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What did you tell her перевод на французский

450 параллельный перевод
What did you tell her?
Que lui avez-vous répondu?
- What did you tell her?
- Quoi donc?
What did you tell her that for?
Pourquoi le lui as-tu dit?
What did you tell her? What could you be talking about all this time?
Mais alors... de quoi avez-vous parlé, tout ce temps?
What did you tell her about me?
Que lui avez-vous raconte sur mon compte?
What did you tell her?
Que lui as-tu dit?
- What did you tell her?
Dis donc, qu'est-ce, tu as encore dit, toi?
- What did you tell her?
- Que lui avez-vous répété?
What did you tell her?
Que lui avez-vous dit?
Exactly what did you tell her about Madame Loo?
Qu'est-ce que tu lui as dit au juste à propos de madame Loo?
What did you tell her?
- Qu'est-ce que tu lui as dit?
What did you tell her?
Que lui avez-vous raconté?
What did you tell her, huh?
Que lui avez-vous dit?
- What did you tell her?
- Que lui avez-vous dit?
What did you tell her? What did you put in her head?
Que lui avez-vous mis dans la tête?
What did you tell her?
Tu lui as raconté quoi?
- What did you tell her?
- Que lui as-tu dit?
What did you tell her back home?
Que lui as-tu dit, en revenant à la maison?
She doesn't know me. What did you tell her?
Elle me connaît pas.
So what did you tell her?
Alors que lui as-tu dit?
She confronted me. What did you tell her?
- Elle m'a interrogée.
- What did you tell her?
Que lui as-tu dit?
What was happen... What did you tell her?
Comment ça, se qui se passait?
- What did you tell her?
Maman croyait que j'étais malade.
What did you tell her?
Qu'as-tu répondu?
What did you tell her?
Tu lui as dit quoi?
- Did you tell her what it was about?
- Vous lui avez expliqué?
What did you do, just sit here and tell her everything about you and me?
Tu lui as tout dit sur nous deux?
You didn't tell her to go crazy and do what she did.
Ce n'est pas toi qui lui a demandé de commettre cette folie.
Next time you write to her, tell her I'm putting you in for the Silver Star for what you did at the cave. Good.
Tant mieux.
Did she tell you what her plans were, anything like that?
Elle ne vous a pas parlé de ses projets?
- Did Susan tell you what frightened her?
Susan vous a-t-elle dit ce qui l'a effrayée? Oui, oui.
What did I tell you? I told you not to trust her.
On ne peut pas lui faire confiance.
Didn't I tell you what her note said? I'm sure I did.
Je pensais avoir dit ce qu'elle avait écrit.
What on earth did you tell her?
Que diable lui avez-vous raconté?
Why, what did you tell her?
Que lui avais-tu dit?
What exactly did you tell her?
Que lui as-tu dit, au juste?
- What did you do to her? - Nothing. - Come on, tell me.
- Que lui as-tu fait?
What did I tell you? I knew it would get under her skin.
Je savais que ça la rendrait dingue.
Did she tell you what I did to her?
Vous a-t-elle dit ce que je lui ai fait?
what else did you tell her?
Brian, tu n'as pas des devoirs à terminer?
It's not my ball exactly. Just tell her what you did.
En fait, c'est celle de Charlie Sutton...
What else did Marilyn tell you about her husband?
Marilyn, elle a dit quoi à propos de son mari?
- What did you tell her?
Tu as dit quoi?
If you don't like what Hilary did to you, why don't you tell her so?
Si tu n'aimes pas ça, pourquoi tu ne lui dis pas?
Did you tell Marilyn what we learned about her? Sure. Sure, I did.
- Tu as dit à Marilyn ce qu'on savait?
I'll tell her all about you and what you did out here.
Je lui parlerai de toi, et de ce que tu as fait.
When you got home, did you tell her what happened?
A votre retour, lui avez-vous tout raconté?
Did you tell her what kind?
Avez-vous précisé quel vin?
What else did Pike tell you, anything about her and Maberley?
Pike vous a-t-il dit quelque chose sur sa relation avec Maberley?
What did you tell Mrs. Costanza that changed her mind?
Comment l'as-tu convaincue?

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