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Rhoda перевод на французский

272 параллельный перевод
Only Rhoda isn't a baby any more. She's thinking of going to college. Oh!
En fait de bébé, Rhoda entre à l'université.
And in as much as Anita and I are planning to send Rhoda to college, now, the only thing I can suggest is that you come to live with one of us until we get ourselves straightened out.
Quant à nous, comme Rhoda entre à l'université... Vous devriez vivre chez l'un de nous jusqu'à ce qu'on trouve mieux.
Mother, there's an extra bed in Rhoda's room, and she'd love to have you.
Il y a un lit dans la chambre de Rhoda.
Mother C, Rhoda's set on going to the pictures tonight.
Rhoda va au cinéma. Faut-il la laisser aller seule?
Sure you'll be all right?
Rhoda sort aussi.
Rhoda's going out too. This isn't the first time you've left me alone.
J'ai déjà été seule.
Oh, hi. I hope the boy you're going out with tonight will get you home earlier, Rhoda.
J'espère que ce garçon te ramènera plus tôt.
You'll soon have your room to yourself again, Rhoda.
Tu auras bientôt ta chambre à nouveau.
I know Rhoda so well.
Je la connais.
She called about Rhoda.
C'était sur Rhoda.
Well, that Rhoda isn't always just absolutely honest.
Que Rhoda ne dit pas toujours toute la vérité.
- Well, I promised Rhoda. You promised Rhoda?
Tu lui as promis?
- Rhoda promised that she'd never...
- Elle avait promis de ne plus...
- What Rhoda promised is beside the point.
- Ce n'est pas la question.
What right have you to keep Rhoda's actions a secret from me?
Tu n'as pas à me cacher ce qu'elle fait.
Why do you suppose Rhoda stopped inviting her friends here to the house?
Pourquoi n'invite-t-elle plus ses amis?
You must have known you were doing something wrong when you deliberately concealed Rhoda's actions from me. You must have known you were doing something that you had no right to do.
Mais quand tu m'as caché ce qu'elle faisait, tu savais que tu n'en avais pas le droit.
You're worried about Rhoda, so there won't be any hard feelings.
Tu es inquiète. Je ne t'en veux pas.
But Mrs Claire promised to keep Rhoda's name out of the case.
Mais Rhoda ne sera pas compromise.
But there's no place for your mother to go, now that Nellie's backed out. And Rhoda positively refuses to bring her friends home while she's here.
Mais elle ne peut plus aller nulle part et Rhoda n'invitera pas ses amis si elle est là.
I don't know. Take this business today, it never would have happened if Rhoda had been able to entertain her friends at home as she used to.
Cette histoire, aujourd'hui ne serait pas arrivée si elle avait pu inviter ses amis.
I used to know all of Rhoda's men friends and what was going on, but now...
Je connaissais tous ses amis.
I know. Rhoda used to have the house full of her friends.
Oui, la maison était pleine de ses amis.
We can't turn your mother out into the streets, and yet she's driving Rhoda...
Nous ne pouvons pas mettre ta mère à la rue, mais elle rend Rhoda...
Rhoda. Rhododendron, pal.
Rhoda... tu viens dire au revoir?
Rhoda, dear, let's stay here... so Mommy and Daddy can say goodbye by themselves.
Laisse maman et papa se dire au revoir.
- Rhoda.
- Rhoda!
Rhoda never gets anything dirty... although how she manages it, I don't know.
Je ne sais pas comment elle fait, elle ne se salit jamais.
Rhoda, we'll be leaving in a few minutes.
Nous allons partir.
I'm afraid I can't take any credit. It was Rhoda's idea entirely.
Rhoda en a eu l'idée toute seule.
- Look at Rhoda's shoes.
- Regardez ses souliers!
You watched out of the corner of your eyes. - Rhoda, I want you... - You made up your mind in one second!
Vous m'avez épiée et brusquement... vous vous êtes décidé.
Yeah, that Rhoda's a real smart one.
C'est Rhoda la plus maligne.
- Good morning, Rhoda. - That was a perfect curtsy.
Cette révérence était parfaite, Rhoda.
Now, about Rhoda, naturally...
Je voudrais vous parler de Rhoda naturellement.
Rhoda's been...
Rhoda est une enfant...
- Monica! - It was not Rhoda.
Rhoda est trop raisonnable.
Rhoda is too self-reliant a child.
Il ne s'agit pas d'elle.
- It was certainly not Rhoda.
- pas à Rhoda. - Emory, s'il vous plaît!
I don't know what to say to her.
Que vais-je dire à Rhoda?
This is between you and Rhoda now. Nobody else can help.
Personne ne peut vous aider, mon amie.
Rhoda, did you see him?
Tu l'as vu?
Now, Rhoda... you're behaving very well, dear... but still, it's a terrible thing to see and remember.
Écoute, Rhoda, tu as du courage, mais tu as vu une chose horrible.
It occurred to me that Rhoda might have told you a detail or two... that she hadn't remembered when she talked with me.
Rhoda vous a peut-être donné un détail qu'elle aurait oublié quand je l'ai interrogée.
- Several times during the morning... Rhoda had to be stopped from following Claude around... and trying to take the medal away from him.
- Il a fallu empêcher Rhoda plusieurs fois de poursuivre Claude.
Will you tell Rhoda?
Veux-tu le lui dire?
Oh, Rhoda.
A dix-sept ans, le monde est beau.
Thanks, Monica.
Reste avec moi, Rhoda.
Ces choses-là arrivent tous les jours.
Rhoda is eight.
Elle n'a que huit ans!
- Of course, Rhoda.
- Bien sûr.

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