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That's what i thought you said перевод на французский

79 параллельный перевод
That's what I thought you said.
C'est ce que j'avais cru comprendre.
- You heard me. That's what I thought ya said. [Indistinct Yelling]
Je pensais bien que vous aviez dit ça.
I thought that's what you said.
C'est ce que j'avais compris.
That's what I thought you said, and that's a very good question, too.
C'est ce que j'ai cru entendre et c'est une bonne question.
Yeah, that's what I thought you said.
Oui, c'est ce que je croyais avoir entendu.
- Yeah, that's what I thought you said.
- Oui, c'est bien ce qui me semblait.
That's what I thought you said.
C'est bien ce que je pensais.
I thought that's what you said. Two kinds of blood you mean? Blue blood and the kind we have.
Il y a une différence entre un marchand de journaux et l'empereur d'Autriche.
That's what i thought you said.
J'avais bien entendu.
I thought that's what you said.
C'est bien ce que j'avais compris.
At least, that's what I thought you said.
Du moins, c'est ce que je croyais que tu avais dit.
Shh. Oh. That's what i thought you said.
- Vas-tu te taire?
- That's what I thought you said he said.
- C'est ce que tu as dit qu'il a dit.
I thought that's what you said.
J'avais bien entendu.
I thought that's what you said.
J'avais bien compris.
That's what I thought you said.
C'est ce qu'il m'a semblé.
That's what I thought you said.
C'est ce que j'ai cru entendre.
Well, that's what I thought you said.
Bon... c'est bien ce que je pensais.
That's what I thought you said.
C'est bien ce qu'ils disaient.
That's what I thought you said.
C'est ce que j'avais entendu.
That's what I thought you said.
C'est ce que je croyais que tu disais.
That's what I thought you said.
C'est ce que j'avais cru entendre.
That's what I thought you said.
C'est bien ce que j'avais compris.
- That's what I thought you said.
C'est ce que j'avais cru comprendre.
That's what I thought you said.
C'était bien ça.
It's, it's just... when I first met you, that's exactly what I thought.I said to myself : "My god, it's Tina Turner!" - I saw that! - No.
Je t'ai vue.
- l thought about what you said about what's been happening around here lately and I decided that we should have dinner and figure a few things out.
- J'ai réfléchi à ce qui s'était passé dernièrement, et j'ai pensé qu'un dîner nous aiderait à y voir plus clair.
Now... did you answer because you thought that's what I wanted to hear... or did you think about what I said... and answer cause you truly believe that to be right?
Tu dis ça pour me faire plaisir, ou parce que t'y as réfléchi et que tu crois sincèrement que c'est juste?
I thought that perhaps you'd said something at one point that I didn't hear, and that's what you're holding against me.
Tu as dit un truc qui m'a échappé et tu m'en veux? Je te connais même pas.
I thought that's what you said.
Faire l'amour.
Yeah, that's because I thought it would be funny because of what you said last night about me, you know, you don't wanna be my mum and that, and it's just a little joke.
Oui, c'est parce que j'ai pensé que ce serait drôle après ce que tu m'as dit hier soir, tu sais, que tu n'es pas ma mère. Ce n'est qu'une petite plaisanterie.
I thought he got the money from you. But he borrowed it from Hansen. That's what he said.
Je croyais que tu lui avais donne ce fric mais il l'avait emprunte a Hansen.
You know, you whites, you can't really say that word, but that's what I thought Jorge said!
Les blancs peuvent pas dire ça. Mais c'est ce que j'ai cru que Jorge disait!
But I thought we were going to have an interview. On the phone, that's what you said.
Vous m'aviez dit au téléphone que je passerais un entretien.
That's what I thought you said.
C'est ce que je croyais avoir entendu.
Okay, I agree, I said that'cause I thought that's what you wanted me to say.
D'accord avec toi, j'ai cru que c'était ce que tu voulais entendre.
I thought that's what you said!
- J'avais compris ça.
Well, I thought about what you said, that it's better to know the truth.
J'ai pensé à ce que vous m'avez dit. Qu'il vaut mieux connaître la vérité.
That's what I thought, but you said you don't do drugs anymore.
C'est ce que je pensais, mais je croyais que tu ne te droguais plus.
That's what I thought you said, buddy.
- C'est ce que je croyais.
What's the story with this kitchen? I thought you said that geezer would have it done by now.
- Ta cuisine devrait être finie déjà.
Um, listen, uh, the thing is that, uh... Nathan said this whole gambling thing's just gonna go away, and I don't real know, uh, how much I believe that, and I just wanted to know what you thought - - if you think that he's right or - - or do you think he's right?
Écoute, Nathan dit que toute cette histoire va s'en aller, et je ne suis pas sûre de le croire.
I thought that's what you meant when you said that you were writing.
C'est ce que j'ai cru quand tu as dit que tu écrivais.
That's what I thought you said.
C'est bien ce qu'il me semblait.
- Look, I know that's what you thought ¡ ª - no, that's what trish said.
- Je sais que c'est ce que tu pensais. - Non, c'est ce que Trish disait.
I thought that's what you just said.
- J'ai bien entendu.
I thought you did want to wake me. At least that's what you said last night.
C'est pourtant ce que tu m'as dit hier soir.
I thought we were gonna do an interview. On the phone, that's what you said.
Vous m'aviez dit au téléphone que je passerais un entretien.
That's what I thought you said.
- C'est bien ce que j'ai entendu.
- I thought that's what you said. - But no flowers, OK?
Mais pas de fleurs.
And then you said that. It's not what I thought you were gonna say.
Je m'y attendais pas.

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