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Nice to have you back перевод на французский

176 параллельный перевод
Gee, honey, it's nice to have you back.
C'est si bon de te retrouver, mon chéri.
Nice to have you back.
Et comment!
It's so nice to have you back. So very nice.
C'est si chic de te revoir, Tom.
I've just made tea. It's nice to have you back. Just like old times.
Ça fait plaisir de te revoir.
Mr. Corbett, how nice to have you back, sir.
Vous nous avez beaucoup manqué, monsieur.
It's nice to have you back with us.
Content que vous soyez de retour.
- Nice to have you back in London, sir. - Thank you.
Ravi de vous revoir à Londres Commandant.
- Oh, so nice to have you back, Miss Edgar.
On va vous donner votre ancienne chambre.
- Nice to have you back again.
- Ça fait plaisir de vous revoir.
My, it's nice to have you back. All of you.
Je suis ravie de te retrouver en un seul morceau.
Certainly nice to have you back with the organisation.
Heureux que tu sois de retour parmi nous.
Nice to have you back with the grownups, sweetheart.
Contente de te revoir parmi les adultes, mon ange.
Thank you. It's nice to have you back.
Enchanté de vous revoir.
It's so nice to have you back, Mr. Pendleton.
Quel plaisir de vous revoir, M. Pendleton.
It's so nice to have you back where you belong
C'est si bon de te revoir! Tu es chez toi!
It's so nice to have you back where you belong
C'est si bon de te revoir dans ta maison!
It's so nice to have you back with us.
Quelle joie de vous revoir.
Ah, there you are, Mr Hutchinson nice to have you back again.
Ah, vous voilà. Content de vous revoir.
Nice to have you back in town.
C'est bon de vous savoir de retour.
Nice to have you back, Big Bopper Two.
Content de vous revoir, Matraque 2.
nice to have you back.
- Ravi de vous revoir.
- Nice to have you back.
- Heureux de te retrouver.
- So nice to have you back.
- Je suis ravie de vous revoir.
Nice to have you back with us.
- De vous revoir parmi nous.
Did I ever ask you about money? Anyway, it's nice to have you back here.
C'est bien que tu sois revenue.
Nice to have you back, Mr. Brubaker. Would you like the same suite?
Votre suite habituelle, M. Brubaker?
It's nice to have you back.
Ça fait plaisir, de vous avoir à nouveau.
Nice to have you back.
Enchanté de vous revoir.
Nice to have you back. - Thank you.
Vous voilà de retour, c'est bien!
It's still nice to have you back.
En tout cas, je suis content de vous revoir.
Nice to have you back home.
Je suis cotete de te revoir.
Nice to have you back.
Contente de vous voir de retour.
It's nice to have you back.
Content de vous entendre.
- Counselor! Nice to have you back.
Heureux de vous revoir!
I'm sorry, I have to leave you, but if you'll make yourself comfortable I'll be back, and we can have a nice visit.
Installez-vous, je vous prie, j'en ai pour un instant.
JACK : It's mighty nice of you, Lucy. You and Eugene to have me over to your new house my first day back.
C'est gentil, Lucy de m'inviter dans votre nouvelle maison, dès mon retour
Mon cher Henri, it's so nice to have you safely back.
Mon cher Henri, quel soulagement de vous savoir de retour sain et sauf.
I'd like to see someone like you speak like this when you have a nice shirt on your back or when you're eating well every day or when you're in the company of a beautiful woman, have you ever seen a beautiful woman close up?
Et toi, tu la bouclerais si tu étais bien habillé, bien nourri, avec une belle fille au bras. En as-tu jamais eu une?
You have a nice, cold wife to go back to.
Tu as une jolie femme, bien froide, qui t'attend.
How nice to have you safely back.
Vous voilà saine et sauve!
Well, it's nice to have you two back in the Springer Pet Food family.
C'est bien de vous voir réintégrer la famille des aliments Springer.
Oh, hello, Stanley. Nice to have you back so soon.
Content de vous revoir si vite.
09 01 : 14 : 02 : 05 Ms. Mason, nice to have you back.
Mme Mason, c'est un plaisir de vous revoir.
You take me to shore on this nice beautiful boat and you can have it all back.
Je vais vous offrir un marché.
It's a shame he has to go back to Sicily so soon. It would have been nice if the two of you had more time together.
Quel dommage qu'il reparte si vite, vous auriez pu vous voir plus.
Now, I want you to promise me that you're gonna forget all about this nonsense and go back to Twin Oaks and have a nice long rest.
Tu vas me promettre d'oublier tout ça et de rentrer te reposer à Twin Oaks.
I thought it'd be nice, but if you have to get back, that's okay.
Ce serait chouette, mais si tu dois rentrer, c'est pas grave.
Nice to have you back, Ram.
J'amène des amis
Well, it was really nice to meet you, but I have to go back to work.
Oui, ravie de vous avoir rencontré mais il faut que je retourne travailler.
So all you have to do is just keep the house nice and tidy until I get back.
Tout ce que tu dois faire, c'est garder la maison bien propre, jusqu'à ce que je revienne.
It's pretty clear that when the bomb went off... the front entrance caved in, so, you know... we'll have to return to the surface... using this back entrance, which is very nice... because it has the service elevator.
Il est clair que lorsque la bombe a explosé l'entrée s'est effondré, alors, tu sais... nous allons revenir à la surface en utilisant cette accés, qui est très bien... parce qu'il a un ascenseur de service.

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