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Translate.vc / английский → французский / [ J ] / Just for a few minutes

Just for a few minutes перевод на французский

301 параллельный перевод
Please. Just for a few minutes. I've ordered tea.
Mais si, deux minutes, on prépare le thé.
Please, just for a few minutes.
S'il te plaît, juste pour quelques minutes.
Well, perhaps just for a few minutes.
Peut-être quelques minutes. - Bravo!
- Just for a few minutes anyway.
- Juste quelques minutes.
- Just for a few minutes. - No.
- Juste quelques minutes.
All right then, but just for a few minutes.
D'accord, mais juste quelques minutes.
- Just for a few minutes. - No.
- Juste pour quelques minutes.
[Brian] All right then, but just for a few minutes.
D'accord, mais juste pour quelques minutes.
- very well, but just for a few minutes.
Entendu, juste quelques minutes.
If I could see him, just for a few minutes.
Si seulement je pouvais le voir une minute...
Maybe just for a few minutes.
Quelques minutes.
- Just for a few minutes.
- L'espace de quelques minutes.
Why don't you just talk to Dr Luther just for a few minutes?
Veux-tu en parler au Dr Luther?
All I want you to do is listen to me, just for a few minutes.
Tout ce que je vous demanderai, c'est de m'écouter juste quelques minutes.
Yes, but just for a few minutes. That's all. There might be some hint that you missed out on.
Un détail a pu vous échapper.
If it's all right, i'd like to talk to marilyn. Just for a few minutes.
Je voudrais parler à Marilyn quelques minutes.
Just for a few minutes, then they'll go.
Quelques minutes, ils repartent tout de suite.
Just for a few minutes.
Juste quelques minutes.
All right, but just for a few minutes.
D'accord, pour quelques minutes.
Maybe you had better wait for me just a few minutes down on the stage.
Attendez-moi quelques minutes sur la scêne.
I just wanted to see Jerry for a few minutes.
Je voulais juste voir Jerry quelques instants.
- Come on up for just a few minutes.
- Montez quelques instants.
If you will be patient for just a few minutes longer, I will make final adjustments in my laboratory and be ready.
Si vous voulez bien patienter encore un peu, je vais faire un dernier ajustement dans mon laboratoire.
- Yeah, for just a few minutes.
- Pour quelques minutes seulement.
Just one meal a day and put me out for a few minutes at night and in the morning.
Juste un repas par jour... et une sortie quelques minutes le soir et le matin.
You know, dear, if we could just slip away for a few minutes,
Tu sais, si nous pouvions nous échapper quelques minutes,
Please, if you just be quiet for a few minutes, I can explain the whole thing.
S'il vous plaît, écoutez-moi. Je vais tout vous expliquer.
Now, just relax and let me do the thinking for a few minutes.
Maintenant détendez-vous et laissez-moi décider pour la suite.
Just going back to the coach house for a few minutes to clear up.
Je rentre faire la vaisselle.
We'd just been out for a few minutes getting the rations...
On sortait pour aller chercher nos rations...
A few minutes later, she'd come in with a drink in her hand... for me, just as though nothing had happened.
Vite aprés, elle venait m'apporter un verre, comme si de rien n'était.
He reported for duty but was taken suddenly ill just a few minutes ago.
Il a pris son service, mais s'est senti mal soudain il y a quelques minutes.
It's terrible enough leaving him alone for just a few minutes.
C'est déjà terrible pour lui de le laisser seul quelques minutes.
Right, children. Now, just be good for a few minutes.
Soyez sages, les enfants!
I'm just going to borrow you for a few minutes.
Je t'empreinte pour quelques minutes.
But I've finished the first paragraph of my assignment... and I just wanted to drop by her place for a few minutes... and see if I was on the right track.
Mais j'ai fini le premier paragraphe de mon devoir et je voulais passer chez elle un instant pour voir si j'étais sur la bonne piste.
I know I don't have an appointment with her... but I just want to see her for a few minutes.
Je sais que je n'ai pas rendez-vous, mais je ne veux la voir qu'un instant.
Just a few minutes until the European champions are crowned, for, as you can see, there are still four of them left...
* - Il nous reste quelques minutes avant de savoir qui gagnera. * Le titre de champions d'Europe, au pluriel... *... car ils sont encore là tous les quatre!
- Can't we just stay for a few minutes?
- On ne reste pas un peu?
Not for just a few minutes.
Pas pour quelques minutes.
Raymond, why don't we just sneak away for a few minutes and sit down somewhere quietly and have a drink?
Pourquoi ne partons-nous pas quelques minutes pour boire un verre quelque part?
Look, my love, would you allow the doctor and I to withdraw for just a few moments and consult?
Ma mie, nous permettrez-vous de nous retirer le docteur et moi afin de nous consulter quelques minutes.
I'd like to just sit for a few minutes, if you're sure you're not too tired.
J'aimerais m'asseoir un instant, si vous n'êtes pas trop fatiguée.
Just let me rest here for a few minutes.
Laisse-moi me reposer, quelques minutes.
- May I not stay for just a few minutes?
- Je peux rester quelques minutes?
Just hold him still for a few minutes.
Retenez-le quelques minutes.
Open your mind for just a few minutes and let me inside, so that I can talk to you!
Ouvre ton esprit pour quelques minutes et laisse-moi y entrer, afin que je puisse te parler!
I just have to slip out for a few minutes, Lesterson, alright?
Je dois m'absenter quelques minutes.
If I could just get out for a few minutes...
Si seulement je pouvais sortir un instant!
I just have to cash a cheque, officer. I appreciate if you let her sit her for a few minutes..
Si elle pouvait rester ici, le temps de toucher un chèque...
I just wanna talk to you for a few minutes.
Je veux te parler un moment.

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