Sure you would перевод на французский
2,202 параллельный перевод
After Bauer called you out, I wasn't sure you would.
Après que Bauer t'ait découvert, je ne m'y attendais pas.
I'm sure you would, Detective Sanchez, but the interview room is a little far from your desk.
J'en suis sûre, inspecteur Sanchez, mais la salle d'interrogatoire est un peu loin de votre bureau.
I'm sure you would have done the same for me, Dr. Sweets, if...
Je suis sûre que vous auriez fait pareil pour moi, Dr Sweets, si...
- No, I was sure you would fail.
- J'étais quasi sûre que tu échouerais.
- I wasn't sure you would remember.
J'étais pas sûre que vous vous souviendriez.
I swear, i love you, but are you sure you would not rather be doing this with lucas?
Je jure que je t'aime, mais tu es sûre Que tu ne préférerais pas faire ça avec Lucas?
I'm sure my husband would want to call you.
Je suis sure que mon mari vous appellera.
And if it wasn't for you, Jesus, I would have never found that last coffee filter, and Prayer Girls would have been ruined for sure, so thank you for that.
Grâce à Toi, Jésus, j'ai trouvé ce dernier filtre à café et j'ai pu en servir à ma réunion de priére. Merci pour ça.
You know, looking at you, I'm not sure a brow reduction or a chin reduction would create a more feminine profile.
Je doute qu'avec une réduction du front ou du menton votre profil se féminiserait.
Are you sure? Why would you ask me that?
- Pourquoi me demandes-tu ça?
How can you be sure? 'Cause that's what I would've done.
- Parce que c'est ce que j'aurais fait.
I'm sure someone out there loves you dearly and you know, would be worried about you.
Je suis sûr qu'une personne vous aime profondément et doit se faire du souci.
You know, since you're asking, I would love a Happy Meal, you know, but... Make sure the toy is the sea monster,'cause I already have the dragon.
Eh bien, je voudrais un Happy Meal, mais avec un monstre marin, car j'ai déjà le dragon.
But if I may speak for everyone, if you were willing to revise it, I'm sure we would all be interested.
Si je puis me permettre, si vous étiez prêtes à le retravailler, nous serions tous intéressés.
pretty sure at this point, we'd have stitched up the hole in the ozone layer, there'd be no more wars, and this party would be in a bar owned by you on the planet neptune.
sauver ton prochain, je suis sûr que la couche d'ozone serait rebouchée, les guerres, terminées et que vous auriez votre bar sur Neptune.
I know you would because you already are.
J'en suis sûre, car c'est déjà le cas.
I'm sure the sec would be interested to know exactly how you made your first million.
La FCC sait-elle comment vous avez fait votre 1er million?
I'm sure many people would agree with you.
Plus d'un serait d'accord avec toi.
I'm sure you're wondering why someone would want Tyler Martin dead.
Vous devez vous demander pourquoi on voulait tuer Tyler Martin.
This would all be a lot easier if you'd just run with my genius psych signal idea.
- Sûre? - De quoi il parle?
You dumped Vlad's body in the lake and you left the foot right out there where you were sure it would be found.
Par là!
Not sure. But why would you want to print those anyway?
Mais pourquoi tiens-tu à développer des photos de portable?
And you came outside and I thought for sure the crazy chicken man of Blackthorn Hill would eat me for lunch.
Tu es sorti, et j'étais sûr que le vieux fou aux poulets allait me manger au déjeuner.
I'm sure she would want you to have it.
Je suis sûr qu'elle voulait qu'il soit vôtre.
And would you mind going over a summary of the statement that you gave us yesterday, just to make sure it's accurate?
Et j'aimerais que vous lisiez le résumé de votre déclaration d'hier, pour vérifier qu'il est exact.
I'm sure Alex would love to go to that Hawks game with you.
Je suis sûre qu'Alex aimerait aller voir ce match avec toi.
Just dig up a 28, would you? Are you sure you're OK with this? It's all you guys.
Radios thoracique et abdominale, typez croisez... typez croisez quatre...
I don't mean to concern you, bess, but I'm not so sure that Oliver's changed as much as you would like to believe.
Je ne veux pas vous inquiéter, Bess, mais je ne suis pas sûr qu'Oliver ait changé autant que vous aimeriez le croire.
I'm sure the school would work with you.
Je suis sûr que l'école s'arrangerait...
If you would just allow me to test your hands, just to be sure, we could eliminate you as a suspect.
Si vous me laissiez simplement tester vos mains, juste pour être sûrs, on pourrait vous éliminer de la liste des suspects.
I'm sure all the exploited diamond miners in Sierra Leone would give you a high-five if they still had all their fingers. Oh, well, I got a great deal on them, so...
J'ai fait une bonne affaire, donc...
I'm sure neither of them would roll over in their grave if you did a first draft for me.
Ils ne se retourneront pas dans leur tombe si tu fais mon brouillon.
Sure I would. You going with mermaids?
J'en serais ravi.
Are you sure that there's no one in your life that would want to harm your wife?
Vous êtes sûr que personne ne voudrait atteindre votre femme?
The two of you having a kid would be weird, sure, but it wouldn't be the worst thing that ever happened.
Si vous aviez un gosse, ça ferait bizarre, évidemment... mais ce serait pas une catastrophe non plus.
You--you know that i would never do anything As crazy as this if i wasn't 100 % sure.
Tu... tu sais que je ne ferais jamais rien d'aussi dingue si je n'étais pas sur à 100 %.
Or maybe you figured jail would be the only place he'd be safe?
Ou peut-être que tu croyais que la prison serait sûre pour lui?
I'm sure Veronique would want you to go home... and live out the rest of your life remembering...
Véronique voudrait... que vous rentriez paisiblement chez vous en chérissant...
Ben, I'm not sure corporate would even let you buy a car from us.
Ben, ils ne vous laisseraient même pas acheter une voiture.
I'm not sure I know what either one of you would do anymore.
Je suis pas sûr de savoir ce que lui ou toi êtes capables de faire.
- Would you have someone there take a look? - Sure thing.
Anthony, qui est ce gars?
I'm sure some of my buddies would have you for a night or 2.
Je peux demander à des copains. Ils devraient pouvoir t'héberger.
Sure.. would you like white or brown bread?
Bien sûr. Vous-voulez du pain blanc ou du pain gris?
Almost all of'em. Boy, I sure would love it if you guys would come To our house for dinner tonight.
Ça serait super si vous veniez dîner chez moi ce soir.
Well, you can certainly understand How a father might want to, How he might follow his daughter's murderer One dark night when he was sure no other people would be around,
Vous pouvez évidemment imaginé ce qu'un père peut faire, comment il peut suivre le meurtrier de sa fille une nuit sombre, quand il se serait assurer que personne ne serait aux alentours, comment il pourrait le confronter avec une arme qu'il avait achétée pendant la guerre,
I can't ever totally make it up to you or your friends, but I would like to try to make sure that something like this doesn't happen again.
Je ne pourrai jamais me racheter envers vous ou vos amis, mais je voudrais m'assurer qu'une telle chose ne se reproduise pas.
You can't say for sure what you would do. Yes, I c.
Tu ne peux pas dire ce que tu aurais fait.
I'm sorry for all the extra security, but as I'm sure you realize there's a lot of people who would like to get their hands on this.
Navrée pour la sécurité renforcée, mais vous imaginez bien que beaucoup de personnes convoitent ceci.
I'm sure they would be happy to sell you this information at three times the price in a few years.
Ils seront ravis de vous vendre ces informations 3 fois plus cher dans quelques années.
I'm sure you wish this would work on the mother-in-law.
Vous aimeriez sûrement faire ça avec votre belle-mère.
Sure would have been fun Trying to arrest you, though.
T'as encore plein de choses à apprendre. Pourquoi gâcher un moment comme ça?
sure you were 30
sure you can 218
sure you will 57
sure you do 255
sure you are 144
sure you have 26
sure you're okay 18
sure you did 80
sure you want to do this 18
sure you could 16
sure you can 218
sure you will 57
sure you do 255
sure you are 144
sure you have 26
sure you're okay 18
sure you did 80
sure you want to do this 18
sure you could 16
you wouldn't understand 308
you wouldn't get it 22
you wouldn't like it 33
you wouldn't dare 115
you wouldn't know it 28
you wouldn't 511
you wouldn't mind 19
you wouldn't be here 60
you wouldn't believe me 53
you wouldn't know 44
you wouldn't get it 22
you wouldn't like it 33
you wouldn't dare 115
you wouldn't know it 28
you wouldn't 511
you wouldn't mind 19
you wouldn't be here 60
you wouldn't believe me 53
you wouldn't know 44
you wouldn't have 36
you wouldn't believe it 76
you wouldn't listen 18
you wouldn't believe 17
you wouldn't do that 83
you wouldn't be interested 16
you wouldn't be 24
you wouldn't do it 22
you would know 99
you would 477
you wouldn't believe it 76
you wouldn't listen 18
you wouldn't believe 17
you wouldn't do that 83
you wouldn't be interested 16
you wouldn't be 24
you wouldn't do it 22
you would know 99
you would 477