It wasn't just me перевод на французский
473 параллельный перевод
And ifI told you that just getting out on this barge and being on the sea had changed me and made me feel different about things as if all that I've been through wasn't me, didn't count it was just like it never happened you'd laugh, wouldn't you?
Si je te disais que vivre sur cette péniche m'a transformée et m'a fait voir les choses différemment, comme si ce que j'ai vécu ne comptait pas, que c'est comme si rien ne m'était arrivé, tu rirais, non?
It wasn't my fault. Peter just refused to fall in love with me.
Je n'y suis pour rien, Peter ne voulait pas m'aimer.
Wasn't it just like me to contract a child's disease?
C'est bien de moi, d'attraper une maladie infantile, non?
Well, it was just as though they'd thrown me into a snake pit... and I was shocked into thinking that maybe I wasn't as sick as the others... that I really might get well.
J'étais comme dans la fosse aux serpents et amenée à me dire moins malade que les autres, donc mieux.
When I first came to the hospital, I was just like you. I guess I'd still be the same way if it hadn't been for... someone who kept talking to me and made me feel I wasn't alone.
Quand je suis arrivée j'étais comme toi, et je le serais encore si personne ne m'avait parlé.
Well, if it wasn't that I was losing money, I'd just soon close the place up and really take care of him.
Si ça ne me faisait pas perdre de l'argent, j'aurais fermé et je m'en serais occupé.
I wasn't even gonna turn around just now when you opened it.
Je n'osais pas me retourner pour voir, mais c'était toi!
Then it wasn't just Chris and me.
Il ne s'agissait donc pas seulement de moi et de Chris.
I had a feeling he wasn't gonna make it, but he just didn't know how to tell me.
Je le sentais. Il ne savait pas comment me le dire.
Well, the way the propaganda officials wanted me to clown, it just wasn't funny.
Ce que les agents de propagande demandaient n'était tout simplement pas comique. - Le public ne riait pas. - Et que faites - vous?
There was just one thing I was cravin' It wasn't food It wasn't dough I guess you know
La seule chose qui me manquait n'était ni le manger ni l'argent, mais toi seulement et tu le sais.
He explained to me that it wasn't a true story. It's make-believe, just for the movies, understand?
Il m'a expliqué... que toutes ces histoires... c'était du cinéma.
Cause I wondered if it wasn't just a sense of possession that had been aroused in you.
Je me demandais si ce n'était pas un sentiment de possession qui serait né en vous
- Just as I thought. - If it wasn't you, who was it?
Il m'a dit de partir et de me taire.
She was just about to say something when her father appeared between us and made it very clear that I wasn't good enough for her.
Son père me fait comprendre que je ne suis pas assez bien pour elle.
I woke up one morning, and it just wasn't there.
Un jour, je me suis réveillé et c'était fini.
It wasn't just me.
Pas tout seul.
It wasn't just some woman - What are you telling me?
- Ce n'était pas n'importe qui...
And, it wasn't just me...
S'il n'y avait que moi...
It just might be I felt it wasn't right to leave my family.
Je me sentais coupable de laisser ma famille.
Third and mainly... it wasn't just me... lying on that bed.
Trois, surtout, il n'y avait pas que moi... dans ce lit.
When Tanner sent me over here, it wasn't just to watch out for you.
Tanner ne m'as pas envoyé ici seulement pour vous protéger.
Could it seem to me that I just missed colliding while to you it wasn't even close?
Eviterais-je une collision... alors que vous ne verriez rien de tel?
If you're wondering how I could be so sure... the combination was the phone number, if it wasn't, Higgins would have won. And fate just wouldn't do that to me.
Si vous vous demandez comment j'étais certain pour le numéro de téléphone, c'est parce que sinon, Higgins aurait gagné et le Destin ne m'aurait pas fait ça.
Anyway, I just decided it wasn't a good idea to work the streets with that kind of fear.
Je me suis dit qu'il ne valait mieux pas bosser dans les rues avec une telle phobie.
- Hold on, it wasn't just me.
- Et tout de suite là, il n'y a pas que moi.
- It wasn't me, Officer. I was just sitting here.
Ce n'était pas moi, Monsieur l'Agent.
I just wasn't certain it was boring... until you told me about the IRS.
Je n'étais pas convaincue que c'était ennuyant... jusqu'à ce que tu mentionnes le percepteur d'impôts.
It Just Wasn't Very Important To Me. That's Not Why I Married Him.
Cela n'a jamais eu d'importance pour moi.
Wasn't anything else intrigued me much, it's just stories.
Le reste ne m'a pas trop fascinée. Ce ne sont que des histoires...
Oh, I don't... It just wasn't that great a deal for me. No?
- Ce n'était pas une bonne offre.
The point is, my injuries were bad enough that I convinced myself that it just wasn't worth it.
Mes blessures étaient telles que je me suis convaincu que ça n'en valait pas la peine.
But it wasn't just me.
Mais ce n'est pas que moi.
But you know, it wasn't just for you... it was for me, too.
Mais tu sais, ce n'était pas juste pour toi, c'était aussi pour moi.
I'm trying to rationalize with those lyrics... trying to think, "Wouldn't it be nice?" And it just wasn't working.
"si on prie, ça arrivera." J'essaie de croire à ce qu'ils chantent. De me dire : "Ça ne serait pas bien?" Mais ça ne marche pas.
I just wanted to make sure it wasn't me, either, pardner.
Je voulais m'assurer que ce n'était pas moi non plus.
It wasn't just me. We all chipped in. Mr. Futterman and Marla.
Je n'étais pas seul, il y avait aussi M. Futterman et Marla.
It's just I was... It wasn't easy to admit she was having an affair with the likes of Neddy Malcolm.
Mais ça me gênait d'admettre qu'elle avait une liaison avec un type comme ce Malcomb.
Filmmaking, at least for me, wasn't really just a matter of writing this little script and then going and doing it as you thought that your own life and your own experience during the making of it was also a very strong element,
Pour moi, le cinéma, ça ne consistait pas juste à écrire un petit scénario et à aller le tourner. Tout ce qu'on a vécu et qu'on vit au cours du tournage, ça aussi, ça importe.
You called me "lucky." I wasn't lucky, man, it was just deep desire.
"Le chanceux"! Mais c'était pas ça, c'était un désir profond.
You're not gonna believe this, but... there I was, lying on that table... and I had my feet in those stirrupy things... and all of a sudden, it just came to me in a flash... that maybe the only reason I wasn't roasting somewhere in hell was- -
Tu ne vas pas le croire, mais... j'étais là, allongée sur cette table... et j'avais les pieds dans ces sortes d'étriers... et tout à coup, il y a eu comme un éclair en moi.
My parents wanted me to be a lawyer. It just wasn't for me.
On voulait que je sois avocate...
It wasn't just the building. It was me.
Ce n'était pas seulement l'immeuble... c'était moi
I'm just glad to know it wasn't really Bruce Wayne who attacked me.
Je suis soulagé de savoir que Bruce Wayne ne m'a pas attaqué.
- I'm just glad it wasn't me.
C'est rien!
I know it wasn't gonna end world hunger or save the planet, but it just meant something to me.
Je sais que ça n'allait pas mettre fin à la faim dans le monde ni sauver la planète mais ça comptait pour moi.
It wasn't enough just to kill me?
Ca ne leur a pas suffi de me tuer?
- Okay. I told your father what you told me this afternoon. It wasn't just Billy Jessup.
J'ai dit à ton père que Billy Jessup n'était pas seul.
If it wasn't for me, you would just be another whore around here.
Sans moi, tu serais juste une pute de plus ici.
Sir, begging the Admiral's pardon, it wasn't just my recommendation, sir.
Que l'amiral me pardonne, je n'étais pas le seul de cet avis.
Or I'd just tell myself that... I wasn't really there, and so... none of it really mattered.
Je me disais que... j'étais pas vraiment là, et que... ça n'avait pas d'importance.
it wasn't meant to be 40
it wasn't me 977
it wasn't your fault 315
it wasn't 1008
it wasn't that bad 112
it wasn't my fault 280
it wasn't hard 37
it wasn't a big deal 50
it wasn't fair 35
it wasn't a date 37
it wasn't me 977
it wasn't your fault 315
it wasn't 1008
it wasn't that bad 112
it wasn't my fault 280
it wasn't hard 37
it wasn't a big deal 50
it wasn't fair 35
it wasn't a date 37