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Translate.vc / английский → французский / [ W ] / What you did back there

What you did back there перевод на французский

157 параллельный перевод
I didn't have a chance to thank you for what you did back there.
Je ne t'ai pas remerciée pour ce que tu as fait.
I liked what you did back there.
J'apprécie ce que vous avez fait.
No offense, but I never would have guessed a blind man could do what you did back there.
Sans vouloir vous vexer, je ne pensais pas qu'un aveugle puisse faire ce que vous avez fait tout à l'heure.
I want to thank you. What you did back there was great.
Je voulais te dire merci.
I am grateful for what you did back there.
Votre aide m'a été précieuse.
My wife and I want to thank you for what you did back there.
Ma femme et moi vous remercions de tout ce que vous avez fait.
What you did back there I won't forget it.
Ce que tu as fait là-bas... je ne l'oublierai pas.
Who are you going to blame for what you did back there?
Expliquez-vous. Vous allez accuser Dumbo?
You know, what you did back there for me... was real nice of you.
Vous savez, ce que vous avez fait pour moi, c'était vraiment gentil.
Thanks for what you did back there.
Merci pour tout à l'heure.
I know what you did back there.
Xena m'a dit que ça venait de toi.
Do what you did back there.
Fais ce que tu faisais là-bas.
I saw what you did back there with the lieutenant. How'd you know?
Comment peux-tu prévoir ce que va dire le lieutenant?
Great. It's great what you did back there.
C'est très bien, très bien ce que tu as fait à côté.
Hey, I Iike what you did back there, but if you need me to....
Hey, j'ai aimé ce que t'as fait là-bas, mais si tu veux que je...
I don't know what you did back there or why, but I get the feeling I owe you one.
Je ne sais pas ce que tu faisais là-bas et pourquoi, mais je sens que je te dois quelque chose.
I seen what you did back there, Hewitt.
J'ai vu ce que tu as fait, là-bas, Hewitt.
What you did back there, you gave that boy back his life.
Ce que tu as fait là-bas, tu as rendu sa vie à ce garçon.
Renée, what you did back there...
Renée, ce que t'as fait...
- What you did back there.
- Ce que vous avez fait là-bas.
What you did back there was... was good.
Ce que vous avez fait, c'était... bien.
But what you did back there...
Mais ce que t'as fait là bas...
Real inspiring what you did back there.
Tu m'as impressionné.
Sorry, but what you did back there? It was incredible.
Désolé, mais ce que tu as fait là-bas, c'était incroyable.
What you just did back there was pretty effective first aid.
Vous avez donné les premiers secours de manière efficace.
- What? Real nice piece of driving you did back there. The way you handled it.
Vous avez très bien contrôlé votre véhicule.
Sord, what did you think you saw back there?
- Spock, essayez d'entrer en contact. - Oui, monsieur.
- What did you say to her back there?
- Qu'est ce que vous lui avez dit?
Did you hear what he said back there, Saul?
As-tu entendu ce qu'il a dit, Saul?
Clifford, did you see what this thing did back there?
Tu as vu ce que ce truc a fait?
Did you mean what you said back there about sending me home?
Vous étiez sincère quand vous parliez de me ramener chez moi?
My God, that was so brave what you did back over there. Aw...
C'était très courageux, ce que tu as fait là-bas.
Did you mean what you said back there in the room?
Tu le pensais, ce que tu m'as dit dans la chambre?
In the room? Did you mean what you said back there, or were just foolin'around?
Tu pensais ce que tu disais ou c'était pour rire?
Tell me, what did you see back there?
Dites-moi... Qu'avez-vous vu?
And when you come back in the autumn - you will tell me everything in detail - what you did on the island, how it was there...
Quand tu reviendras à l'automne, tu me raconteras tout. Ce que t'as fait sur l'île...
What did you pray for back there?
Tu as prié pour quoi?
I don't know if I call them angels, but... they were the reason why I did a lot of what I did back there, you know.
J'ignore si ce sont des anges, mais... c'est pour ça que j'en ai fait autant lá-bas.
Could you just back up for a minute there? Everett, we did not... - What's the use?
Excusez-moi, pourriez-vous retirer ça?
She always hung in there because that's what you did back then.
Elle s'est accrochée, car c'est ce qu'on faisait alors.
Did you see what happened back there?
Vous avez vu ce qui s'est passé?
Didn't you see what he did to me back there?
T'as pas vu ce qu'il m'a fait en revenant ici?
I don't know what you boys did to him, but he called first thing this morning... saying there's no way he's ever coming back here.
Il a appelé à l'aube pour dire qu'il ne reviendrait plus jamais.
What did you say to get her back out there?
- Qu'as-tu dit pour qu'elle retourne là-bas?
Look, I appreciate what you did for me back there but I'm starting to think you're not the dude for this.
Je vous remercie de ce que vous avez fait mais je pense que vous n'avez pas ce qu'il faut.
What did you mean back there?
Qu'est-ce que tu as voulu dire?
So, what exactly did you see back there?
Alors, qu'est-ce que tu as vu exactement là-bas?
Not to mention what you did for me back there.
Sans compter ce que tu as fait pour moi là bas.
What did you think would happen when you sent Donny back up there?
Pardon mais vous vous attendiez à quoi en renvoyant Donny là-bas?
Excuse me for probing, but what you just did back there, was it absolutely necessary?
Sans vouloir foutre mon nez, c'était obligé, ce carnage?
Oh. Okay, what was that move you did back there?
C'est quoi la prise que tu lui as faite tout à l'heure?

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