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Translate.vc / английский → французский / [ T ] / Take a look at these

Take a look at these перевод на французский

408 параллельный перевод
And I thought you might like to take a look at these.
Et j'ai pensé que vous devriez jetter un oeil à ça.
Just take a look at these. You didn't turn out so hot as a hunter, Doc, but oh, what a photographer.
Vous ne deviendrez jamais un vrai chasseur, Doc mais vous êtes un sacré photographe!
Take a look at these.
Regardez ça.
Take a look at these...
Que pensez-vous de ceux-ci?
Mr. Blandings, you'd better take a look at these bills.
M. Blandings, jetez un oil a ces factures.
Maybe I have, take a look at these.
Peut-être. Regardez ça.
Take a look at these teeth.
Regardez ses dents.
You wanna know if it's murder? Take a look at these oil wells.
Je prends également pour preuve ces puits de pétrole.
Take a look at these models.
Regardez les modèles.
Guys, take a look at these he-men!
Les gars, voilà les costauds.
Here, take a look at these beauties.
Regardez un peu ces beaux clichés.
Here, take a look at these, Larry.
Tiens, regarde ça, Larry.
Larry, will you put your eyeballs back and take a look at these?
Larry, remets tes yeux à leur place et jette un coup d'oeil là-dessus.
- Will you please take a look at these?
- Tu jettes un coup d'oeil là-dessus?
Take a look at these, will you?
Jette donc un œil.
Take a look at these.
Jetez un coup d'oeil.
I believe that you should take a look at these market research figures.
Je vous invite maintenant à étudier cette étude de marché.
Hey, take a look at these, it's part of my pet project.
Regarde un peu ça. C'est mon projet préféré.
Willard... take a look at these. They're Mr. Smith's credentials.
Jetez un coup d'œil aux références de M. Smith.
Take a look at these tranquilisers, Doctor.
Regardez ces tranquillisants, docteur.
Let's take a look at these strange humans.
Regardons ces humains très particuliers.
I think you all should take a look at these.
En voici un exemplaire.
Take a look at these wooden statues.
Jette un coup d'oeil à ces statues en bois.
I want you to take a look at these photographs.
Je veux que vous regardiez ces photos.
Everyone just take a look at these idiots.
Vous tous, regardez ces abrutis.
I ran into George, my brother-in-law. He's just back from Mexico today. He said, "Take a look at these."
J'ai croisé George, mon beau-frère qui revient du Mexique, et il m'a dit : "Jette un œil à ça."
Take a look at these.
Regarde ça. - Velosi?
Take a look at these edges.
Regarde les bords.
- Do me a favor and take a look at these.
- Tu veux bien regarder ça.
Let me take a look at these.
Je voudrais regarder.
You should take a look at these photographs.
Regardez ces photos.
Take a look at these wrinkles and these here grey hairs.
Regarde ces rides et ces cheveux gris.
Oh, how do you do? I wonder if I could spare a few moments of your time to take a look at these papers?
Pourriez-vous m'accorder quelques minutes pour regarder ce dossier?
Well, if it's tits you want... take a look at these.
Eh bien, si c'est seins que vous voulez... jetez un oeil à ces.
Just take a look at these estate papers.
Regardez ces papiers.
Take a look at these.
- Regardez ça.
- Hunt, take a look at these guys.
T'as vu ces zèbres?
Take that magnifying glass and take a careful look at these two Easter eggs.
Prends ma loupe, regarde ces deux œufs de Pâques.
I want you to take a good look at these pictures, Pete.
Je veux que tu regardes bien ces images, Pete.
Take a good look at these men.
Regarde-les bien. Tu les reconnais?
I want you to take a look at the clothes in these suitcases.
Je voulais que vous jetiez un coup d'oeil aux vêtements ici.
I must take a look at my bill one of these days.
Il faudra que j'y jette un coup d'œil un de ces jours.
But before you go, take a good look at these two comrade's faces.
Mais avant de partir, observe bien ces visages.
You take a good look at these tires.
Le caoutchouc est fichu. C'est vrai.
I've been meaning to take a long look at these books of yours, first chance I got.
Et j'aimerais jeter un coup d'œil sur les registres, un de ces jours.
I'm going down to take a closer look at these ships. Stay with me.
Je descends examiner ces bâtiments de plus près.
If you can tear yourself away from these games, do something useful and take a look at that crane bridge.
Si tu faisais des choses utiles, au lieu de jouer! Il faudrait voir la grue de près.
I want you to take a good close look at these, doc.
J'aimerais que vous les examiniez de près, doc.
- Take a look at these.
Jette un œil à ces clichés que Henning a pris de moi.
We have to take a closer look at the shots of these three.
Focalisons-nous sur ces trois là.
Take a look at all these pigs in here.
Regarde tous ces cochons.

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