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Translate.vc / английский → французский / [ W ] / We're going to go

We're going to go перевод на французский

1,304 параллельный перевод
We're going to go blow up some bombs.
On va faire sauter quelques bombes.
And we're not going to let you go to jail.
On ne te laissera pas aller en prison.
And while we're on the subject are they going to go away afterward?
et pendant qu'on y est je pourrais savoir si ça va disparaître?
Look, we're just going to have to go on without her.
On va devoir y aller sans elle.
We're never going to go into Luke's again?
On ne retourne plus chez Luke, terminé?
We're going back to Oregon tomorrow morning. I have to go pack.
On repart demain matin, je dois faire les valises.
We're going to have to let you go.
Tu vas nous quitter.
We're going to go backwards through the order.
On va passer dans l'ordre inverse.
JESSE : All right, Mrs. Ramirez. We gotta go, or we're going to miss our plane.
Mme Ramirez, nous devons y aller où nous allons rater l'avion.
I cannot go to any more parties until I know what we're going to do.
Je n'irai plus aux fêtes tant que je ne saurai pas ce qu'on va faire.
We're going to march out there together. We will join arms and go out that door... to keep the Pacific Coast Highway clean.
Nous allons marcher tous les deux, nous allons lutter ensemble et sortir d'ici pour conserver la propreté de notre autoroute.
I mean, Scawldy thinks we're going to Detroit... let's go to Seattle.
Scawldy croit qu'on va à Detroit. Allons à Seattle.
We've planned to go to the opera, and that's what we're going to do.
Nous avions prévu d'aller à l'Opéra, et nous irons, viens! Non, certainement, non.
This is where we're going to go, as soon as you get better....... San Fransisco, California.
C'est où nous allons aller, dès que tu iras mieux San Fransisco, Californie.
We're going to go now.
On s'en va!
Think we're going to go to the junior prom.
On va aller au bal du lycée.
This coffin's not going to go down so we're going to leave it on top. - Yes, we'd better leave it on top.
Ce cercueil ne passera pas, on va le laisser en hauteur.
we're going to go to the shops we'll get you... some food.
Ça doit partir! On achètera à manger.
Sigs, I want to find out from the O.P. how many we're going to scoop up, if we go now.
Soldat, demandez au Q.G combien on va en trouver, si nous y allons maintenant.
If we don't go in hard, we're going to have tears.
Si on n'y va pas fort, on aura des pleurs. Est-ce que vous comprenez?
We're going to go to our right.
On va courir vers la droite.
We're going to go to the left. All right?
Non, à gauche, D'accord?
And you're not going to believe this, but we had to go under the water to get to the city.
Et vous n'allez pas le croire on a dû passer sous l'eau pour entrer dans la ville.
We're going to go now, quietly and very quickly.
On va sortir, calmement et très, très vite.
We're going to the Extreme Rockfest, I knew you'd never let us go.
Nous allons au Rockfest extreme. Je savais que tu nous l'interdirais.
I can't beat him, but he can't beat me, either. We're going to have to go down together.
Je ne peux pas le battre et lui non plus.
We need to go through it, see if we can find anything that might tell us... what they're doing, where they're going.
Il faut lire ça, et essayer de trouver quelque chose qui nous renseigne sur ce qu'ils font, où ils vont.
yeah. we should go or we're going to miss the rest of jane parking.
Allons-y, ou on va rater la fin du créneau de Jane.
Okay, we're going to go visit our cousin.
On va chez notre cousin.
We're going to have to go somewhere else to find your injector, Trip.
Nous allons devoir aller ailleurs pour trouver votre injecteur, Trip.
So you're going to put out that cigarette.. we're gonna put this fight on hold, and go have sex.
Alors tu vas écraser ça, on va déclarer une trêve et faire l'amour.
Thank you. As I was saying, all the proceeds from the auction go to the children's hospital, and we're going to be offering some lovely pieces which I think would like very nice in that inn of yours.
Tous les bénéfices seront reversés à l'hôpital pour enfants et nous allons mettre en vente quelques belles pièces qui, à mon avis, feront sensation dans ton auberge.
I'm afraid we're going to have to let you go as our friend. You're just too... - Lame.
J'ai peur qu'on doive se passer de toi comme ami... parce que tu es trop...
I mean, I wanted to keep it a surprise but that's exactly where we're going You're getting what you want so, let's go!
Mon Dieu, elle a l'air d'une vache dans cette robe! Maintenant, tu hurles.
We're just going to have to go in there and explain what happened.
- Relax, on va leur parler des films.
We got a Knicks game on. I had a broccoli and asparagus casserole planned for you and me, right there in front of the TV, and we're not going to be able to do that either,'cause I got to go in to work.
Il y avait un match des Knicks, j'avais une casserole de brocolis-asperges prévue pour ce soir, pour toi et moi, devant la télé, et ça tombe à l'eau, malheureusement, parce qu'il faut que je retourne travailler.
We're going to go get you cleaned up, sir.
Nous allons procéder à sa toilette.
- Go! Mrs. Connelly, you know, honestly, we're going to print today... and everything's crazy around here.
Mme Connelly, vous savez, honnêtement, on boucle aujourd'hui, et on est tous un peu pressé.
He told us to go back and we're going back!
Il dit de rentrer! Vous êtes des héros?
My boss is going to go nuts on me if we're late, so please?
Mon chef va me tuer si on est en retard. Pitié!
I'm going to get this and we're going to go.
Je prends ça et on va passer.
We're going to go talk for a minute, okay, baby?
On va discuter un peu, d'accord?
- We're going to go.
- Alors on y va?
- We're going to go.
- On y va.
We're going to go and tell them we're not going to do it.
On y va, et on leur dit qu'on ne le fait pas.
- we're going to the lake. - Let's go.
Let's go, Jose Carlos. We're going to be late for church.
José Carlos, on va être en retard à la messe.
And while I didn't go inside the room except to knock on the door and say where we're at in terms of what Mr. Friedman wanted to do there was a lot of yelling and crying and screaming going on, coming out of that room.
Je ne suis pas entré dans cette pièce, j'ai juste frappé... pour leur demander ce qu'ils avaient décidé. J'ai entendu des hurlements, des pleurs et des cris venant de la pièce.
- and then we're going to go and do our thing.
- puis nous retournerons à nos préoccupations.
Uh, darling, we're going to go grab some dinner.
Chéri, on va aller chercher à dîner. Cool.
Don't run away, we're going to get the police, here we go, don't run...
Ne partez pas, nous allons chercher la police, ne vous enfuyez pas!

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