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Nostradamus перевод на французский

181 параллельный перевод
I don't know why everybody regards me as Nostradamus. - Your guess is as good as mine.
Je ne suis pas Nostradamus, j'en sais autant que vous.
But I have a friend, Nostradamus, who does a marvellous job.
Mais mon ami Nostradamus fait du très bon boulot.
Are you expecting Nostradamus or someone?
Tu attends Nostradamus?
Yeah, how do you explain Nostradamus, young lady?
Et comment expliquez-vous Nostradamus, jeune fille?
I'll make sure the Amazing Kreskin gets inside.
Je m'occupe de Nostradamus.
You know, like Nostradamus.
Tu sais, comme Nostradamus.
So when the guy prophesied that the world would end in 1999, which he did... does that therefore mean that we're fulfilling the prophecy... by precipitating the Apocalypse?
Lorsque ce Nostradamus prévoit la fin du monde pour 1999, est-ce qu'on doit créer l'Apocalypse pour réaliser sa prophétie?
I know about Nostradamus.
Je connais Nostradamus.
Nostradamus talked about three brothers.
Il a parlé de trois frères.
- Fuck Nostradamus! I'm not talking about Nostradamus or Mother Shipton or Russell Grant or Mystic-fucking-Meg.
On s'en fout de Nostradamus, 36-15 Astro, Mme Soleil et compagnie.
Proof of the clairvoyant power of Michel de Nostradamus the great futurologist, scorned by science but praised by experts who studied his work.
Des preuves qui démontrent le pouvoir de Nostradamus, le divin futurologue, méprisé par la science, mais célébré par les initiés qui l'ont étudié.
The most important thing about Nostradamus was his...
Le plus important c'est sa capacité...
We shall try to analyze the work of Nostradamus from a perspective...
L'oeuvre de Nostradamus est très riche... Nous l'analyserons...
As anyone who has studied the subject knows Nostradamus never talks about a specific date but about the Third World War..... and when the Antipope...
Nostradamus ne donne pas de date exacte. Mais lors de la 3e Guerre Mondiale, l'antipape...
Nostradamus has nothing to do with all this.
Nostradamus n'a rien à voir. Et vous le savez.
Run, bastard! Nostradamus! Big mouth!
Casse-toi, Nostradamus de mes couilles!
From Nostradamus, the 16th century apocalyptic poet.
Cela vient de Nostradamus, le poète du 16e siècle.
Nostradamus and Revelations?
Nostradamus et l'Apocalypse?
Happiness and health from Nostradamus...
Que Nostradamus vous a promis
The prophecy of Nostradamus is coming true!
La prophétie de Nostradamus s'accomplira d'autant plus vite!
You were right, Nostradamus.
Tu avais raison Nostradamus.
I don't know where or what You are, but read Nostradamus so that You love us and forgive us.
Je ne sais pas o Tu es, ni qui Tu es, mais lit Nostradamus, pour nous aimer et nous pardonner.
Everybody gets hysterical when Nostradamus appears to vaguely predict an earthquake.
Tout le monde s'emballe si Nostradamus prédit vaguement un tremblement de terre.
Seven separate prophecies by Nostradamus predicting the apocalypse in May.
Sept prophéties distinctes de Nostradamus prédisent l'apocalypse en mai.
It wasn't until I saw these Nostradamus books that I realized this case was millenniumistic.
En voyant ces livres de Nostradamus, j'ai saisi le côté millénariste de l'affaire.
- It's Amos Randy, the Nostradamus scholar.
C'est Amos Randy, le spécialiste de Nostradamus.
Looks like he's targeted victims he considers Nostradamus's antichrists.
Ses victimes sont les trois antéchrists de Nostradamus.
Nostradamus, you see, wasn't predicting world events. He was predicting the cataclysmic events of this poor boy's life.
Nostradamus ne prédisait pas des événements mondiaux, mais le cataclysme dans la vie de ce pauvre garçon.
Orson Welles was the voice-over narrator of the film The Man Who Could See Tomorrow.
Orson Welles était le narrateur du film Nostradamus.
- Nostradamus. - Mr Chung.
- The Nostradamus nutball.
- Le fêlé de Nostradamus.
Mr Black, remember the suspect in Seattle who quoted Nostradamus?
Vous vous rappelez à Seattle, le suspect qui citait Nostradamus?
Remote viewers, out-of-body travelers, and a man who claims that he is the reincarnation of Nostradamus, but swears that he doesn't remember predicting anything.
Des voyants, des individus qui voyagent hors de leur corps et un homme qui prétend être la réincarnation de Nostradamus mais... il jure qu'il ne se souvient pas d'avoir prédit quoi que ce soit.
According to the terrible predictions of Nostradamus, in 1999, the large King of Terrors will fall from the sky.
Selon les terribles prédictions de Nostradamus, en 1999, le grand Roi des Terreurs tombera du ciel.
Victor Chyren - the name on the internal envelope. It's in Nostradamus.
Victor Chyren, le nom de l'expéditeur, Nostradamus en parle.
And exactly correlates... with Nostradamus and Revelations.
Et ça corrobore Nostradamus et l'Apocalypse.
Nostradamus was wrong, but if the world had ended, if my life had ended, during my summer vacation, I might have been happier.
Nostradamus s'est trompé, mais, si la fin du monde était arrivée, si ma vie s'était terminée, pendant mes vacances d'été, j'aurais peut-être été plus heureux.
The guy who wrote it was some sort of Nostradamus.
Le type qui l'a écrit était une sorte de Nostradamus.
Nice try, Nostradamus.
Bien essayé Nostradamus.
Nostradamus actually predicted it.
Nostradamus l'avait prédit.
Thank you for the tip, Nostradamus.
Merci pour le tuyau, Nostradamus.
Really, Nostradamus? Well, what if I were to tell you... that SATR's going to become the biggest thing since hip-hop...
La NASA envisage de développer son programme de robotique.
It's almost self-fuelling, negating the need to produce heat.
Trop tribal. - Trop non urbain. - Vraiment, Nostradamus?
Nostradamus, and Notre Dame.
Nostradamus, et Notre-Dame.
Condensing into a globe, smaller but better, as Nostradamus tells us.
Ainsi dit Nostradamus!
- Lines from Nostradamus?
- Nostradamus?
Didn't Nostradamus predict this?
Nostradamus l'avait prédit, non?
Da Vinci meets Nostradamus.
Le Vinci / Nostradamus.

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