Out of it перевод на французский
49,126 параллельный перевод
In fact, I tried to talk him out of it, as I thought it would draw too much unwanted attention.
En fait, j'ai essayé de l'en dissuader, car je pensais que cela attirerait trop l'attention.
Of course, she'll try and bluster her way out of it
Bien sûr, elle se mettra en colère.
He'd knock her around, I'd hear things, but she told me stay out of it.
Il la frappait. Je savais ce qui se passait, mais elle voulait pas que je m'en mêle.
I tried to talk her out of it.
J'ai tenté de la dissuader.
Got myself into this, I'm gonna get myself out of it.
Je sortirais d'ici seul.
Okay, don't try and talk yourself out of it.
N'essaie pas de nous en parler.
I saw you get out of it.
Je vous ai vu en sortir.
- Stay out of it.
- Ne t'en mêle pas.
Danny said these people they took... were expecting to come out of it alive.
Danny disait que les personnes enlevées devaient s'en sortir vivantes.
Aren't you supposed to change out of it after you get off work?
Tu n'es pas censé te changer quand t'as débauché?
- I'll stay out of it.
- Je m'en mêlerai pas.
What do they get out of it?
Qu'ont-ils à y gagner?
Stay out of it! - Stay out of it, huh?
Te mêle pas de ça.
Stay out of it. How's that? How's that for staying out of it?
Que je m'en mêle pas, tu dis?
I think that if you kill Harold out of your own vengeance... it'll corrupt your chi.
Si tu tues Harold par vengeance, ton chi sera corrompu.
You get the query, figure out the answer, you write them back, and that is the core of it.
Tu étudies sa question et tu y réponds. Voilà ta mission. Facile, en théorie.
My great-grandfather used a knife and hot water to dig it out of his wife's back.
Mon arrière-grand-père a utilisé un couteau et de l'eau chaude pour l'ôter du dos de sa femme.
It means I'll look the other way, because I'm pretty sure that toothpaste is already out of the tube.
Je vais fermer les yeux car j'ai la certitude que c'est déjà fait.
They even blow things up out there, just for the fun of it.
Ils font péter des bombes atomiques juste pour voir ce que ça fait.
It's kind of gone out of vogue since the invention of the calculator... but, uh, I can still win a drink at a bar using it.
Sa méthode est passée de mode depuis l'invention de la calculatrice, mais je peux encore gagner des verres dans un bar.
I thought it would be a nightmare... of abandonment and betrayal. But, turns out it was a huge success.
J'ai craint le cauchemar de l'abandon, de la trahison, mais c'est un grand succès.
Shankland's out of his mind about the possibility of publishing it with you.
Shankland est fou de joie à l'idée de le publier avec toi.
Yeah, it won't look suspicious... when I wanna come sauntering out of the woods.
Oui, ça n'aura pas l'air suspect, quand je sortirai tranquillement des bois.
It was not me who was thrown out of a 4 storey window.
C'est que ce n'est pas moi qui ai sauté d'une fenêtre de 4 étages.
The question is, what you gonna do when you're out here slumming it with the rest of us?
La vraie question : qu'est-ce que tu vas faire quand on te demandera d'y mettre du tien?
Although, I'm sure if they were to do any type of light investigating they could find out where it is.
Mais je suis sûr... qu'en enquêtant un peu, ils pourront la trouver.
It's a picture of my family's house. Look, the insurance company said they won't pay until you get a couple things sorted out. No.
C'est une photo de ma maison familiale.
Hi, it's John, sorry to leave this on your voicemail but I'm just looking at a picture of one of the murals from Lew's building and, okay, yes I give the piece as a whole, seven out of ten.
Steve, c'est John. Désolé pour ce message, mais j'ai sous les yeux la photo d'un graffiti sur l'immeuble de Lew. Et... d'accord, je donne à l'ensemble une note de 7 sur 10.
It was by my feet, russ. I moved it to get it out of the way.
Il était à mes pieds, Je l'ai poussé du passage.
Yeah, if it works out, they should, um get a lot of homeless people off the streets.
Ouais, si ça fonctionne, ils devraient faire sortir pleins de SDF de la rue.
We gotta find a way of taking the heat out of this thing. Now you've gone and lit a fucking fire under it! Do you understand?
Nous, on essaie d'étouffer l'affaire, et vous la jetez sous le feu des projecteurs!
Now, I think it happens when men start to feel in their bones that the great moments of their lives... might not turn out to be quite as great as they'd always hoped.
Maintenant, je crois que ça vient quand on sent dans ses os que les grands moments de sa vie ne sont pas aussi grands qu'on l'espérait.
Your hair... no, get it out of your beautiful face.
Pousse cette mèche, qu'on voie ton beau visage.
- Well, 60 % of the focus group did say that it seemed like you wouldn't put out.
D'après 60 % du groupe cible, t'es pas du genre à coucher.
I have some Advil. I'll get it out of my bag.
Je vais chercher de l'aspirine!
I knew I shouldn't date out of my league, I knew it.
Elle était trop bien pour moi.
Some 30 years later, it still haunts me that I didn't beat the shit out of that kid.
Une trentaine d'années plus tard, je regrette encore de ne pas avoir cassé la gueule de ce gosse.
The money made it out of New Zealand.
L'argent est sorti de Nouvelle-Zélande.
You can stay and help us find out whose money that is, and at the end of the day, if it's free and clear, it's yours.
Tu peux rester et nous aider à trouver.. à qui appartient cet argent et s'il... est clean, l'argent est à toi.
It was one of those times where he just let it all out.
À ce moment-là, il s'est laissé aller et a tout lâché.
There had been an I.U.D. that was... We figured out was made out of 155, which is an artillery round and they'd wrapped it in C-4 and added 30 pounds of munitions to turn it into a wall above an I.E.D.
Il y a eu un EEI qui, après déduction, avait été fait avec un 155, qui est un projectile l'artillerie qu'ils avaient enveloppé dans du C4,
It seems the Professor's been written out of history.
On dirait que le professeur a été effacé de l'histoire.
Do you want it recorded that the only way we could get him out of the country was by forging the signature of a foreigner?
Que penseront les gens si le seul moyen de le faire sortir était de contrefaire la signature d'un étranger?
It's probably best if... if you beg out of the play.
Il vaut sans doute mieux que tu renonces au spectacle.
Just talking to the guy. It turns out that he got all this stuff from a family whose son died in a plane crash a couple of years back.
Le vendeur m'a dit que tout ça, c'était à un type, mort dans un crash il y a 2 ans.
I guess, just like most people in the town, the event sort of took it out of him.
Comme la plupart des gens de cette ville, ces événements... l'ont éteint.
Snap out of it! I can't.
- Reprends-toi!
"Snap out of it!"
It's easier just to pluck them out of the air.
C'est plus facile de les choper dans l'air.
I mean, they just pluck their food out of the freezer, throw it in the microwave, watch it spin around.
Ils prennent un plat dans le congélateur et le mettent au micro-ondes.
I will squeeze them straight out of the sac. It'll be kind of like shucking peas.
Je vais les écosser comme des petits pois.
out of context 16
out of curiosity 82
out of order 40
out of my mind 17
out of the blue 171
out of sight 112
out of interest 20
out of town 49
out of nowhere 149
out of my sight 38
out of curiosity 82
out of order 40
out of my mind 17
out of the blue 171
out of sight 112
out of interest 20
out of town 49
out of nowhere 149
out of my sight 38