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Translate.vc / английский → французский / [ W ] / We have to leave now

We have to leave now перевод на французский

239 параллельный перевод
I think we have to leave now.
Je pense que nous devons partir maintenant.
I'd take care of your wife. It's too bad we have to leave now.
C'est bête de partir maintenant, j'ai jamais été aussi heureux et tranquille.
Lucas, we have to leave now.
Lucas! A la voiture, en vitesse
We have to leave now if we wish to reach it before dark.
Si tu veux y être avant la nuit, tu dois partir immédiatement.
We have to leave now, but you won't be alone.
Nous devons partir, mais tu ne resteras pas seul.
We're invited to a boring banquet. Sorry, but we have to leave now.
Désolée, nous sommes invités à un banquet, nous ne pouvons pas rester.
We have to leave now.
On doit partir maintenant.
We have to leave now.
Nous devons partir maintenant.
We have to leave now. I have to leave!
Je dois partir maintenant!
We have to leave now! I have to go!
Il faut partir maintenant!
We have to leave now, with or without vou! Go! Leave me!
Il faut partir maintenant, avec ou sans vous! Partez, laissez-moi! Je ne peux pas.
We have to leave now, with or without you.
Nous devons partir, avec ou sans vous.
Come on Lhamo. We have to leave now.
Viens, Lhamo, il faut partir
Hey, if we're gonna get out of this alive, we have to leave now.
Si on veut s'en sortir, il faut partir.
I don't know what else they'll do! But we have to leave now!
Mais on doit partir maintenant!
I just wanted to come and say goodbye, cos we have to leave now.
Je voulais juste te dire au revoir, on doit y aller maintenant.
We have to leave now!
On doit partir maintenant!
All right, so we can still win... but we have to leave now, all right?
Ok. Oui. J'ai été égoïste.
You'll have to leave now. We've all got a long, hard day ahead of us tomorrow.
Demain, une dure journée vous attend.
I'm afraid we'll have to leave that up to Ann. Now, don't go leaving it up to her too long.
Ça regarde Ann.
We will leave tomorrow. Now we are looking for a radio operator to hold the fort here. And you have nothing else to do at the moment, right?
Nous partons demain, et nous cherchons un télégraphiste, qui, ici en ville, tient la place pour nous Et vous ne voulez rien d'autre?
Now, I have one or two commissions for you to perform after we leave.
Je vous charge de missions après mon départ.
Now, Miss Durant, whether you like it or not, we have to pack up and leave.
Mme Durand, que cela vous plaise ou non nous devons nous en aller.
We have to leave right now. Are you frightening me into running away with you?
Tu veux me faire peur pour que je m'enfuie avec toi?
We'll have to leave the old man here for now.
Nous allons devoir laisser le vieil homme ici quelques temps.
We have to leave you now. - So soon? Not bad news I hope.
Pas de mauvaises nouvelles, j'espère.
We have to leave right now.
Il faut partir tout de suite.
We'll have to leave it for now.
On laisse tomber pour aujourd'hui.
To leave her alone without any supervision like we have done until now... could be dangerous.
La laisser seule sans surveillance comme nous l'avons fait jusqu'à maintenant... pourrait être dangereux.
To have him for my very own now if we were only left alone now if they would leave him here with me
Je ferai tout pour le veiller. Mon plan échoue, elles ne partiront pas. Je veux être seule avec lui.
I shall do battle with my old enemy Neptune, and what triumphs I shall have when we return to Rome. Now leave me.
Quel triomphe en perspective à notre retour à Rome!
We can't do anything about it now. We have to leave Hong-Kong before the police find us.
C'est clair, il faut quitter Hong-Kong avant que la police nous trouve.
You can't leave us now. We can't replace you. - What right do you have you to leave...
Vous êtes la locomotive du train qui pousse la révolution en avant sur la voie de la nécessité historique tracée par le parti.
- We'll all have to leave now.
- Nous devons tous partir.
I have to get up early, can we leave now?
Je me lève tôt, on pourrait peut-être y aller?
Well, the problem is that we kind of have to leave now because it's starting.
Bon, le problème c'est qu'il faudrait partir maintenant, parce que ça va commencer.
Now we have only 14 plots. Not one more to leave to our seven daughters.
Il nous en reste quatorze, pas plus, à léguer à nos sept filles.
Now, are you people gonna leave, or do we have to throw you off?
Allez-vous partir, ou faut-il vous jeter dehors?
We have to leave at once If we leave now, who is going to save them?
Si on part, qui ira les secourir?
We have to leave right now!
On doit partir maintenant!
And we have got to leave now.
Il faut partir maintenant.
Now you have to decide how many others you will bring with you when we leave.
Vous devez décider combien d'autres vous en emporterez.
We'd have to leave now.
On doit partir tout de suite.
Now we gonna have to leave before they come back.
Il va falloir fuir avant leur retour.
We'll have to ask Mrs. Beechum to leave now.
Mme Beechum doit partir, à présent.
I'll leave you alone for now. I hope we'll have some time to talk.
Je te laisse, on se causera plus tard!
Now, we have to leave here in a couple of days. I still have the timer.
On doit partir bientôt, j'ai le minuteur.
But why do we have to leave Berlin just now... at the start of the theater season?
Mais pourquoi devons-nous quitter Berlin... en pleine ouverture de la saison théatrale?
We leave in the morning and now you don't even have a place to stay!
On est partis ce matin et tu n'as déjà plus d'endroit où habiter.
Now remember. We have to leave nature just the way we found it.
Nous devons laisser la nature comme nous l'avons trouvée.
Now, when we leave, we'll have to cry a bit.
Quand on partira d'ici, il faudra pleurer un peu.

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