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There's something else перевод на французский

1,895 параллельный перевод
There's something else I know about you.
Je sais encore une chose sur vous.
- Well, there's got to be something else.
- Il nous faut autre chose.
But there's something else.
Mais il y a autre chose.
But if Erica did do that, there's got to be something else going on.
Mais si elle a vraiment fait ça, il doit se passer autre chose.
And then... there's something else : a bomb, a kidnapping, an atrocity.
Et alors... autre chose arrive : une bombe, un kidnapping, une monstruosité.
There's something else.
Il y a autre chose.
There's got to be something else on Dave's phone bill that'll help us.
Autre chose sur la facture doit pouvoir nous aider.
Well, There's Something Else In This Building.
Bien, là il y a quelque chose d'autre dans ce bâtiment.
Okay, brooke, I understand that you're upset, but is there something else that's going on?
Okay, brooke, je comprend que tu sois fachée, mais se passe t'il autre chose?
But there's something else, Chloe,
Mais il y a autre chose, Chloé,
There's something else.
Dis-leur, Sona.
Yeah, there's something else.
Oui, il y a autre chose.
There's, there's something else here!
Il y a une chose, ici!
I just feel like there's got to be something else going on here.
J'ai l'impression qu'il y a quelque chose d'autre qui se prépare.
There is something I particularly wanted to say to you, without anybody else being there.
- s'il vous plait, laissez-moi commencer j'ai repété mon discours en cour de route, il n'est pas très long - Mr Clennam...
There's something else I wanted to tell you.
Je voulais te dire autre chose.
There's something else!
Et puis tu sais, il y a autre chose aussi.
There's something else.
Autre chose...
Wait, there's something else, obscured by the sun
Attendez, il y a quelque chose d'autre, obscurcie par le soleil
Hang on, there's something else out here.
Tiens! Il y a quelque chose d'autre ici.
There's something else holding me back.
Y a autre chose qui m'en empêche.
Wait, wait, Dalip, there's something else that I know.
Attendez... J'en sais plus.
I know I made the call, but there's something else going on here.
Je sais que j'ai appelé, mais il y a autre chose qui cloche.
No, there's something else.
Non, il y a autre chose.
There's something else I need to tell you.
Il faut que je te dise quelque chose.
There's something else.
il y a autre chose.
But there's something else you need to know.
Mais il y a autre chose.
Hey, Kimmy, there's something else.
- Autre chose...
First, there's something else I need to bring up.
Je dois vous parler d'autre chose.
- Although there's something else I thought you might wanna hear about.
Une autre nouvelle qui peut vous intéresser :
And, uh... there's something else.
Ce n'est pas tout.
Guys, there's something else.
Il y a autre chose.
We're sending a clean-up crew, but there's something else.
Nous envoyons une équipe de nettoyage, mais il y a quelque chose d'autre.
There's nothing in you that sees something else?
Il n'y a rien en toi qui puisse voir autre chose en elle?
there's something else. Something good that's come out of all of this.
Et autre chose, une bonne chose est sortie de tout ça.
I know there's no time to bring in more tac support, so give me something else.
Je sais, on n'a pas le temps de faire venir du renfort donc donnez-moi autre chose.
Trevor, there's something else out here, man.
Trevor, il y a quelque chose là-bas.
And there's something else, something that I couldn't admit to before.
Il y a autre chose. Un truc que je ne voulais pas admettre.
Good, because there's something else we need to talk about.
Tant mieux, parce qu'il y a autre chose.
There must be something else he's getting out of it.
Il doit y avoir autre chose.
No, but there's something else I like to do with it.
Non, mais j'aimerais faire autre chose avec.
- Yeah, there's something else.
Oui, y a autre chose.
There's something else you're not going to like.
Il y a autre chose que tu ne vas pas aimer.
I just can't shake the feeling that he's right, that there's something else going on that we just can't see.
Je n'arrête pas de penser qu'il a raison, qu'il y a autre chose en cours, qu'on ne voit pas.
And there's something else. Right around the time I was awakened,
Et puis, quand je me suis réveillé,
- And there's something else.
- Et il y a autre chose.
If anything else was in there, it would have to weigh something.
S'il y avait eu autre chose, on l'aurait vu.
Viceroy, there's something else very important I need you to do.
Il y a une chose qu'il faudrait que tu fasses pour moi.
There's something else?
Il ya quelque chose d'autre?
There's something else to do first.
Une formalité, d'abord.
There's something else I need to ask you about.
Il faut que je te demande autre chose.

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