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Translate.vc / английский → французский / [ W ] / Who would do such a thing

Who would do such a thing перевод на французский

105 параллельный перевод
Who would do such a thing simply for a friend?
Qui ferait cela pour une simple camarade?
And you must know how you are well rid of a man who would do such a thing.
Et tu dois savoir que te voilà débarrassée d'un homme qui ferait une telle chose.
Who would do such a thing?
Qui ferait pareille chose?
But who would do such a thing?
- Mais qui ferait une chose pareille?
Who would do such a thing to a girl like this?
Qui a pu lui faire ça? C'est une enfant.
- Who would do such a thing?
- Qui ferait une chose pareille?
Who would do such a thing to you, Luther?
Qui a pu te faire une chose pareille?
Who would do such a thing?
Qui ferait une chose pareille?
Who would do such a thing, to that poor, dumb child?
Qui ferai une chose pareille, à cette pauvre enfant, sourde et muette?
Who would do such a thing?
- Qui pourrait faire ça?
I wish I knew who would do such a thing.
Je voudrais savoir qui est derrière ça.
Who would do such a thing?
Qui pourrait faire une telle chose?
Who would do such a thing?
Qui ferait une telle chose?
Who would do such a thing?
- C'est affreux!
" Who would do such a thing?
" Qui était capable d'un tel acte?
Who would do such a thing?
Qui a pu faire une chose pareille?
Who would do such a thing?
Qui a pu faire ça?
Who would do such a thing?
- Qui ferait une telle chose?
Who would do such a thing?
Mais qui a bien pu faire ça?
Well hell, who would do such a thing?
Non! Qui a bien pu faire une chose pareille?
Let me tell you something, Charlie. A woman who would do such a thing cannot be trusted.
Je vais te dire, une femme qui est capable de ça n'est pas digne de confiance.
Who would do such a thing to a child?
Qui pourrait faire ça à une enfant?
- Who would do such a thing, and why?
Qui ferait ça? Et pourquoi?
Dom has had the damn thing since WWII, but who would do such a thing?
Comment a-t-il pu faire une chose aussi terrible et horripilante?
In my head, I am only ten years old who would do such a thing?
Dans ma tête, je n'ai que dix ans. Qui ferait une chose pareille?
How could he even be dating someone who would do such a thing?
Comment pourrait-il sortir avec quelqu'un qui fait un truc pareil?
- Who would do such a thing?
- Qui ferait une telle chose?
Who would do such a thing?
Faire ça à une gamine.
She just wasn't someone who would do such a thing.
Elle n'était pas femme à décider de commettre un suicide.
Who would do such a stupid thing?
Qui ferait une ânerie pareille?
And who else would do such a thing?
Qui d'autre va faire une chose pareille?
I say, who but the devil would do such a thing?
J'ai dit qui ferait une chose comme ça si ce n'est le diable?
I was the one who kept you in college. If you really are my mother, why would you do such a thing?
Si vous êtes vraiment ma mère, pourquoi avez-vous fait tout ça?
They'd never have played such a joke on the first cello or someone else who matters. They would never do a thing like that.
On ferait jamais une telle blague au premier violoncelle ou à quelqu'un qui compte, on ne ferait jamais ça.
Dad... Who would do such a terrible thing?
Qui a fait ça?
I can't imagine who else would do such a thing.
Je ne peux pas imaginer qui d'autre pourrait faire ça.
Look, who would think a man who seems to be a friend, an intellectual, a teacher, could do such thing. Well it's a surprise.
Écoutez, qui pourrait penser que quelqu'un qui semble être un ami, un intellectuel, un professeur commette une chose... c'est assez inattendu.
Who would do a thing such as that?
Qui ferait une chose comme ça?
Who would do such a thing?
Qui a fait ça?
Who on earth would do such a stupid thing?
Qui peut agir aussi stupidement?
I'm really sorry to interrupt you, but... the case... with the stones... where is it? Stolen? Who in God's name would do such a thing? Excuse me, sir.
Navré de vous interrompre, mais la mallette, avec les pierres... Où est-elle? Volée? Qui commettrait un tel sacrilège? Excusez-moi, monsieur.
Who would do such a dreadful thing?
Qui ferait une chose pareille?
Who would do a mean thing like that ; such a sarcastic thing?
Qui ferait une chose pareille, une chose si sarcastique?
Right now, yes, they're a little more scared than I've seen them before, but we aren't the kind of people who would ever, ever do such a thing.
Maintenant, oui, ils sont un peu plus effrayé que je ne les avait vu avant, mais nous ne sommes pas le genre de personne qui ne ferons jamais, jamais un chose pareil.
Who would actually do such a thing? !
Pourquoi tu as fait ça?
Then who would do such a horrible thing?
Qui a pu faire une chose aussi horrible?
Who would do such a terrible thing?
Qui aurait fait une chose si terrible?
Well, that's possible, but I can't think of anyone who would do such a horrible thing.
Bien, c'est possible, mais je ne peux imaginer quequ'un faisant une chose si horrible.
Well, who would do such a thing?
- Quoi? Qui ferait ça?
Who would do such a mean thing?
Qui ferait une chose aussi méchante?
It's like some sort of macabre diary. Who would do such a thing?
Alors il t'as juste laissé partir?

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