Qualification перевод на французский
320 параллельный перевод
Considering the candidates who answer to the high qualifications of senators, one name shone out like a beacon.
Considérant les candidats répondant à la haute qualification de Sénateur, un nom sort du lot.
The Biblical injunction "Thou shalt not kill" is one that requires qualification in view of our broader knowledge of impulses behind homicide.
"Tu ne tueras point"... doit être interprété en fonction des mobiles de l'homicide.
You've completed training courses that make you fit to hold down a job and face life.
Tu as eu des cours de qualification, tu es apte pour un travail et tu peux affronter la vie.
Lou Neuhouser's official qualifying speed, 129.2 miles per hour.
Vitesse de qualification officielle de Lou Neuhouser, 206,8 km / h.
He is taking the flag and there he goes.
Le drapeau signale son tour de qualification.
Our concern here is the future good and welfare of our students... as doctors of medicine, not as troubadours.
Notre souci est la qualification de nos étudiants comme docteurs et non pas comme troubadours.
I haven't got a single jolly qualification.
Je n'ai pas la moindre qualification.
Actually, excessive sanity is not a necessary qualification... for that particular institution.
Nul besoin d'être sain d'esprit pour être membre du Reform Club.
" Certificate of Verification...
"Attestation... "... de qualification... "
"... for Qualification in Chujo Style Swordsmanship...
"dans le style" "Chujo d'escrime..."
According to your dossier, your chief qualification... seems to be your friendship with this man Chai Keong.
Selon votre dossier, votre qualification principale... semble être votre amitié avec un certain Chai Keong.
Or if you'd asked to perform an act of heroism, let's say, that would've been qualification for the respect you seek.
Ou si vous aviez accompli un acte héroïque, vous auriez retrouvé le respect que vous cherchez.
There's no alteration, celebration, no argumentation and no qualification in this mess that escapes my little eye!
Pas de changement, de fête, d'argumentation dans ce mess qui échappe à mes yeux!
And there's nothing you wish to add to your judgment now by way of qualification?
Vous n'avez rien à ajouter?
If we'd accept for work girls from the sewing school in Strážnice, we could only employ them in the more menial jobs, taking into account that their apprenticeship is unsuitable here.
Si on embauchait les élèves de l'école de broderie, ce serait aux postes de qualification inférieure, car leur formation n'est pas idéale pour notre branche.
You have your qualification form?
Vous avez votre C.V.?
Does that affect my qualification to judge bottle tops?
Ça affecte ma capacité a évaluer des capsules?
"You've got every qualification... to become an expert in the use of weapons."
Tu deviendras un as dans le maniement des armes.
Our club is playing an important league game right now.
Notre club joue un match de qualification important.
He really knows his job. The most essential and fundamental principle of our work... Is the absolute authenticity...
Le principe essentiel et fondamental de notre travail... est l'authenticité absolue de chacun de nos employés, leur qualification et diplômes.
Nobody doubts his qualification as chief, but...
Personne ne doute de ses compétences en tant que chef mais...
There was not a qualification as the person of the soldier in the past Here now Even if not as enough to cherish as dead-alive person
S'il n'a pas un cœur de fer, le soldat ne sert à rien.
I may be unskilled... but I am... somebody!
Je n'ai peut-être pas de qualification, mais je suis, quelqu'un!
welcome to Råsunda Stadium, for the 1st world Cup qualifying match.
Bienvenue au Råsunda-Stadion pour Ie 1er match de qualification à Ia C.M..
Austria leads in this world Cup qualifying match.
L'Autriche mène dans ce match de qualification.
During the world Cup qualifying games, he was our weapon.
Pendant les matchs de qualification, iI était notre arme principale.
Without Fimpen, the Swedes probably won't qualify for the world Cup.
Sans Fimpen, Ia Suède n'a donc aucune chance de qualification.
It's important to develop good sexual techniques, a reverance for sex, as well as medical qualifications.
C'est important d'avoir une bonne qualification tehnique du sexe un érotisme et une qualification médicale aussi.
It's not a good qualification nowadays.
De nos jours, ce n'est pas une bonne qualification.
only after watching them play, one pretending to be a matador and the other pretending to be a bull, only then did I know without qualification that Montoya was Iying.
Après les avoir vus jouer au matador et au taureau, j'ai su de manière formelle que Montoya mentait.
He doesn't seem to have any other qualifications.
C'est sa seule qualification.
But do not need a qualification?
Mais, il ne manque pas de qualification?
As I said, Mr Walsch, I can't offer you anything as a chemical worker
Pour le moment, M. Walsch, je n'ai rien à vous proposer pour votre qualification d'O.P.
But he has no experience, no qualifications.
Mais il n'a aucune qualification.
Hey, listen, kid, I saw your qualifying run this morning.
J'ai vu ton parcours pour la qualification ce matin.
It's a tough act to follow... but if you ski like you did when you qualified... you could be the kid we're looking for.
Difficile, mais si tu skies comme pour la qualification, tu peux être celui que nous cherchons.
Which is an excellent qualification for what he has to do.
Ce qui est parfait pour ce qu'il a à faire.
With those qualifications, he can run an airline!
Avec cette qualification, il peut diriger la compagnie!
Hans Visser completes a blistering qualifying round in the Strickland.
Tour de qualification fulgurant de Visser dans sa Strickland.
Qualifying time for the Strickland car, 1 : 15 : 58.
Temps de qualification pour la Strickland, 1 : 15 : 58.
Next for qualifying is car number 17.
Épreuve de qualification pour le numéro 17.
Oh, he's got a lot of catching up to do if he hopes to beat the qualifying time set by the Strickland entry.
Il a du temps à rattraper pour battre le temps de qualification établi par la Strickland.
I'll accept that on behalf of my client if the formal charge is changed to one without a sexual element.
J'accepte pour mon client... si Ia qualification ne comporte pas d'élément sexuel.
Three men accused of raping a young woman in a local bar pleaded guilty to a reduced charge of reckless endangerment.
Les trois inculpés pour le viol d'une femme dans un bar... ont plaidé coupable sur qualification de "séduction abusive".
I'm also working on my qualification.
Puis, je prépare l'agrégation.
Substitute teacher, qualification, all that...
Maître-suppléant, l'agrégation, tout ça...
- Your qualification...
L'agrèg, c'est...
do give my body, my brain, my soul and my being... "... without reservation or qualification... "
" sans réserve d'aucune sorte...
without reservation or qualification... "... to the freedom fighters of the Irgun. "
" aux combattants de la liberté de l'Irgoun.
What's the only qualification needed to become a leader?
Quelle est la seule chose exigée d'un leader?
No doubt about force.