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Roxie перевод на французский

369 параллельный перевод
That's the song they sang for Roxie Hart.
La chanson de Roxie Hart.
Charge your glasses, gentlemen. To Roxie Hart... the prettiest woman ever tried for murder in Cook County.
Levons nos verres à Roxie Hart, la plus belle femme jamais jugée pour meurtre.
What about Roxie Hart?
Et Roxie Hart, alors?
Roxie Hart, the Teapot Dome, The 18th Amendment, the Monkey Trial, Carl Wanderer... Texas Guinan, Mayor Thompson.
Roxie Hart, les débits clandestins, le procès du singe, Texas Guinan, le maire Thompson, la danse des bleus aux fesses!
I wanna hear what you got to say about Roxie Hart.
Qu'avez-vous à dire sur Roxie Hart?
- Very little, I'm afraid. - I didn't even know that Roxie was married.
Je croyais Roxie célibataire.
- Roxie? Mrs. Hart.
- Roxie?
- Is Roxie the one that plugged him?
Pourquoi? Roxie est l'assassin?
Roxie Hart... the prettiest woman ever charged with murder in this county... has just surrendered to a representative of the Gazette.
Roxie Hart, la belle accusée de meurtre, se livre à un journaliste de La Gazette.
Roxie is 23 and red-headed.
Elle a 23 ans. Elle est rouquine.
Listen, Roxie. You are a very lucky girl.
Écoutez, vous avez de la chance.
- Oh, Roxie, please. - Oh, Roxie, please, will ya?
Roxie, je vous en prie...
What's her name? Roxie?
Ton prénom, c'est Roxie?
All right, Roxie. Give it to us big.
Montre-nous tes dents!
- Look, Roxie. Cooperate.
- Aidez-nous un peu!
The knees, Roxie, the knees!
Vos genoux, Roxie!
In one week, Roxie Hart was the best-known dame in the United States.
En une semaine, Roxie était connue partout.
Then there's 500 from the savings... - and 500 from Roxie's life insurance.
Plus 500 d'économie et 500 de son assurance-vie.
Roxie's in some terrible trouble.
Roxie a des ennuis.
They're gonna hang Roxie.
Ils vont pendre Roxie.
Roxie, dear, this is Mary Sunshine, the famous feature writer.
Marie Sunshine, la célèbre éditorialiste.
I'm going to leave now, Roxie, so Miss Sunshine and the boys... can interview you without being disturbed.
Je vous laisse avec la presse. Je ne vous dérange pas plus.
- Roxie, please, this is serious.
C'est chouette!
This case isn't going to be like the others.
Roxie, c'est sérieux. Votre affaire est en jeu.
If anything happened to you, Roxie, I don't know what I'd do.
S'il vous arrive quoi que ce soit, je suis perdu.
Well, sir, if you thought Roxie got a build-up... you should have seen Two-gun Gertie's.
Avec Gertie, Roxie est passée à la trappe.
Things moved fast in those days. Almost before you knew it... J. Edgar Hoover couldn't have found Roxie's name in the papers.
Au point que les journaux oubliaient son nom.
Roxie, crushed to earth, will always rise again.
Roxie s'en sortira toujours.
Chicago, Chicago That toddlin'town, toddling'town
L'État a-t-il le droit de menacer un fœtus? Roxie
When the wind blows the cradle will rock
À Roxie Hart Prison de Chicago, Illinois Attendez-moi.
Roxie Hart, that game little sharpshooter. - Boy!
Roxie Hart, tireuse d'élite.
- Roxie, let's see your kisser.
Allez, Roxie, un sourire!
Roxie, will you say a word or two to America?
Roxie, l'Amérique vous écoute!
- That, ladies and gentlemen... was Roxie Hart and Billy Flynn, her simple, barefoot mouthpiece.
Chers auditeurs, Mme Hart et Billy Flynn, son humble avocat.
Now, folks, the preliminaries are over, and we have a jury... a blue-ribbon jury, men of property, brokers or better... and they haven't had their eyes off Roxie since they sat down.
Les formalités s'achèvent. Voici les jurés, d'honnêtes citoyens, des hommes de bien, qui ne quittent pas Roxie des yeux.
What is your relationship to the defendant, Roxie Hart?
- Amos Hart. Quel est votre lien avec Roxie Hart?
I said, "Roxie, you ought not to be shooting that man like that."
- Oui, monsieur. J'ai dit : "C'est très mal de tirer sur un homme."
Had your wife apprised you ofher condition prior to said statement?
- Jamais. Roxie vous a-t-elle informé - avant la presse?
Or a hung Roxie.
Ou la mienne.
It's important, Roxie! I talked to that janitor. - I interviewed him.
Moi, j'ai interviewé le concierge!
Hold it, Roxie. Let's take a nice one now.
Allez, une belle photo!
He asked you to go to this ball and you consented... - although you were married, Roxie?
Vous avez accepté alors que vous étiez mariée?
Oh, Roxie! And who was to blame?
Roxie, par la faute de qui?
To Roxie Hart.
À Roxie Hart.
Roxie, you're begging his forgiveness.
Roxie, suppliez-le.
- Sure, Roxie.
- Oui.
I'm awfully worried, Roxie.
Je suis très inquiet.
This account of the Roxie Hart trial, ladies and gentlemen... comes to you through the courtesy of Dr. Habakuk Twist... president and founder of the Twist Health Institute... who guarantees to cure you of cancer, dropsy, gout...
Chers auditeurs, en direct du procès de Roxie Hart. Merci à notre sponsor, le Dr. Twist,
Roxie, we can't get Finnegan.
On ne peut pas l'appeler.
Roxie, you know who's sitting out front there?
Vous savez qui est là?

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