Mullery перевод на французский
33 параллельный перевод
Sheriff Mullery, just so we're on the same page in cases like these, we, the CBI, have sole jurisdiction.
Vous avez fini? Shérif Mullery, mettons les choses au point, dans ce genre de cas, le CBI prend l'affaire en main.
Sheriff Mullery? Hello?
Shérif Mullery?
Waiting for confirmation but the ME took what looks like a.45 slug from Mullery.
On attend l'expertise balistique, mais d'après le légiste, un calibre 45 a tué Mullery.
Because he had to kill Mullery.
Il devait tuer Mullery.
Because Mullery discovered something.
Mullery avait découvert quelque chose.
Why did Mullery keep it quiet, then?
Pourquoi Mullery n'a rien dit?
Poor Mullery.
Pauvre Mullery.
You were the last person to speak with Sheriff Mullery, weren't you?
Vous êtes la dernière à avoir parlé au shérif Mullery, non?
He knew Lisbon was on the phone with Mullery when he died.
Il savait que Lisbon était au téléphone avec Mullery.
It was you that killed Keeley and Mullery and all of those cops.
C'est vous qui avez tué Keeley et Mullery et tous ces flics.
Mullery died because he recognized that button as yours.
Mullery est mort car il a reconnu votre bouton, il vous en a parlé.
Dr Malory, Dr Witney, surgical trainees.
Dr Mullery, Dr Witney, internes en chirurgie.
Dr Malory, leave the clogs on your feet.
Dr Mullery, gardez ces sabots.
Thank you, Mullery.
Feel free to hit Mullery if you think it might help.
si ça aide.
Congratulations, Mullery, you get to harvest the vein.
vous pourrez prélever la veine.
Hm... there is no right or wrong, Dr Mullery, there is judgment. It's your call.
la vôtre.
Mullery pissed off Bremner and has been getting in with Monroe.
Mullery gonfle Bremner et s'est rapproché de Monroe.
Mullery seems to have snatched my crown.
Mullery semble m'avoir détrônée.
Mullery's dating Fortune, so working the ethnic angle by association.
il joue la carte ethnique par association.
( LAUGHS ) I'm not sure Mullery's working on any angle where Fortune's concerned.
Je ne pense pas que Mullery joue avec Fortune.
He's arrested. Hang on, Mullery. He's arrested.
Son coeur s'est arrêté.
Can we get him to theatre in time?
Attendez, Mullery. - On l'emmène au bloc?
Well done, Mr Mullery. His heart is beating again.
Bon travail, M. Mullery.
All my paperwork got knocked back by Mullery's clamshell.
Tous mes dossiers ont été retardés par la clamshell.
How did it go clearing up Mullery's clamshell?
Comment s'est passée l'opération de Mullery?
Who deserves me, Mullery?
Qui me mérite?
You see, Mullery, deep down you know you want to come back to cardio.
Au fond de vous, vous voulez revenir en cardio.
S'il te plaît.
- Sheriff Mullery?
Shérif Mullery?
Don't do that, Mullery.
Ne faites pas ça.
Problems, Mullery?
Hello. It's Mullery.