Maybe it's just me перевод на французский
296 параллельный перевод
As I don't know much about this sort of thing... but it just occurred to me that maybe you could prove to your brother-in-law... that you've got an in with the cops by warning him that there's gonna be a raid.
Je ne m'y connais pas très bien là-dedans... mais j'ai pensé que vous pourriez prouver au beau-frère... que vous êtes au parfum avec les flics en le prévenant qu'il y aura un raid.
I think I heard Miss Davis's name before, but maybe I just imagined it.
Son nom me dit quelque chose.
Maybe it's because if you girls didn't talk about me... you just wouldn't talk at all.
Si vous ne parliez pas de moi, vous n'auriez rien à vous dire.
Maybe it's just old age coming on.
Je dois commencer à me faire vieux.
If it's not worth 5,000 to have them back, maybe it's worth 5,000 for me just knowing about it.
Lors d'un chantage, on paie cash, et tout de suite. Si vous insistez, je ne peux plus rien.
Maybe it's all just a mistake.
Je me trompe peut-être?
It's not bad at all, really. Maybe it just needs a little love.
Il est vraiment pas si mal, mais il me semble qu'il a besoin d'amour.
Maybe it's just me.
Peut-être que c'est moi.
No, it just seemed to me that if he was taking... a lot of pictures, if he had a camera... maybe he was taking them to show to somebody else.
S'il prenait beaucoup de photos, c'était peut-être pour les montrer à quelqu'un.
Maybe I could have anticipated- - Okay! Just tell me what's it all about.
J'aurais pu arrêter ça...
Maybe my mother felt the same way about me and it's just the same thing.
Ma mére avait peut-etre ressenti la meme chose. C'est pareil.
Well, I just thought that it's Sunday out and maybe if you could get away, we could go for a walk or...
Je me disais juste que c'est dimanche et... et si tu pouvais t'absenter, on pourrait aller se promener, ou...
Maybe it's just me.
C'est peut-être moi, alors.
The writer in me wants to say yes, but all things considered, maybe it's best... if this case remains just as it is... an unresolved mystery.
L'écrivaine en moi est tentée... mais si on considère tous les faits... c'est peut-être mieux que cette affaire reste ce qu'elle est... Un mystère non résolu.
I don't know, maybe, I don't care, me. But it's just all... It's all somebody.
Moi, je m'en fous, mais il y a toujours quelqu'un.
Or maybe it's just me.
Ou bien c'est moi.
Maybe it's just my skirt.
C'est ma jupe qui me boudine.
He's got no right to keep us apart. d I'll just take it off real slow d d Maybe even turn the lights down low d I saw the way you looked at me.
Il n'a pas le droit de nous séparer. J'ai vu la façon dont tu me regardais.
Betty was pissed off about giving up her office... and Accounting gave me flak about the new car. But trust me, everything's gonna be just the way you want it, maybe better.
Betty était un peu fâchée de devoir céder son bureau... et la comptabilité m'a éreinté pour la voiture, mais... tout ira comme tu veux, peut-être mieux, fais-moi confiance.
I was thinking, maybe it's not time to publish Henry's book just now.
Je me disais que ce n'est peut-être pas le moment de publier le livre de Henry.
Maybe it's just me, but I think our little adventures lately are becoming... stupid.
Ces derniers temps, je trouve que nos petites aventures sont... stupides.
Some days painting revolts me Maybe it's just as well
Y a des jours où ça me dégoûte de peindre. Enfin, après tout, c'est tant mieux.
I think it's just a matter of me going over it, maybe finding something I forgot.
Je dois seulement re-parcourir toutes les données. Quelque chose m'a peut-être échappé.
Maybe it's just my imagination. I don't know.
Je peux me tromper.
Maybe it was just the way I looked at him, but he just took off on me.
C'est peut-être la façon dont je l'ai regardé, mais il s'est énervé.
Maybe it's just me.
Alors, c'est de ma faute.
Now, maybe it's just me, but college was very confusing times.
Ça venait peut-être de moi mais la fac a été une période difficile.
Maybe you guys can just walk away and look for something else... but it's not that easy for me.
Vous pouvez peut-etre laisser tomber et chercher autre chose... mais c'est moins facile pour moi.
I thought maybe that would give me the urge to play the cello. There's just one phrase. I never could get it right.
Il y a juste un accord que je n'ai jamais réussi.
Maybe it's a fairy tale he made up but it started me thinking... how... how each of us might have turned out if history had been just a little different.
Il m'a peut-être raconté des histoires, mais ça m'a fait réfléchir... Que serions-nous tous devenus si l'histoire avait suivi un autre cours?
Maybe it's just me but I take a dim view of that particular approach.
C'est peut-être moi... mais je ne suis pas convaincu par ce genre de méthodes.
It's probably me just being totally paranoid but I kind of got the feeling that maybe you don't.
C'est peut-être complètement parano de ma part... mais j'ai eu l'impression que c'était pas le cas.
Andy, maybe it's not about me cooking. - Maybe I just might not be in the mood to have people over.
C'est juste que je ne suis pas d'humeur à recevoir.
You know, Bart, maybe it's just the concussion talking but any way you choose to live your life is okay with me.
Tu sais Bart, je parle peut-être sous le coup du choc, mais quel que soit le mode de vie que tu choisiras, je l'approuverai.
Maybe it's just me but I think we're in trouble.
Je m'affole peut-être pour rien, mais je crois qu'on a un problème.
Maybe it's just me, but I can't figure out... how to feel like one of the guys with these guys.
Ce n'est peut-être que moi, mais je n'arrive pas... à sentir que je fais partie du groupe avec ces hommes.
Maybe it's just me, but fucking is fucking.
C'est peut-être moi, mais baiser, c'est baiser.
I mean, you told me you did... but maybe it's not just the cooking or the cleaning... that you miss.
Je veux dire, tu me l'as dit... mais ce ne sont peut-être pas seulement la cuisine ou le ménage... qui te manquent.
Maybe it's best if I just leave this place.
Peut-être que le mieux est que je me tire d'ici.
I just realized... maybe it's maturity or the wisdom that comes with age... but the witch in Hansel and Gretel, she's very misunderstood.
Je viens de me rendre compte... peut-être est-ce la maturité ou la sagesse qui vient avec l'âge... mais la sorcière de Hansel et Gretel est très mal comprise.
I don't know, maybe it's grotesque of me to say this now, so just... write it on apiece of paper or something... and put it in your purse for a rainy day.
C'est peut-être grotesque de le dire maintenant. Ecris-le sur un bout de papier et mets-le dans ton sac pour un jour de pluie.
Look, maybe it's just me, but... if you gotta dress it up like that, it just doesn't ring true.
Ca vient peut-être de moi, mais présenté comme ça, ça sonne faux.
Maybe it's just getting older.
Peut-être que je me fais vieux.
Maybe it's about time you just backed off, you fin-headed monstrosity.
Tu vas peut-être finir par me lâcher, mollusque mal lobotomisé.
To the untrained ear, maybe, but to me it's just the same double speak.
Les apparences sont trompeuses, elle cache bien son jeu.
- I'm just wondering if it's maybe some kind of mental situation...
Je me demande si ce n'est pas un problème médical.
Maybe it's just me, but I'd certainly beef up security after that.
Moi, je renforcerais la sécurité après ça.
If it's not the Prozac, then maybe I just need a little jump-start.
Puisque c'est pas le Prozac, il me faudrait un petit stimulant.
Okay, maybe it's not just how I imagined.
Peut-être pas exactement comme je me l'imaginais!
But I've searched so long, I just thought that if your friend had found a way to ease people's suffering...,... that maybe she could share it with me.
Si ton amie a trouvé comment soulager la douleur, elle pourrait me le dire.
If there were just a few good descriptions of what took out the other slayers, maybe it would help me understand my mistake, to keep it from happening again.
S'il y avait des descriptions détaillées des échecs des autres tueuses, je pourrais peut-être comprendre mon erreur et ne plus la refaire.
maybe it's better this way 17
maybe it's me 32
maybe it's for the best 67
maybe it's time 38
maybe it's true 24
maybe it's my fault 16
maybe it's you 22
maybe it's 82
maybe it's a good thing 21
maybe it's because 16
maybe it's me 32
maybe it's for the best 67
maybe it's time 38
maybe it's true 24
maybe it's my fault 16
maybe it's you 22
maybe it's 82
maybe it's a good thing 21
maybe it's because 16
maybe it's nothing 22
maybe it's not 39
it's just me 474
it's just me and you 28
just me 553
just messing with you 17
just me and you 64
just me and him 17
maybe 16487
maybe later 400
maybe it's not 39
it's just me 474
it's just me and you 28
just me 553
just messing with you 17
just me and you 64
just me and him 17
maybe 16487
maybe later 400
maybe one day 85
maybe not tomorrow 22
maybe next time 255
maybe another time 111
maybe next week 45
maybe not today 46
maybe i do 116
maybe i don't 50
maybe someday 76
maybe i won't 28
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maybe next time 255
maybe another time 111
maybe next week 45
maybe not today 46
maybe i do 116
maybe i don't 50
maybe someday 76
maybe i won't 28
maybe i am 188
maybe it won't 17
maybe i will 247
maybe you should be 18
maybe i did 99
maybe we can 78
maybe so 372
maybe it isn't 28
maybe i could 67
maybe it does 31
maybe it won't 17
maybe i will 247
maybe you should be 18
maybe i did 99
maybe we can 78
maybe so 372
maybe it isn't 28
maybe i could 67
maybe it does 31