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Translate.vc / английский → французский / [ T ] / They're all over the place

They're all over the place перевод на французский

153 параллельный перевод
Don, they haven't gone to bed yet. The men, they're having a party all over the place.
Don, ces hommes ne dorment toujours pas.
They're all over the place.
Ils sont partout.
They're dropping eggs all over the place, men, smack on the target.
Ils bombardent toute la ville.
I'm all broke up with cops, honey. They're hanging all over my place and at the office.
Les flics surveillent mon bureau et mon appartement.
Why, they're just all Wringles all over the place.
Le monde grouille de Wringle.
They're rushing about all over the place.
Ils courent dans tous les sens.
Yes, they're all through here, all over the place.
Oui, tout du long. Il y en a partout.
They're all over the place.
Nous sommes encerclés.
They're dropping artillery all over the place! That's what.
Leur artillerie nous arrose!
They're all over the place. Must be dozens of them.
Il y en a des douzaines.
They're looking all over the place for the mysterious Dr. Schaefer.
Tout le monde cherche partout le mystérieux Dr Schaefer.
God, they're all over the place, man.
Putain, il y en a partout.
They're shooting from all over the place.
Les salauds tirent de tous les coins.
They're makin'their movie all over the place... but not paying anybody.
Ils filment partout... mais ils ne nous payent jamais.
The icebox just broke down and they're melting all over the place.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
They're all over the place.
ils sont partout.
Was I right? They're all over the goddamn place.
Ils sont tous dans le coin bordel...
They're rolling all over the place.
Elles roulent jusqu'en bas.
They're all over the place.
Il y en a partout.
They're all over the place.
Elles sont partout.
And go all over the place. They're awfully naughty.
Ils sèment la pagaille, c'est une calamité.
You wiggle'till they're giggling All over the place
Tu te tortilles jusqu'à ce qu'ils ricanent de tous les côtés
- Sheriff, they're all over the place.
- Il y en a partout.
They haven't figured out how come you're bleeding all over the place.
Ils ignorent encore pourquoi vous saignez toujours.
And those things, they're all over the place.
Et ces choses, elles sont partout.
Hell, son, they're all over the place.
- Ils sont partout fils.
The place is loaded with FBI men. They're planted all over. But even so, it's not worth it.
Même s'il y a des agents du FBI partout, le risque est trop grand.
They're all over the place!
Ils sont partout!
You develop a part of the weapon here, another part over there, the trigger some place else again, and nobody involved knows what the hell they're working on until it's all put together!
On fait une partie de l'arme ici, l'autre là, la gâchette ailleurs, et personne n'est au courant tant que tout n'est pas assemblé.
Cops are all over the place. They're drivin'my guests away.
Vos agents font fuir mes clients.
They're all over the place.
Il y en a partout!
It's the damn company. They're cutting back all over the place.
Cette fichue boîte fait des compressions de personnel.
They're all over the place.
II y en a partout.
- They're all over the place. Hang on.
- Ils sont partout.
They're all over the place.
Y en a partout.
They're all over the place.
Il y en a plein.
See? They're all over the place.
Tu vois, il y en a partout.
They're crying all over the place. They're crying in America, they're crying in Europe.
Et vas-y que ça chiale de partout, en Amérique comme en Europe.
They're all over the place.
Pires que des lapins! Ça se faufile partout!
They're all over the place...
Ils sont partout...
They're all over the place.
- Un peu partout.
I think they're all over the place, you know....
Il y en a vraiment beaucoup, je trouve....
- They're all over the place. - Stay close to me.
Ils sont partout.
- Yes. Look at them, they're slouching all over the place.
Ils ne savent même pas s'asseoir.
They're gonna cut him open. His guts will be all over the place.
Ils l'ouvriront, ses entrailles seront partout.
It's like one thing to know that they're sitting at your desk and they got your stuff out all over the place.
C'est dur de savoir qu'ils sont assis à nos places et foutent la pagaille sur nos bureaux.
Now they're spreading out all over the place.
Mais là, ils se sont dispersés et il y en a partout.
They're all over the place.
Ils frôlent le blocage en lacet.
The different footprints are toe-to-toe and they're are all over the place.
Des empreintes différentes partout, face à face.
Boy, they're moving. They're dancing all over the place and the songs are very catchy.
Ils dansent de partout et les chansons sont entraînantes.
They're boarding us. They're coming in all over the place.
Ils sont à bord, ils entrent de partout.

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