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That's what i wanted to hear перевод на французский

120 параллельный перевод
That's what I wanted to hear.
C'est ce que je voulais entendre.
That's not what I wanted to hear you say.
Ce n'est pas ce que je voulais entendre.
That's what I wanted to hear all these years.
C'est ce que j'ai voulu entendre toutes ces années.
- That's what I wanted to hear.
- C'est ce que je voulais entendre.
Now, that's what I wanted Tony to hear you say.
Je voulais que Tony t'entende.
That's what I wanted to hear you say.
C'est ce que je voulais t'entendre dire.
That's exactly what I wanted to hear from you.
C'est exactement ce que je voulais vous entendre dire.
That's exactly what I wanted to hear.
C'est exactement ce que je voulais entendre.
That's what I wanted to hear from Party Headquarters.
C'est exactement ce que je désirais entendre.
That's what I wanted to hear.
C'est parfait.
That's what I wanted to hear.
Voilà la réponse que j'attendais.
- That's what I wanted to hear.
- Je n'attendais que ça.
That's not what I really wanted to hear.
Ce n'est pas vraiment ce que je voulais entendre.
Why did you turn that off? I wanted to hear the news. What's the difference.
N'éteins pas, j'écoute les infos.
That's exactly what I thought. As a matter of fact, I like her better myself. But I wanted to hear your explanation.
C'est ce que j'ai pensé, je la préfère aussi, mais je voulais avoir votre version.
That's just what I wanted to hear.
C'est exactement ce qu'il fallait me dire.
- That's what I wanted to hear.
- C'est ce que je veux entendre.
I take it that's what you wanted to hear.
C'est ce que vous vouliez?
Well said. That's just what I wanted to hear.
Voilà qui fait plaisir à entendre!
That's what I wanted to hear.
- J'aime entendre ça!
That's what I wanted to hear!
C'est ce que je voulais savoir!
I thought that's what you wanted to hear.
Je croyais que c'était ce que tu voulais que je dise.
That's what I wanted to hear, " Cancer?
Je voulais l'entendre dire :
- Thanks. That's what I wanted to hear.
- C'est ce que je voulais entendre.
- That's what I wanted to hear.
- C'est ce que je voulais entendre.
That's what I wanted to hear.
Tu me rassures.
Because I thought that's what you wanted to hear.
C'était ce que vous vouliez entendre.
That's what I wanted to hear.
Bonne idée.
Jeez. I know that's not what you wanted to hear... but, uh... I have to follow my heart.
Je sais que tu ne voulais pas entendre ça mais je dois suivre mon cœur.
- That's what I wanted to hear.
- Voilà ce que je voulais entendre.
That's what I wanted to hear.
C'est bien. C'est ce que je voulais entendre.
That's what I wanted to hear.
Voilà ce que je voulais entendre.
That's just what I wanted to hear.
C'est ce que je voulais entendre.
Now... did you answer because you thought that's what I wanted to hear... or did you think about what I said... and answer cause you truly believe that to be right?
Tu dis ça pour me faire plaisir, ou parce que t'y as réfléchi et que tu crois sincèrement que c'est juste?
Yes, yes, yes! That's just what I wanted to hear!
Tu commences à me plaire, le vieux.
High spirits are just no substitute of eight hundred rounds a minute but I don't think that's what you wanted to hear.
La décontraction, ça ne crache pas 800 balles à la minute. C'est pas ce que vous vouliez entendre, je présume.
That's exactly what I wanted to hear.
C'est tout a fait ce que je voulais entendre.
That's not what i wanted to hear.
Ce n'est pas ce que je voulais entendre.
I just told you what you wanted to hear, that's all.
Je t'ai juste dit ce que tu voulais entendre.
that's exactly what i wanted to hear from you all along.
C'est ça que je voulais t'entendre dire.
All right. That's what I wanted to hear.
C'est ce que je voulais entendre.
That's what I wanted to hear.
Voilà ce que je voulais entendre!
That's not what I wanted to hear.
Ce n'est pas ce que j'attendais.
Dad, thanks, that's... that's exactly what I wanted to hear.
Merci, papa, c'est ce que je voulais entendre.
I just thought that that's what guys wanted to hear.
Je pensais que les garçons aimaient le croire.
That's just what I wanted to hear.
C'est juste ce que je voulais entendre.
That's just what I wanted to hear.
C'est justement ce que j'allais dire.
- Good. That's what I wanted to hear.
- C'est ce que je voulais entendre.
This is not what I wanted to hear but, I mean, Ridley was dealing with the smoke and the mirrors, and this and that and the columns, and so on and so forth.
Je n'étais pas heureux d'entendre ça, mais Ridley s'occupait de la fumée, des miroirs, des colonnes, etc.
I told you that, because that's what you wanted to hear.
C'est ce que je t'ai dit, car c'est ce que tu voulais entendre.
Gee, that's good to hear because that's what I wanted to tell you.
Tant mieux. C'est ce dont je voulais te parler.

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