Why did you go there перевод на французский
78 параллельный перевод
Why did you go there?
Pourquoi y êtes-vous allé?
Maybe I was. - Why did you go there?
- Pourquoi y êtes-vous allé?
Why did you go there?
Pour quelle raison?
Why did you go there?
Pourquoi tu y es allée?
Why did you go there anyway?
Mais d'abord, que faisiez-vous là-bas?
Why did you go there?
Pourquoi es-tu allée là-bas?
- Why did you go there?
- Que cherchais-tu chez lui?
Then why did you go there? Later I found out he's at King's.
Mais j'ai découvert qu'il était à l'hôtel King.
Why did you go there?
- Why did you go there?
- Pourquoi?
Why did you go there?
Qu'allais-tu y faire?
Why did you go there? Its my fault sir.
Votre légume... monsieur.
Why did you go there?
Regarde-moi bien.
- Why did you go there in the first place?
- Pourquoi aller voir un site pareil?
Why did you go there?
Pourquoi es-tu allé là-bas?
Why did you go there?
Qu'est-ce que t'allais y faire?
Why did you go there? What were you looking for there?
Pourquoi t'y es allé?
Why did you go there?
Pourquoi tu es allée là?
Why did you go there?
Qu'est-ce que tu faisais là?
- Why did you go there? Because I have ethical concerns... as to whether he's getting a fair and true representation from this megalomaniac.
Parce que j'ai le souci éthique de savoir... si ce mégalomane le représente correctement.
But why did you go there earlier?
Mais pourquoi as-tu été là-bas tout à l'heure?
Why did you go there?
Pourquoi es-tu allé par-là?
Then why did you go back there in the first place?
Mais pourquoi y être retournée?
Why did you ever go there at all?
Pourquoi êtes-vous venue ici?
Fisher, there are 30 million women on this island, why did I have to pick you? Where can you go without me?
Fisher, il y a 30 millions de femmes sur cette île, pourquoi fallait-il que je tombe sur toi?
What? Well why did you let him go down there?
Eh bien pourquoi l'avez-vous laissé y entrer?
Why did you have to go there and lie?
Pourquoi lui avez-vous encore menti?
Go! Why did you come here again? There, that's all.
Voilà, c'est tout.
Why did you let me go in there?
Pourquoi m'as-tu laissé entrer?
Why did you go down there, where it's so dangerous?
C'est dangereux en bas.
Why did you go up there, John?
Pourquoi t'es allé là-bas?
They asked him, "Why did you go up there to die?"
On lui a demandé : "Pourquoi êtes-vous monté mourir là-haut?"
Why did Rick ask you to go there?
Pourquoi Rick t'a fait venir là?
Why did you go there?
Pourquoi t'y es allé?
Why did you go on there?
Qu'est-ce qui te prend?
- What? Why did you go there?
Une organisation de volontaires?
Why the hell did you go there?
Comment vous avez pu aller là-bas?
Why did you go over there?
Pourquoi étiez-vous là-bas?
Why did you go over there?
Pourquoi es-tu allée là-bas?
- Why did you have to go over there?
- Pourquoi?
Why did you, why did you go in there?
Pourquoi t'as été là dedans, pourquoi?
why did you go to flagstaff two weeks ago and stay there for 14 hours?
Pourquoi être allé à Flagstaff et y être resté 14 heures?
But the- - the kind of first time she actually saw it and saw that it was on there. Did she go, why? Why have you fucking put it on here?
Mais la 1 re fois qu'elle a vu que c'était sur DVD, elle a demandé : "Pourquoi?"
Why the hell did you go in the first place, and why did you bring your friend and her baby when you said you knew there'd be trouble?
Et pourquoi diable être allé en première ligne. Et pourquoi avoir emmené ton amie et son bébé alors que tu savais qu'il y aurait des problèmes?
But why did you even go there?
Mais pourquoi tu es allée sur ce site?
Why the hell did you go over there in the first place?
Pourquoi es-tu allé chez elle en fait?
Why did you go up there?
De la colle? Je ne comprends pas.
Not once did you ask why did I wanna go there.
Pas une fois, vous n'avez demandé pourquoi je voulais y aller moi.
Why did you go out there today?
Pourquoi es-tu allé là-bas aujourd'hui?
I'll tell you what, she's fighting to get further in the game. If she gets further in the game, i get further in the game. That's why i was glad she did go to the reward because there's going to be another clue for the hidden immunity idol, and she got it.
Je vais vous dire ce que, elle se bat pour allez plus loin dans le jeu. C'est pourquoi j'ai été heureux qu'elle st gagne la récompense, car il y allait avoir une autre indice pour l'idole d'immunité,
Why did you have to go over there to talk to her about that?
Pourquoi aller là-bas pour lui dire?