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Who do they think they are перевод на французский

136 параллельный перевод
- Who do they think they are, anyway?
Pour qui ils se prennent?
- That's telling them, Alice. - Who do they think they are?
Bien envoyé!
Who do they think they are, barging in on people?
Quel toupet! On ne peut plus être tranquille?
- Yeah. Who do they think they are?
- Pour qui se prennent-ils?
Who do they think they are, these jumped-up servants?
Qui ils se croient, ces valets?
Who do they think they are? They could go faster, with a car like that.
Tu m'avoueras quand même que cette bagnole pourrait aller plus vite.
Who do they think they are?
Pour qui se prennent-ils?
These young whippersnappers. Who do they think they are?
Que se croient-ils, ces freluquets!
Who do they think they are?
Ils se croient qui?
Who do they think they are, anyway?
Pour qui ils se prennent?
Who do they think they are telling me what to do? It's my show!
Depuis quand donnent-ils des ordres?
Who do they think they are?
Pour qui ils se prennent?
Who do they think they are, the blue helmets?
Putain, vous vous prenez pour la bande des cinq?
Who do they think they are? Coming here...
Pour qui se prennent-ils, à venir chez nous...
who do they think they are!
Ils s'y croient!
I mean, who do they think they are?
Pour qui ils se prennent?
- Who do they think they are?
- Pour qui ils se prennent?
Who do they think they are?
Regarde-les marcher...
Who do they think they are, kicking you off the court?
Pour qui ils se prennent, te jeter du terrain?
Who do they think they are, the Beatles?
Ils se prennent pour les Beatles?
- What the hell's going on? Shotgun. Who do they think they are, the New York Jets?
Ils se prennent pour les Jets ou quoi?
Who do those Fabrini guys think they are, anyhow?
Pour qui ils se prennent, ces Fabrini?
Who do they all think they are?
Pour qui se prennent-ils tous?
It's funny. From faces I can tell what people think, what they do... sometimes even who they are.
À leur visage, je sais ce qu'ils pensent, ce qu'ils font et même qui ils sont.
Most people know who they are, or think they do, wich is the same thing.
Les gens croient savoir qui ils sont.
Who do those people think they are? They are His Excellency, Baron Holenia... and the Countess von Stolzenberg-Stolzenberg.
Ils habitent au palais Stolzenberg, square Stolzenberg.
I used to think the way you do, But I've spent 4 years with Englishmen and Indians. They know who they are!
J'ai passé la guerre avec des Anglais et des Indiens.
Who do these characters think they are?
Pour qui se prennent-ils?
Even those who are 15 or 16 now, do they think the same way?
Les jeunes de 16, 17 ans, ils pensent comme vous?
Who once said to me : "Who do those who help others think they are?"
- Qui m'a dit : "Ceux qui se mettent à aider, se prennent pour qui?"
Who do they think we are? Do we have all day?
Ils nous prennent pour qui?
Who do you think they are?
Qui peuvent-ils être?
Who do you think they are?
- Bien sûr, qu'est-ce que tu crois?
Who do you think they are?
Qui sont-ils?
Who in the hell do they think they are?
Mais pour qui ils se prennent?
Who do these guys think they are?
Vous plaisantez.
Honey, there are lots of people out there... who ain't happy unless you live and think the same way they do.
Ma chérie, il y a beaucoup de gens qui ne sont contents que quand on vit et pense comme eux.
Who do those cats think they are?
Pour qui ils se prennent ces chats?
Who do you think they are?
Et alors?
Who do these guys think they are?
Ils se prennent pour qui?
Who the hell do they think they are?
Ils se prennent tous pour de grands patriotes.
Who do these punks think they are?
Ces truands sont dingues. Regardez!
They who think me hostile... obstinate or misanthropic... how unjust they are to me... for they do not know the secret reason I appear that way.
Ceux qui me croient hostile, buté ou misanthrope... sonr injustes envers moi. Ils ne connaissent pas la raison qui me fait paraître ainsi.
- Who the hell do they think they are?
- Pour qui se prennent-ils, Bon Dieu!
Who are they, do you think?
C'est qui ces gens?
Who do these'Christians'think they are, anyway?
Quels vaniteux, ces Chrétiens!
- Who do you think they are?
- Qui sont ces hommes?
- Sydney, who do you think they are?
Vous avez une idée?
Who do you think they are?
Qui sont-ils d'après vous?
What do you think- -? When you think about deaf people, people who are born deaf who have never heard a spoken word what do you think they call the sun or their mother or their own reflection in the mirror?
Que pensez-vous quand vous pensez à des sourds, à des sourds de naissance, qui n'ontjamais entendu un mot...
Chie, who do you think they are?
Qui ça pourrait être d'autre?

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