi d'embrasser un juif?
I mean, they say it on the tour, you know, about the 40 tv's, like it was a big thing, like you should be really jealous of Elvis, but it just made me really sad.
Et c'est ce que je vais faire. - Harry n'appréciera pas. - Bon, bon!
- Like his lover. Say she said, "I've seen Lillian's body. They want $ 100,000 for it."
- Sa maîtresse... l'appelle et lui dit : "J'ai vu le corps, ils exigent 100000 $."
It's just like, let's say... you accidentally scream out the wrong name... and they jumping all out the back of your car like that.
C'est comme quand tu cries accidentellement un mauvais nom, elles bondissent hors de ta voiture en un clin d'oeil.
Look, it's like they say- - if you're not a rebel by the age of 20, but if you haven't turned establishment by 30, you got no brains... because there are no storybook romances,
Quand on se révolte pas à 20 ans, on est lâche. Mais quand on se range pas à 30, on a rien compris.
I'd like to say, mainly where they understand English in America, to... live a clean life, stay off the dope. It's tearing the country up.
Je voudrais dire à ceux qui parlent et comprennent l'anglais de vivre un vie saine, de ne pas toucher à la drogue, parce que c'est un fléau.
It just seems like the right thing to say, just like when you ask somebody if they want to be an organ donor.
C'est comme si on demandait à quelqu'un s'il donnerait ses organes...
They say it's like that in Hawaii.
Un peu comme à Hawaii.
It's, like, you know, when they say "two squared"... you think it means "two times two equals four"?
Quand on dit 2 au carré, tu crois que ça veut dire 2 X 2 = 4?
It's like they say, nothing is 100 % effective.
Mais rien n'est vraiment fiable à cent pour cent.
Tell me, P. Tinto, is it true what they say that the sun's red and round like a ball?
Dis-moi, P. Tinto, c'est vrai que le soleil est rouge, comme on dit, pareil à un ballon?
You know, they don't say like it's in the vicinity, give or take, roughly...
On ne vous dit pas "C'est environ à cette date-là..."
It's nothing like real life, where people think one thing but they say something else.
C'est différent de la vraie vie où les gens pensent une chose et en disent une autre.
it's like a fairy tale 19
it's like riding a bike 38
it's like 2099
it's like i'm 22
it's like that 152
it's like a dream come true 17
it's like you said 124
it's like this 178
it's like magic 16
it's like a drug 24
it's like riding a bike 38
it's like 2099
it's like i'm 22
it's like that 152
it's like a dream come true 17
it's like you said 124
it's like this 178
it's like magic 16
it's like a drug 24
it's like a dream 43
it's like a miracle 21
it's like you 22
it's like you're 17
it's like it never happened 25
it's like saying 20
it's like the 32
it's like i always say 17
it's like looking in a mirror 17
it's like a 174
it's like a miracle 21
it's like you 22
it's like you're 17
it's like it never happened 25
it's like saying 20
it's like the 32
it's like i always say 17
it's like looking in a mirror 17
it's like a 174
it's like old times 19
it's like i told you 32
it's like i said 93
like they say 50
they say 605
they say that 39
it's fine 7136
it's not fair 795
it's friday 105
it's done 1271
it's like i told you 32
it's like i said 93
like they say 50
they say 605
they say that 39
it's fine 7136
it's not fair 795
it's friday 105
it's done 1271
it's been so long 173
it's cold 680
it's warm 139
it's over 4654
it's okay 22028
it's ok 4874
it's me 10254
it's all right 8832
it's not 5855
it's about damn time 34
it's cold 680
it's warm 139
it's over 4654
it's okay 22028
it's ok 4874
it's me 10254
it's all right 8832
it's not 5855
it's about damn time 34
it's a boy 347
it's cool 1584
it's me again 322
it's only fair 72
it's a girl 287
it's just 7387
it's time to move on 61
it's time to go 391
it's not that difficult 19
it's not bad 367
it's cool 1584
it's me again 322
it's only fair 72
it's a girl 287
it's just 7387
it's time to move on 61
it's time to go 391
it's not that difficult 19
it's not bad 367