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Translate.vc / английский → французский / [ L ] / Lazar

Lazar перевод на французский

190 параллельный перевод
- Oui, M. Lazar.
Oh, Dr. Lazar. Good morning, good morning.
Bonjour, Dr Lazar.
Well, how was your trip through the jungle this time, Lazar?
Comment s'est passé votre voyage dans la jungle?
- I'll convince you yet, Lazar.
Je vous convaincrai.
Dr. Lazar.
Dr Lazar!
First thing I'll do when we reach Bugandi is to get hold of Dr. Lazar.
Avant toute chose, je veux trouver le Dr Lazar.
Capable fellow, Lazar, but careless at times.
Compétent mais parfois négligent.
- Must get Lazar to accept that appointment.
Il faut qu'il accepte ce poste au Bugandi.
Lazar and the dead leopard boy are in the cave.
Lazar est avec eux dans la grotte.
Lazar a killer? Is everybody mad?
Lazar serait un assassin?
Arthur Freed and Sammy Snead And Irving Lazar
Arthur Freed, Sammy Sneak et Irving Lazar
Greetings, Mr Lazar!
Dieu te garde, mon seigneur Lazare!
Who is Lazar?
Dis-moi, qui est-il, le seigneur Lazare?
About the visit to the neighbour at Oboriste and what Lazar's daughter saw.
Les habitants d'Oboriste assistent à la venue de leur voisin, et comment la fille du seigneur Lazare perçoit le monde.
Come out, Lazar.
Sors de ton trou, Lazare.
- Lazar's scoundrels!
Cette canaille de Lazare.
- Lazar will pay for this.
Lazare nous le paiera.
Lazar's dogs are scared of their own wind!
De quoi tu parles? Ces quelques chiens de Lazare, affolés par le bruit de leurs propres pets.
You're going to leave Lazar to the will of God?
Et que vas-tu faire? Tu vas le laisser comme ça?
The captain's after us and you want to burn Lazar?
- Notre propre fourrure prend feu. - Tu veux mettre le feu?
- Lazar won't escape us.
Lazare ne nous échappera pas.
- He's on the way to Lazar.
On va le devancer.
And I want Lazar alive!
Et ramène-moi Lazare vivant!
- But leave us Lazar!
Mais laisse-nous Lazare!
How Lazar, rid of his worries with his neighbour ( whom the captain hunts through the woods ) Gives away his daughter without a dowry.
Débarrassé du voisin que le capitaine pourchassait à travers les bois, monseigneur Lazare marie sa fille, sans aucune dot.
Master Lazar.
Maître Lazare.
Why didn't you bring me Lazar?
C'est Lazare que je voulais.
Go, soften Lazar and wait.
Va! Va retrouver Lazare, et attends.
Mikolas, do you take Marketa, daughter of Lazar,
Nicolas, fils du Bouc, acceptes-tu Markéta, fille de Lazare?
It's about Lazar Wolf, the butcher. A good man.
C'est au sujet de Lazare Wolf, le boucher.
He doesn't like Lazar.
Tevye veut pour elle un homme instruit. Il n'aime pas Lazare.
Let Lazar discuss it himself. He'll win him over, he's a good man and a wealthy man.
Lazare lui parlera lui-même, et il le convaincra.
And you don't have to thank me, Golde, because, aside from my fee, which Lazar will pay anyway, it gives me satisfaction to make people happy.
Ne me remercie pas, Golde. À part ma note, que Lazare me réglera, je prends un grand plaisir à rendre les gens heureux.
- Lazar Wolf wants to see you.
Lazare Wolf veut te voir.
Is Reb Lazar Wolf at home?
Rav Lazare Wolf est-il là?
Is Reb Lazar Wolf at home?
Rav Lazare Wolf est-il chez lui?
Reb Lazar, what are you talking about?
Rav Lazare, mais de quoi parlez-vous?
Lazar Wolf,
Lazare Wolf...
Did you see Lazar Wolf?
As-tu vu Lazare Wolf?
Did you see Lazar?
Tu as vu Lazare?
Lazar Wolf has asked for your hand.
Lazare Wolf a demandé ta main.
Lazar Wolfs first wife was standing here a minute ago.
la première femme de Lazare Wolf. Elle était là, tout de suite.
~ If Tzeitel marries Lazar Wolf ~
Si Tzeitel Épouse Lazare Wolf,
Here's my wedding present if she marries Lazar Wolf!
Voici mon cadeau de mariage, Si elle épouse Lazare W... o... l... f!
Lazar's heart.
Cœur de Lazar.
- Lazar tried to kill us.
C'est Lazar.
Lazar won't marry him.
Comme ça, il ne l'épousera pas!
~ To Lazar Wolf ~
À Lazare Wolf.
Did you talk with Lazar Wolf?
Tu as parlé avec Lazare Wolf?
~ By the name of Lazar Wolf ~
Son nom est Lazare Wolf.
- His name is Lazar Wolf.
Il s'appelle Lazare Wolf.

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