Treadstone перевод на французский
93 параллельный перевод
Want me to call the hotel doctor? Not now.
A l'exception de votre employeur, Treadstone 71.
How did you understand them? Whoever phones for you is to be told you're out, and you're informed of it. The one exception is your employer, Treadstone 71.
La France a expulsé trois diplomates cubains, suite... aux recherches menées à l'encontre de Carlos... soupçonné d'avoir tué l'ambassadeur Howard Leland.
If there's nothing for Treadstone 71, try Treadstone without the number.
Dites-moi seulement si le numéro y est, vous n'aurez pas à... Ne me dites pas que vous n'y avez pas accès, c'est faux.
... with 1 5 million dollars. Where did that come from? Treadstone 71?
J'en sais plus que ces journaux.
At one point in the beginning, I thought, well, maybe....
J'ai déjà appelé Peter pour qu'il se renseigne sur votre Treadstone.
It's impossible.
- Treadstone est dangereux.
Your precious Treadstone.
Ton précieux Treadstone.
Peter White at the Canadian Treasury... ... calls the NSC asking about Treadstone and is shot.
Peter White, du ministère des Finances canadien... a appelé le CNS au sujet de Treadstone.
And afterwards he vanished, reappeared in Zurich... ... withdrew millions from the Treadstone account...
Puis il a disparu et il est réapparu à Zurich... où il a retiré des millions du compte Treadstone.
Creator of Treadstone 71.
Le créateur de Treadstone 71.
... just to sweep Treadstone and give me what they get.
Ils fouillent Treadstone et me donnent ce qu'ils trouvent.
His response was to wipe out Treadstone.
Il a nettoyé Treadstone pour toute réponse.
Have you heard of a group in the ClA called Treadstone?
Connaissez-vous un groupe de la CIA qui s'appelle Treadstone?
I can tell you nothing about Treadstone. Nothing.
Je ne peux rien vous dire sur Treadstone, rien.
All we want is someone in Treadstone we can trust. Someone past suspicion.
Nous voulons juste une personne de confiance dans ce groupe.
Villiers said you can trust Abbott. David Abbott in Treadstone.
Villiers a dit qu'on pouvait faire confiance à David Abbott.
- He just destroyed Treadstone.
- Il vient de détruire Treadstone.
Why? To kill him like everybody else at Treadstone?
Pour le tuer, comme tous ceux de Treadstone?
Treadstone, third floor, your room....
Treadstone, troisième étage, ta chambre...
And Carlos will come to Treadstone to kill you.
Et Carlos ira à Treadstone pour vous tuer.
Talking about Treadstone.
Nous parlions de Treadstone.
Was this Treadstone?
C'était Treadstone?
What will I say about Treadstone?
Que vais-je dire sur Treadstone?
Treadstone, both of us.
On est tous deux de Treadstone.
- De Treadstone?
What is Treadstone?
Treadstone, c'est quoi?
Treadstone said pills.
Les cachets, m'a dit Treadstone.
Is Treadstone in Paris?
Treadstone, c'est à Paris?
- Are you Treadstone?
- Treadstone, c'est toi?
- Am I Treadstone? Me?
- Moi, Treadstone?
The Treadstone project has already been terminated.
Il a en fait déjà été mis fin au projet Treadstone.
Conklin, la pluie, un Russe, une voiture, Treadstone, QUI ÉTAIS-JE?
- It's Treadstone.
- C'est Treadstone.
Acess Denied. - Threadstone Project -
What the hell's Treadstone?
Treadstone, qu'est-ce que c'est?
- What can you tell me about Treadstone?
- Que sais-tu de Treadstone?
- Treadstone?
- Treadstone?
Project Debreifing Report
Operation Treadstone.
Opération Treadstone.
That's a warrant granting me unrestricted access to all personnel materials associated with Treadstone.
Voici une autorisation qui me confère le libre accès à tous les dossiers du personnel associés à Treadstone.
Nobody wants to know about Treadstone.
Personne ne veut entendre parler de Treadstone.
I know Treadstone's not a popular subject here but we found some interesting things.
Je sais que Treadstone n'est pas un sujet très prisé ici mais on a découvert des faits intéressants.
His Treadstone files are bloated with code keys and case files that he had no clearance for.
Ses dossiers sur Treadstone sont bourrés de listes de codes et de dossiers dont l'accès ne lui était pas autorisé.
You'd been working at Treadstone 3 years and your cover was what?
Vous avez travaillé pour Treadstone pendant trois ans. Quelle était votre couverture?
So who's running Treadstone now?
Qui dirige Treadstone maintenant?
I won't forget your efficiency.
S'il n'y a rien à Treadstone 71, essayez sans le numéro.
I can't believe it myself.
D'où vient cet argent, de Treadstone 71?
Do you see trains, cars, planes?
- Etait-ce Treadstone?
I already called Peter to get him to find out about your Treadstone. You shouldn't have done that.
Prenez-moi dans vos bras, Jason.