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Translate.vc / английский → французский / [ K ] / Kludd

Kludd перевод на французский

30 параллельный перевод
Now, Kludd, stories are part of our culture and our history.
Kludd, ces légendes sont notre culture et notre histoire.
Kludd, just because you can't see something doesn't mean it isn't real.
Kludd, une chose qu'on ne voit pas peut exister.
Kludd, wait! - No!
Kludd, attends!
You have strength, Kludd.
Tu as de la force, Kludd.
You know, Kludd, it helps when I picture where I'm gonna land.
Ça m'aide de prévoir où je vais me poser.
Kludd, do you want to go out and try some more branching?
Kludd, on se refait quelques branches?
- Kludd!
I don't know why Kludd would even think... Hey!
Je ne comprends pas que Kludd...
We have to find Kludd and we have to get out of here.
Retrouvons Kludd et sauvons-nous.
Kludd, come with us!
- Kludd, viens!
Every day, I've been looking for you and Kludd, and then this.
Tous les jours, je vous cherche, Kludd et toi. Et voilà...
No, you don't understand, Mrs. P. Kludd and I were kidnapped.
Vous ne comprenez pas. Kludd et moi, on a été enlevé.
My name is Kludd.
Je m'appelle Kludd.
Do you know why, Kludd?
Sais-tu pourquoi, Kludd?
Kludd, please, could we just go find Soren?
On peut aller retrouver Soren?
Kludd, I promise I won't tell anyone what you're doing.
Je promets de ne dire à personne ce que tu fais.
Kludd, he's still...
Kludd est encore...
Kludd was wrong.
Kludd se trompait.
No, I mean Kludd was there.
Kludd était là-bas.
Kludd gave me to the owl who brought me here.
Kludd m'a remise à la chouette qui m'a amenée ici.
No, my dreams are what make me strong, Kludd.
Mes rêves me rendent fort.
No, Kludd! I know you don't really think that.
Je sais que tu ne le penses pas.
Well, Kludd was never found.
On ne l'a jamais retrouvé.
Kludd, are you okay?
Ça va?
Kludd? Here we go.
- Kludd.
And Kludd?
Et Kludd?

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