The day before перевод на французский
2,752 параллельный перевод
Some people just wake up one day and feel a little better than the day before.
Certaines personnes se réveillent un jour en se sentant un peu mieux que la veille.
And the day before that.
Et avant-hier.
Their cow was killed by mortars the day before yesterday.
Leur vache s'est pris un obus avant-hier. On voit la trace.
It's the day before Christmas, and many people are saying it doesn't feel like Christmas at all.
À la veille de Noël, beaucoup disent qu'on ne dirait pas du tout Noël.
The day before yesterday.
The day before your husband died?
La veille de la mort de votre mari?
Look, I didn't know what to do, So on the day before deployment, I went back to Tallahassee, Tried to find anyone to take Maddie.
Je savais pas quoi faire, alors le jour avant le départ, je suis retournée à Tallahassee, pour trouver quelqu'un qui la prenne.
And the day before.
Et avant-hier.
It'd be cool to pull a Blanchard... buy a replica the day before and replace it with the real thing.
Un Blanchard serait cool... Acheter une réplique un jour avant et les échanger.
We slung a little crystal back in the day before they set up shop out of state.
On vendait du crystal à l'époque. Et ils veulent quoi?
Bartender said that Franks'family left town the day before.
La barmaid a dit que la famille de Franks a quitté la ville la veille.
How about the day before that?
Allons au jour d'avant.
This was his last message to us, the day before he was killed.
On a reçu ce dernier message, la veille de sa mort.
Uh, actually, clay has this thing Where he didn't talk to me the day before a road trip And I played great,
En fait, avec Clay, on a ce truc de ne pas se parler avant un déplacement, et je joue très bien, alors il me laisse tomber avant un départ.
I was home the day before yesterday.
J'étais à la maison avant-hier.
My wife and I were at the boardwalk in Santa Monica the day before she died and there was a clown performing.
Ma femme et moi étions sur la promenade à Santa Monica le jour avant sa mort et un clown faisait un numéro.
We didn't even really talk after that... until the day before our wedding.
Julia et moi, on a pas vraiment parlé après ça... Jusqu'à la veille du mariage.
This is the day before she died.
C'est la veille de sa mort.
The day before I left you, and he had it for two weeks, I gave the company credit card to Dave.
La veille du jour où je t'ai quittée, il y a deux semaines, j'ai donné ma carte pro à Dave.
The day before yesterday at a pet market in Kostroma, I saw buntings.
Avant-hier, au marché aux Oiseaux de Kostroma, j'ai vu des passereaux.
Who tried to take pictures of ella The day before on a hiking trail,
- Pour eux, c'était un campeur qui a pris des photos d'Ella lors d'une randonnée.
You trying to get me fired the day before my big race?
- Vous remercier? Vous essayez de me faire virer la veille de ma course?
The day before she went missing?
Le jour précédent sa disparition?
Yeah, the day before his birthday, he gave me free bacon.
Ouais. La veille de son anniversaire, il m'a offert du bacon.
That one loss was from the day before yesterday...
Ce raté est dû à avant hier...
Ever since college, I always dreamed about going on a date together. I think about what to wear on a date, do a fashion show the day before the date, catch a movie together, go window shopping after the show... Look at each other at a cafe while chatting.
j'ai toujours rêvé d'aller à un rendez-vous avec lui. faire du lèche-vitrine après le film... tout en discutant.
I'm so tired of saying no and then waking up in the morning and recalling every single thing I ate the day before.
J'en ai marre de résister et, au matin, de repenser à tout ce que j'ai mangé.
The President wants to know what's happening in Russia the day before it happens.
Le Président veut savoir ce qui arrive en Russie un jour avant que ça n'arrive.
And I just visit them and then I end up at Brown the day before school starts.
Je vais faire la tournée de ces lieux et me pointer à la fac, la veille de la rentrée.
What your brother wanted when he made you promise the day before he overdosed that you wouldn't be like him.
C'est ce que votre frère voulait en vous faisant promettre, avant sa surdose, de ne pas devenir comme lui.
- Who takes an all-day fishing trip... the day before a wedding?
Qui part pêcher la veille de son mariage?
But he'll be back to kill you all before the sun rises on Christmas Day.
Il reviendra pour tous vous tuer avant l'aube du jour de Noël.
I can't take another day with Dr. Peck. And, for the record, you and I just went three minutes before returning to the Hank zone.
Je survivrai pas un jour de plus avec le Dr Peck. on a tenu trois minutes avant de reparler de Hank.
I'll say, nearly got yourself killed the day before your wedding.
Tu as failli te faire tuer la veille de tes noces.
And the day before Reina calls me...
Et le jour avant que Reina ne m'appelle...
Before you leave, I've arranged with Miss Raine for you to have the rest of the day off from classes.
Avant que tu parte, je me suis arrangé avec Mademoiselle Raine. Pour vous d'avoir le reste de votre journée classe
The false prophet expected to wreak havoc just before Judgment Day.
Dajjal en arabe signifie "Antichrist". Le faux prophète qui devrait causer le chaos.. .. juste avant le Jugement dernier.
The day before he was murdered, Joseph was acting...
Le jour de sa mort,
He took her picture the day before she disappeared,
Il y a un homme qui a pris une photo d'elle un jour avant sa disparition.
"Before the new day."
"Avant le jour nouveau..."
It was the next day, early morning... before we could get to the crater.
C'était le jour suivant, tôt le matin... Que nous avons pu atteindre le cratère.
That day, how did you find out so quickly, that Seo Dong Gun got arrested? That was before the case was reported in the news.
très prudent. vous aidez aussi.
I've said before, we have to win the match the day after.
Je te l'ai déjà dit. Il faut qu'on gagne le match après-demain.
The stage setup usually takes place a week before the show begins. For big shows, it might take a week to set up, but for smaller shows, it could just take a day.
Habituellement l'installation d'une scène se fait une semaine avant le spectacle. un jour suffit pour un petit spectacle.
It's not every day that I have a super-hot girl grinding on top of me, and I got a little too excited and, before I know it, your parents are in the room and I'm there
Ce n'est pas tous les jours que j'ai une nana super canon qui me fait une danse du ventre.
There is a wonderful old Italian joke about a poor man who goes to church every day and prays before the statue of a great saint, begging :
Il y a une fabuleuse blague italienne sur un pauvre qui va, chaque jour, prier la statue d'un grand saint :
The day before he turns 17.
La veille de ses 17 ans.
We cannot afford to lose the casa de sex before Labor Day, okay?
On ne peut pas perdre la maison maintenant.
And the next day... he brought before me a servant girl that he had accused of the crime.
Le lendemain, il a fait venir une servante qu'il a accusée du crime.
David Norris, who has spent the last two days campaigning in the Tri-Lakes area received some welcome news yesterday when the latest New York Times poll gave him a 16-point lead over his opponent less than a month before election day.
David Norris, en campagne depuis deux jours dans la région de Tri-Lakes, a reçu de bonnes nouvelles hier avec le dernier sondage du New York Times qui le place 16 points devant son adversaire, moins d'un mois avant l'élection.
Lift about 10 of these a day and you will be well on your way to the physique you see before you.
Soulèves-en 10 par jour et tu obtiendras le même corps de rêve que moi.
the day before yesterday 39
the day 56
the day after tomorrow 108
the day after 57
the day she died 19
the day after that 18
day before yesterday 18
before 1084
before i die 32
before i forget 163
the day 56
the day after tomorrow 108
the day after 57
the day she died 19
the day after that 18
day before yesterday 18
before 1084
before i die 32
before i forget 163
before i knew it 62
before you go 323
before you leave 71
before you die 34
before i met you 48
before you know it 193
before i leave 41
before your time 20
before you start 24
before i go 103
before you go 323
before you leave 71
before you die 34
before i met you 48
before you know it 193
before i leave 41
before your time 20
before you start 24
before i go 103