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Translate.vc / английский → французский / [ W ] / We'll be all right

We'll be all right перевод на французский

714 параллельный перевод
- Sister, is it bad? - No. No, we'll be all right.
Ma sœur, c'est grave?
You'll be all right. We'll get you to a hospital.
Ça ira, on va te conduire à l'hôpital.
You're going to be all right. We'll take care of you.
Ca va aller, on va s'occuper de toi.
We'll be able to pick up his trail all right.
Nous retrouverons ses traces.
- We'll be all right.
- Tout ira bien.
But it isn't all right. When we get back from this trip, I'll teach him how a girl like you ought to be treated.
À notre retour, je lui parlerai.
She'll be all right after we're married.
Elle ira mieux après le mariage.
Have patience, we'll be all right.
Soyez patients, tout ira bien.
- We'll be all right, ma'am.
- Ça ira... très bien.
Now Curley if we can get across that ferry, we'll be all right.
Si on atteint Lee's Ferry, on sera sauvés.
Just sit quiet, folks, we'll be all right!
Restez à vos places et ça ira!
Get good wages out there and put it all together and we'll be all right.
On sera bien payés et tout se passera bien. Bien payés?
We'll be all right, Mother.
- Oui, Mère.
- We'll be all right.
- Ça va aller.
We'll be all right.
Ça ira.
We'll be all right.
Ça va aller.
He'll be all right when we get the bullet out.
Il faut extraire la balle.
The way I understand it, he ´ ll be all right if we keep him moving.
Tout ira bien si on le force à rester en mouvement.
It'll be all right. We'll take her to the clinic.
Elle ira à la clinique.
We'll be all right, Mama.
Ça ira. maman.
We'll be all right, as long as ma gets well.
Mais ça ira, si m'man se remet.
If we can blend in with the regulars, we'll be all right.
Si nous nous glissons parmi les autres, nous serons parées.
All right, if that's the way Whitehall want it, in future, we'll be foreigners.
Ces finasseries... - Ecoutez monsieur... - Vous, la ferme aussi.
We'll get you a little whiskey, Quayne! You'll be all right.
On va vous donner un peu de whisky... et ça ira!
No, we'll manage. It'll be all right.
Tout ira bien.
Others have gotten away with it. We'll be all right.
D'autres ont réussi.
We've got your boy Fallon in here, and he'll be all right if you do as I say.
On tient Fallon. Alors faites ce que je dis!
- We'll be all right. I said don't worry about it.
On s'en sortira, je t'ai dis de ne pas t'inquiéter.
I'll be in your office by 8 : 30, but I got to do it. All right. Well, here we go.
Je serai à votre bureau à 8 h 30.
This wasn't the way we planned it but it'll be all right once we cross the border.
Ce n'est pas ce qui était prévu. Mais tout ira mieux quand nous aurons traversé la frontière.
Well, that's all right, Captain. We don't mind. You understand you'll be treated decently?
J'ai déshonoré les miens.
If we match it right, the rockets'll be pinpointed. That'll take all day.
Cherchez par là sur la carte.
If we drive carefully, I'll be all right.
Si nous roulons lentement, tout ira bien.
All right, we'll be waiting for you.
À votre service.
- We'll be all right
On fera avec.
No, it's all right. We'll be in Rock Springs in an hour.
Rock Springs n'est qu'à une heure.
It's nothing. When we stopped suddenly, she got kicked. She'll be all right.
Elle a reçu un coup quand on a freiné sec. Elle va s'en remettre.
All right. Get him out of here. Then you can go back and tell your friends we'll be waiting right here for any more of them that comes in looking for trouble.
Emporte-le... et dis à tes copains que le premier qui se présentera sera bien reçu.
But she'll be all right, and we'll probably be back in a few minutes.
Ça va aller. Nous allons revenir.
If we crack up, you won't get a chance to feel it. Take it easy. It'll be all right.
Si ça cède, vous n'aurez pas le temps de le sentir.
And the next thing you know we'll be in the air, all right?
Et très vite on volera dans les airs.
We'll put the big stones over there and then they'll be all right.
Nous mettrons les grosses pierres là-bas et ce sera parfait.
That'll be all right till we get you to hospital.
Ça ira jusqu'à l'hôpital.
If we keep our heads, we'll be all right.
Restons sur nos gardes.
- All right, we'll be there at 6 : 30.
- D'accord, on sera là à 18 h 30.
We'll be all right.
Tout ira bien.
We'll be all right. We may have lost the foundry, but we have enough to live on in Brazil.
Même sans l'usine, nous avons de quoi vivre au Brésil.
Don't worry, fellow, we know. You'll be all right.
Vous allez vous en sortir.
And then everything'll be all right. We can forget about it, can't we, Milly?
Quand tout ça sera réglé, nous oublierons, n'est-ce pas, Milly?
Don't you worry about us. We'll be all right.
T'en fais pas pour nous, mon vieux!
I know it's not the way we planned, but it'll be all right.
Ce n'est pas ce qu'on avait prévu, je sais, mais tout ira bien.

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