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Translate.vc / английский → французский / [ W ] / We have to go now

We have to go now перевод на французский

881 параллельный перевод
Besides, we have to go now.
Et nous devons partir.
We have to go now.
- Où est Mme Addlequist? - Je l'ignore, mon cœur.
Terry, tell the young man we have to go now.
Terry, dites au jeune homme que nous devons y aller.
Miss Durant, we have to go now.
Nous devons y aller.
We have to go now.
- Nous devons rentrer.
- So now we have to go to the morgue, we have to find Stephanie
- Oui, mais... Ha! Ha!
"Now look here, my dear, this can't go on if you can't pull yourself together, we shall have to go into Shakespeare."
"Ça ne peut pas durer." "Si tu te reprends pas, on reviendra à Shakespeare."
And, now, we'll have to go.
Et maintenant, il nous faut partir.
Now, listen, kid, we can take that money and go down to Mexico city and have a swell time.
Ecoute-moi, petite, avec cet argent, on peut aller passer du bon temps à Mexico.
Father, we'll have to go now if you're going to make that train.
Mon père, il faut y aller ou vous manquerez le train.
Now we've have to dig our way out. Go back to the cell and get those tin plates.
Retourne chercher les gamelles.
Now, if we go beyond facts use our imagination as the criminal does, imagine what might have happen to him and act upon it as I have been trying to do in this case... we usually find ourselves justified.
Allons plus loin. Utilisons notre imagination, comme les criminels. Essayons d'en déduire ce qui a pu se passer.
Boss, don't you think we ought to have our lunch now? Pack in a little solid food before we go messing around with them spirits up there?
Patron, vous ne croyez pas qu'on devrait prendre maintenant... un peu de nourriture solide avant de faire les idiots avec ces esprits?
We just have to hold on now and not go soft inside... stick close together the way we started out.
Il faut tenir le coup, ne pas mollir, se serrer les coudes, toi et moi.
And now, Donge, we have to go.
Et maintenant, Donge, il faut partir.
We can't go back to the hotel. There'll have a million police there by now.
Nous ne pouvons pas retourner à l'hôtel.
- We have to go now.
Il faut partir.
Now go to sleep and tomorrow we'll have a long talk, especially about the gardens, because they're all planned three years ahead.
Maintenant dormez bien. Nous reparlerons demain. Surtout des jardins.
I'm afraid we'll have to leave that up to Ann. Now, don't go leaving it up to her too long.
Ça regarde Ann.
Let them go home to their island and they can have a good and lasting peace. We only have to go forward now.
Qu'ils retournent dans leur île, et là ils pourront avoir une paix bonne et durable.
I didn't have sense enough then to think it was wrong that you let me go, but now I consider it a debt. We're even.
J'étais trop naïve à l'époque, mais maintenant, nous sommes quittes.
Now we'll go over to the Vickers'place and see what they have to say about him.
Allons chez les Vickers, qu'on voie ce qu'ils ont à dire.
I'm afraid we have to go home now. Back to Hatfield.
Nous devons rentrer à la maison, à Hatfield.
Now, we'll go back, we have a glass of wine... something to eat, and we start again.
Nous allons rentrer, boire un verre de vin, manger quelque chose et on repart de zéro.
Now, we'll all go back and have a drink to celebrate.
Nous allons rentrer boire un verre pour fêter ça.
Now you had better go, we're going to have a prayer meeting.
Maintenant, tu dois partir, nous avons une réunion.
I can't go into it now, but we'll have to wait.
Je ne peux pas en parler, mais on doit attendre.
Except now we don't have to go do we?
Et maintenant, nous ne pouvons plus à nous séparer. 198 00 : 17 : 25,846 - - 00 : 17 : 27,794 N'est-ce pas? Non.
Now we don't have to go to Africa.
Nous n'avons pas à aller en Afrique.
Now we have to go on.
On doit avancer.
We have to go over McLane's journal sooner or later, so it might as well be now.
Tôt ou tard, il va bien falloir que nous lisions le journal de Mc Lane.
Chuck, if you can't get to it now, we'll have to go it on our belly.
Chuck, si vous n'y arrivez pas, je dois atterrir train rentré.
Believe me, if we go back now... we'll have more than man-eating plants to fight our way through.
Croyez-moi, si nous repartons maintenant, nous aurons à combattre bien autre chose que des plantes mangeuses d'hommes.
We don't have long to go now.
On n'a plus beaucoup de temps.
Well... now, do we have to go to this silly old dinner?
Devons-nous assister à un discours ennuyeux?
We have dressed now in our best... and are prepared to go down like gentlemen.
Nous sommes prêts à finir en gentlemen.
We have to go now.
- Nous devons y aller. - Déjà?
Tell him to go back and tell the others to surrender... because we now have them in a cross fire.
Qu'il aille dire aux autres de se rendre,
If we go now, we'll have to try before some grab-bag judge they'll send in.
Il faudrait régler l'affaire avant l'arrivée de quelque juge choisi au hasard.
If you wish us to keep you alive, we have to go to work now, tribune.
Si tu tiens à vivre, il faut commencer dès maintenant.
Now we have to go out and bring him back.
Faut qu'on le ramène.
- We have to go to supper now.
- C'est l'heure d'aller dîner.
We really have to go now.
Nous devons vraiment partir.
We'll have to go back now. No!
Rentrons, maintenant.
Now we have to go back and start all over again. I see.
Hurst croit Kearns responsable.
But we don't have to go into that right now.
Pas besoin d'en parler maintenant.
Now we'll go through them one by one, and you have to say :
On va les regarder tous un par un, et vous direz :
Can't we go tomorrow? We have to go now.
- Si on y allait demain?
Secretary, we Americans have to go now. - Go?
M. le Secrétaire, il faut qu'on y aille tout de suite, nous les Américains.
Now go and change, we have to break camp soon.
À présent, allez ramasser vos affaires. Nous allons bientôt lever le camp.
Now we have to go on.
Maintenant, nous devons continuer.

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