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Plainly перевод на французский

414 параллельный перевод
Of all the blatant things i ever heard said... well, as we are speaking plainly...
Quel langage! Puisqu'on en parle...
Yes. I remember it as plainly as if it was yesterday... though I was only a little girl at the time.
Je m'en souviens comme si c'était hier. Je n'étais pourtant qu'une enfant.
It's awfully hard to say unless I say it plainly.
C'est très dur à dire, alors je vais le dire de manière abrupte.
I must speak plainly, Agnes.
Je dois être franc, Agnes.
I could plainly see She was flirting with me
Je voyais bien Qu'elle flirtait avec moi
But after that word, I can plainly read in a different style of engraving "To Joe," obviously meaning...
Mais après ce mot, on lit très bien, dans un autre caractère : "... à Joe ".
I think this sketch shows it plainly.
- Ce croquis l'illustre bien.
I saw that plainly enough.
J'en ai assez vu.
Then plainly know, my heart's dear love is set on the fair daughter of rich Capulet.
L'amour de mon cœur s'est fixé sur la si belle fille du riche Capulet.
We are going to put it forward plainly.
Aujourd'hui, simplement, je vais le faire savoir au monde.
Speak plainly!
You're inferring rather plainly that Joyce is losing her mind.
Vous déduisez plutôt clairement... que Joyce a perdu l'esprit.
I'm saying plainly, the Yankees are better equipped than we. They've got factories, shipyards, coal mines... and a fleet to bottle up our harbors and starve us.
Je dis qu'ils sont mieux équipés que nous... avec des usines, du charbon... et une flotte pour bloquer nos ports.
I see what Cecil and his friends are plainly enough : Y ellow rats who only show their teeth when cornered. - Essex!
Je ne vois que des rats immondes qui ne montrent leurs dents que quand on les attrape!
They know you have a wife and you say in your actions as plainly as you could in words that you prefer a servant.
Ils savent que tu as une femme et tu dis par tes actions aussi clairement qu'avec tes mots, que tu préfères une domestique.
- Now, now, you must forgive an old man for talking so plainly.
- Comment osez-vous? - Pardonnez à un vieillard de parler si franchement.
Plainly, mademoiselle, he deserts you.
Il est clair, mademoiselle, qu'il vous abandonne.
Leslie, I shall have to talk very plainly to you.
Il faut que je vous parle franchement.
Or more plainly, a deep, enveloping sleep.
Je dirais même par le sommeil.
As a matter of fact, he's told me so rather plainly.
En fait, c'est même ce qu'il m'a demandé de faire.
By a couple of miracles I broke into the best circles, as you can plainly see.
Apparemment, vous avez réussi. Par miracle, j'évolue dans la "bonne société".
Bright horizontal beam plainly visible from the air.
Un rayon de lumière clairement détectable du ciel.
By faith and honor, our madams mock at us... and plainly say our mettle is bred out, and they will give their bodies to the lust of English youth... to new-store France with bastard warriors.
Notre sang vif, allumé par le vin, est-il gelé? Sur ma foi et mon honneur, nos dames nous raillent. Elles disent que notre ardeur est usée, qu'elles donneront leurs corps à la jeunesse anglaise pour fournir à la France des guerriers bâtards.
- That's funny. I can hear you plainly.
- C'est curieux, je vous entends bien.
We saw it quite plainly.
Nous l'avons vu distinctement.
I'll tell you plainly.
Je vous le dis sans détours.
Speak plainly.
Soyez claire.
I like that. I should hint at things. Without stating them plainly, insinuate what can neither be proved or disproved.
Je ferais des allusions, des insinuations, des sous-entendus, des informations contradictoires, à démentir ou affirmer...
You'll have to talk plainly.
Parle clair.
Miss Robey has demonstrated, very plainly, that she will go to some lengths to deceive me.
Mlle Robey a fait la preuve qu'elle est prête à tout pour me tromper.
Virgil, will you say that again, please, slowly and plainly and simply?
Plus tard!
The others without uniform don't show his face so plainly.
On ne voit pas bien sa tête sur celles où il est en civil.
Everything here is plainly marked.
Tout ici sont des marques
Please say whatyou have to say, plainly and distinctly, and then let me take my nap.
Dites clairement ce que vous avez à dire et laissez-moi dormir.
- More plainly and more distinctly?
- Plus clairement?
Perhaps I should speak more plainly.
Je vais m'exprimer plus clairement.
May I speak plainly?
Je peux te parler franchement?
Yes, do. Go ahead. As plainly as you want.
Aussi franchement que tu voudras.
You can plainly hear it say
Et vous les entendrez déclarer
Speak plainly!
Parlez franchement!
Mr. Harper, I think I can speak plainly.
M. Harper, je vais vous parler sans détour.
A few weeks after your other marriage? Why didn't you tell her plainly?
Qu'avez-vous fait au retour de Mme Graham, une fois remarié?
- Couldn't you speak more plainly?
- Parlez plus simplement.
The moment we go over this crest, we'll be plainly visible from down there.
Quand on aura franchi cette crête, on sera visibles d'en bas.
- Plainly, there was a curse on the robe.
- La tunique était maudite.
The Martians plainly knew the strategic significance of the British Isles.
Les Martiens comprenaient bien le rôle stratégique des îles britanniques.
I can hear it plainly.
- Je l'entends.
Very plainly!
- Clairement!
I can plainly see that she adores her father.
Je vois qu'elle adore son papa.
- May I speak plainly? - Please do.
* and it's a uniform that takes the girls by storm * * they say the admiral is crazy over me * * and so he ought to be * * for he can plainly see * * so though I owe a lot to the Navy *
En uniforme ils m'ont habillé Et pour l'uniforme les filles sont prêtes à se damner On raconte que l'amiral est conquis

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