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Translate.vc / английский → французский / [ W ] / What have you got there

What have you got there перевод на французский

421 параллельный перевод
- Joe, what have you got there?
- Joe, qu'as-tu là?
Gus, what have you got there?
Qu'est-ce que tu as là?
What have you got there?
- C'est quoi?
What have you got there, a bunch of schoolboys?
Vous envoyez qui, des scouts?
- What have you got there?
- Quoi d'autre?
- What have you got there?
- Qu'as-tu là-dedans?
What have you got there?
Qu'est-ce que tu as là?
- What have you got there?
- Que cachez-vous?
What have you got there?
Qu'avez-vous là? Un dollar.
- What have you got there?
- Qu'as-tu là?
Well, hello, my little darling. What have you got there?
Qu'est-ce que tu m'apportes, là?
What have you got there, Senator?
Qu'avez-vous là, Sénateur?
- What have you got there?
- Qu'avez-vous reçu?
What have you got there, Pop?
What have you got there?
- Qu'avez-vous là?
What have you got there?
- Oui. - Qu'avez-vous là?
- What have you got there?
- Qu'avez-vous là?
Hey, what have you got there?
Qu'est-ce c'est?
What have you got there, Cheeta?
Qu'as-tu là, Cheeta?
What have you got there?
Qu'est-ce que vous avez là?
What have you got there, Ted?
Qu'est-ce que tu manges, Ted?
- What have you got there?
Que portez-vous là?
- What have you got there?
- C'est quoi?
What have you got there?
C'est quoi?
- What have you got there?
Qu'est-ce que t'as là-dedans?
- What have you got there?
Qu'as-tu là? - Tu verras.
What have you got there, Doug?
T'as quoi, là?
What have you got there, Smith?
Qu'avez-vous trouvé là, Smith?
- What have you got there?
- Que tenez-vous?
But what have you got in there in all that?
Mais qu'est-ce qu'il y a dans toutes ces malles?
Last night I have girl is more better than what you got there.
La nuit dernière j'en ai trouvé une... mieux que celle-là!
- What have you got it there for?
- Pourquoi l'avez-vous mis là?
What have you got there?
Où avez-vous trouvé ça?
Have you any idea what would happen in New Orleans now... if folks got to thinking there's one law for the rich... and another for the poor?
II n'y a pas une loi pour le riche et une pour le pauvre.
- What have you got on there?
Qu'est-ce que c'est? Ce que tu vois.
What in the world have you got there?
Mais qu'avez-vous donc ramené?
- And what have you got under there?
Qu'avez-vous là sous le pupitre?
Now for a toast. - What have you got there, brandy?
- Tu bois du cognac?
What have you got in there, a sailor?
Vous bécotez un marin?
What have you got there?
Qu'est-ce que c'est que ça?
Say, what have you got there?
Qu'est-ce que c'est?
What have you got in there?
Qu'est-ce qu'il y a Ià-dedans?
What in heaven's name have you got there?
Que tiens-tu là?
But when I look at what you two have got here... Well, I don't know. Maybe there are some things you should buy with your heart, not your head.
Mais quand je vois ce que vous avez obtenu... je me dis que parfois la raison du cour l'emporte sur toute autre.
What have you got in under there?
Que caches-tu là-dedans?
- What have you got there?
- Caldwell, que tenez-vous là?
You wouldn't be so positive if there weren't something... What else have you got against him?
Tu dois en savoir plus, sinon tu ne serais pas si catégorique.
What have you got there?
Qu'est-ce que tu caches, là?
- What have you got in there?
- Qu'est-ce que tu as?
What have you got in there? Seems quite heavy to me...
- Vous trimballez quoi, là?
What have you got there?
Qu'est-ce que vous avez?

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