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Translate.vc / английский → французский / [ W ] / We'll be waiting

We'll be waiting перевод на французский

408 параллельный перевод
We'll be waiting at the retrieval point.
Nous vous attendons au point de récupération.
- We'll be waiting for you.
- Nous allons vous attendre.
It'll take you longest to reach your objective, so we'll be waiting for your signal.
Vous aurez plus de mal à atteindre l'objectif. On attendra votre signal.
- We'll be anxiously waiting for you.
- On brûle d'impatience.
We ´ ll be waiting for you.
Nous vous attendrons.
I'll say goodbye again because we'll both be waiting for you.
Oui, nous vous attendrons tous les deux!
- Well, we'll be waiting a long time then!
- Alors, on va pouvoir attendre longtemps.
And when she finds out what kind of a man George is, I'll be waiting for her, and together we'll salvage what is left of our lives.
Quand elle apprendra quel genre d'homme est George, je l'attendrai et je récupérerai les fragments de notre vie.
Tell madame we will be ready at 2, waiting for her signal then I'll swim the moat.
Dites à votre maîtresse que nous serons prêts à deux heures, attendant son signal,... puis... je traverserai les douves à la nage.
We'll be waiting for you.
Nous t'attendons!
- We'll be waiting for you in the carriage.
- Nous t'attendrons dans la calèche.
We'll be waiting, Dad.
Nous attendrons ton appel.
We'll be waiting for you.
- On t'attendra.
- We'll be waiting.
- On vous attend.
- So long, George. - We'll be waiting up for you.
On attend ton retour.
We " ll be there waiting for you.
On vous y attendra.
But it's after 1 : 00, and Rusty'll be waiting at a place we know.
Il est une heure du matin : Rusty et moi avons rendez - vous.
When you come back, we'll be waiting for you... the whole family.
Toute la famille sera là pour votre retour.
We'll be waiting for you.
On t'attendra.
We'll be waiting for you, marshal, at the O.K. Corral.
Nous vous attendons à OK Corral, shérif!
If we cut down there, they'll be waiting for us.
Il va prendre par-là et nous attendre au carrefour.
We'll be waiting for you, you know where. ( all three lines with the familiar "tu" )
Nous t'attendons où tu sais.
And he'll be there, setting waiting. He can keep squatting on his hunkers from now till Christmas...'cause we ain't gonna be there.
Il peut y rester jusqu'à noël...
- Remember, we'll be waiting outside. - Uh-huh.
N'oubliez pas qu'on sera en train d'attendre.
We'll always be waiting for you.
Vous savez qu'ici on vous attend.
- We'll be waiting.
- Nous attendrons.
All right, we'll be waiting for you.
À votre service.
- We'll be waiting for you.
- On vous attendra.
Hurry back. We'll be waiting.
Dépêche-toi de revenir, nous t'attendons.
Well, tell madame that we'll be on the shore at 2 : 00, waiting for her signal then I will swim the moat.
À 2 h, nous attendrons le signal de Madame.
All right. Get him out of here. Then you can go back and tell your friends we'll be waiting right here for any more of them that comes in looking for trouble.
Emporte-le... et dis à tes copains que le premier qui se présentera sera bien reçu.
They don't like to be kept waiting. I'll lay on a car. We'll meet in front of the hotel at six.
J'attends à la voiture et on s'attend à l'hôtel à 6 h.
We'll be waiting for him.
Nous l " attendrons.
- We'll be waiting.
- Nous vous attendrons.
- We'll be waiting.
- On attend là.
We'll be waiting for the bang about dawn. - Good luck, sir.
On sera à l'écoute de l'explosion!
it looks like we'll be kept waiting for a long time he's a great Lord, surely
On risque d'attendre longtemps! C'est un seigneur, lui!
We'll be waiting for it.
Nous y serons.
He won't be home till around 2. Now, we'll be waiting for him.
Il ne rentrera pas avant 2 h. Nous l'attendrons.
And the carriage is all bought and waiting... and it won't be any time at all... before we'll be... taking him for walks together in the park... all the places that we used to go and know.
Son petit landau aussi. Et dans très peu de temps... nous promènerons notre fils. Nous l'emmènerons au parc... aux lieux qui nous sont chers.
We'll be waiting up ahead.
On vous attendra là-bas.
We'll be waiting for you.
Nous t'attendons.
We'll be waiting.
Nous t'attendrons.
We'll be waiting for a full report.
On attend ton rapport.
We'll be sitting ducks for what's waiting for us outside.
On sera des cibles faciles pour ce qui nous attend dehors.
Hon. Sup. Pvt., we'll be waiting.
Supérieur, j'attends votre retour.
We'll be waiting. Ciao.
On t'attend.
- On attendra.
We'll be waiting
Je t'attends.
I'm just going back where I belong... and any time you'd care to join us... we'll be waiting for you.
Je rentre chez moi. Si tu veux nous rejoindre, on sera là.
- We'll be waiting for you here.
Le marsala!

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