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Try not to talk перевод на французский

134 параллельный перевод
Try not to talk.
Essayez de ne pas parler.
Remember, try not to talk.
- Essayez de ne pas parler.
- Try not to talk.
Ne parlez pas.
And try not to talk too much.
Ne parlez pas trop...
Try not to talk too much.
Ne parlez pas trop, père
And try not to talk so much, okay?
Essaie de pas trop parler, ok?
- Try not to talk.
- Ne parle pas.
Until that time, let's try not to talk about it.
En attendant, essayons de ne plus en parler.
I try not to talk in front of adults.
J'essaie de ne pas parler devant les adultes.
Try not to talk.
- Ne parle pas!
Try not to talk too much.
Ne parle pas trop.
Dinah, try not to talk, okay?
Dinah, n'essaie pas de parler.
Try not to talk.
Ne parle pas.
Please, Dinah, try not to talk anymore, okay?
Je t'en prie, Dinah, n'essaie plus de parler.
Try not to talk.
Ne parlez pas trop.
Try not to talk.
Ne parlez Pas trop.
Try not to talk right now, okay?
Essaie de ne pas parler.
Ford... try not to talk.
Ford, essaie de tenir ta langue.
Try not to talk.
Ne parlez pas.
Try not to talk. Where have I heard that before?
Où ai-je déjà entendu ça?
Try not to talk to me.
Essayez de ne pas me parler.
Try not to talk.
Je suis votre médecin, ne parlez pas.
Can we just try not to talk about Max for just this once, just tonight? Is that possible?
On pourrait ne pas parler de Max, pour une fois?
Right, Jamal, listen, try not to talk... with everybody on the bus, okay?
Bien, Jamal, écoute-moi. Ne parle pas aux gens dans le bus. D'accord.
And try not to talk.
Et ne parle pas.
- Little tip, Spike : try not to talk about things you don't understand.
- Ne parle pas de ce que tu ne comprends pas.
- Try not to talk. Slow, deep breaths.
- Sous cut d'épinéphrine.
Try not to talk. Cough all that stuff up.
Essaie de ne pas parler, tousse, libère-toi de ce qui te gène.
Just try not to talk so much, okay?
Essaye juste de pas trop parler, OK?
We should just... try not to talk about it tonight.
Tu as raison, on devrait... éviter d'en parler, ce soir.
I try not to talk to my mom as much as possible.
J'essaie de parler le moins possible à ma mère.
Try not to talk.
Ne dis rien.
I'll try not to doze off if you want to talk to me, Dr Sutton.
J'essaierai de ne pas dormir, si vous voulez me parler.
Mind you, I'm not out here to try and talk you out of anything.
Sachez que je ne suis pas là pour vous dissuader.
You could talk to him and try not to hit him.
Quelques taloches, d'accord, mais n'appuyez pas trop.
Well try not to talk to anyone.
Ne parlez à personne.
Well, he's got enough sense not to come back here but if you get in touch with him, try and talk him into going back because it'll be a whole lot easier on him.
Il a assez de bon sens pour ne pas venir ici, mais... si vous avez des nouvelles, essayez de le convaincre de se rendre. Ça allégera énormément les charges contre lui.
If you want to talk with me, including walkie-talkie. But try not to do it.
Si tu veux me parler, allume, mais essaie pas.
If this is what you really want, I'm not gonna try to talk you out of it.
Si c'est ce que tu veux, je ne vais pas t'en dissuader.
And could you please try not to toss and talk in your sleep?
Et peux-tu essayer de ne pas frétiller et parler dans ton sommeil?
Don't talk to anyone, don't touch anything, don't do anything, don't interact with anyone and try not to look at anything.
ne fais rien n'interagis avec personne et essaie de ne rien regarder.
I should not try to talk with him again.
Et que je ferais mieux de ne pas le rappeler.
Don't try to waste time... I'm not going to talk to you.
Vous jouez la montre.
Try not to talk-o.
Ne parlez pas "troppo".
This is not an invitation for you to try to talk me out of it.
N'y voyez pas une invitation... à essayer de me dissuader.
- Lorne, you just stay tight and try not to, you know, talk.
Lorne, tu restes près d'ici et essaye de ne pas, tu vois, parler.
I try to talk to him, but he's not half the conversationalist you are.
On a discuté, mais il est loin d'avoir ta conversation.
- Rory, if you need to talk about this... to try and understand why this is happening... then by all means, do not ask your mother.
Rory, si tu as besoin d'en parler, pour essayer de comprendre pourquoi c'est arrivé alors par pitié, ne demande pas à ta mère!
It is my desire, if not my duty, to try to talk to you journeymen with some candor about what is happening to radio andtelevision.
Il est de mon devoir de vous parler avec candeur de ce qui se passe à la radio et à la télévision.
Listen, if you don't want to talk about what you did, I'm not going to try to force you to,
Ecoute, si tu ne veux pas parler de ce que tu as fait, je ne vais pas t'y forcer.
I'm gonna talk to her, Jack, whether you wanna try and stop me or not.
Après toi.

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