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My offer still stands перевод на французский

63 параллельный перевод
Absolutely not. My offer still stands.
Non, mon offre tient toujours.
I mean, if you're having second thoughts... my offer still stands.
Si jamais tu réfléchis... mon offre tient toujours.
I mean, don't get me wrong, my offer still stands, but if he's the right guy, then he'II come through.
Mon offre est toujours valable, mais si c'est le bon type, il y viendra.
My offer still stands. I wanna be here for you.
Mon offre tient toujours.
My offer still stands. I will help you get to America.
Mon offre tient de vous faire gagner l'Amérique.
Well, my offer still stands.
Mon offre tient toujours.
When you change your mind, my offer still stands.
Quand vous changerez d'avis, mon offre tiendra toujours.
Okay, but my offer still stands, so if you get the heebie-jeebies in the middle of the night over there, come join me.
Ok, mais mon offre tient, si tu as peur pendant la nuit, viens dans mon lit
I've got Doctor Monica covering, but my offer still stands if you're interested.
J'ai le Dr Monica qui le remplace,.... mais mon offre tient toujours si vous êtes intéressé.
My offer still stands.
Ma proposition tient toujours.
You know, my offer still stands.
Tu sais, mon offre tient toujours.
- And my offer still stands.
- Et mon offre tient toujours.
My offer still stands. Mm.
Mon offre tient toujours.
My offer still stands, John.
Mon offre tient toujours, John.
Yes, my offer still stands.
Mon offre est toujours valable.
My offer still stands.
Mon offre tient toujours.
But I want you to know, if you ever change your mind, and I mean ever my offer still stands.
Mais sachez que si vous changez d'avis, un jour, mon offre tient toujours.
My offer still stands.
Mon offre est toujours valable.
Tom, Jeannie, remember, my offer still stands.
Tom, Jeannie, n'oubliez pas mon offre.
My--my offer still stands.
Mon offre tient toujours.
My offer still stands- -
Mon offre tient toujours...
And, Susan, my offer still stands.
Susan, ma proposition reste valable.
And, by the way, my offer still stands.
En passant, mon offre tient toujours.
Okay, well, my offer still stands to kill him.
Mon offre de le tuer tient toujours.
You don't like Vega, you don't like your therapy, then my offer still stands. Period.
Fin de la discussion.
My offer still stands, Mr. Rijckx.
Mon offre tient toujours, Mr. Rijckx.
My offer still stands, tomorrow at dawn, the west fork, and I'll tell you what.
Demain matin, à l'aube, sur le sentier ouest. Et vous savez quoi?
But my offer still stands.
Mais je maintiens mon offre.
My offer still stands, little wolf.
Mon offre tient toujours, petit loup.
My offer still stands, you know.
Mon offre tiens toujours, vous savez.
Hi, so I was able to procure that $ 50 after all, and my offer still stands.
Salut, donc j'ai su me procurer les 50 dollars après tout, et mon offre tient toujours.
And my offer still stands.
Et mon offre tient toujours.
Now, my offer still stands, Mr. Duffy... half of my half.
Mon offre tient toujours, M. Duffy, la moitié de ma moitié.
But my offer still stands.
Mais mon offre tient toujours.
But if that doesn't work out for you, or you just need more space or whatever, my offer still stands.
Mais si ça ne marche pas, ou si tu as besoin de plus d'espace, mon offre tient toujours.
My government's offer of a transport helicopter still stands.
Mon gouvernement vous a proposé un hélicoptère.
- And, Rory, my offer to you still stands.
- Et Rory, mon offre tient toujours - Quelle offre?
My offer to you still open.
Mes d'offre toujours stands.
General Iroh, the offer to join my mission still stands if you change your mind.
Général Iroh, je souhaite toujours que vous me rejoigniez. Si vous changez d'avis.
My offer to work at Cataldo builders still stands.
Mon offre de travail aux Constructions Cataldo tient toujours.
My offer to work at Cataldo builders still stands.
Mon offre de travail à Constructions Cataldo tient toujours.
So, listen, I don't know if your offer still stands or whatever, but you can give your yoga teacher my number.
Bon, j'ignore si votre proposition tient toujours, mais vous pouvez filer mon numéro à votre prof.
My offer of cellar and staff still stands.
ma cave et mon personnel restent à votre disposition.
You know, my mom's offer still stands.
Vous savez, l'offre de ma mère tient toujours.
My offer of moving you into protection still stands.
Mon offre de vous déplacer sous protection tient toujours.
Hey, you know that, uh... that offer to check out my collection still stands. Oh!
Hé, tu sais que, euh... l'offre de vérifier ma collection tient toujours.
And I think it speaks to the depth of my feelings for Marcy that the offer still stands in spite of this completely unwarranted aggression.
Et je pense que cela montre la profondeur de mes sentiments envers Marcy et que l'offre tiens toujours. malgré cette agression complètement injustifiée.
Oh, by the way, my offer to buy the bar still stands.
Au fait, mon offre d'achat pour le bar tient toujours.
Come, my offer of mead still stands.
Venez, mon offre d'hydromel tient toujours.
You know, my offer from last month still stands, baby.
Tu sais, mon offre du mois dernier tient toujours, bébé.
And my offer to help still stands.
Et mon aide est toujours valable.

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