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Translate.vc / английский → французский / [ W ] / Why don't you shut up

Why don't you shut up перевод на французский

401 параллельный перевод
- Why don't you shut up?
- Ferme donc ta gueule.
Why don't you mind your own business. Shut up.
Occupez-vous de vos affaires!
- Oh, shut up. - Why don't you shut up?
Tais-toi toi-même.
- Why don't you both shut up?
Taisez-vous tous les deux!
Why don't you guys shut up!
Taisez-vous donc!
Why don't you shut up for a change?
Pourquoi ne pas la fermer pour changer?
Why don't you shut up and try to get some sleep?
Taisez-vous donc et dormez.
Then why don't he shut up about $ 100 if you got it?
Il n'a qu'à oublier ces 100 $!
Why don't you shut up.
Ferme-la, toi.
Why don't you shut up about them corns? He gets messages in his toes.
- Il parle à ses pieds.
Why don't you shut up and leave?
Vous avez eu 1 $. maintenant, du balai!
Why don't you shut up about that girl?
Il va en profiter. Si tu arretais avec cette fille?
Look, I'm trying to help your brother. Why don't you just shut up?
Je veux aider votre frère, taisez-vous.
You can't just haul me in without a lawyer. Why don't you shut up?
J'ai droit à un avocat!
Why don't you tell him off? Angie, will you shut up?
Envoie-le promener!
- Why don't you shut up?
- Ferme-la, tu veux?
Why don't you shut up?
Pourquoi vous ne la fermez pas?
- Why don't you guys shut up!
- Vous allez la boucler!
- Why don't you shut up.
- Ferme-la, toi!
- Now, why don't you shut up?
- Tu vas te taire?
Why don't you shut up?
Tu vas la fermer? Non.
Why don't you shut up and go back where you came from
Fermez-la et retournez d'où vous venez.
I don't want to make no trouble, but why don't you shut up?
Je ne veux causer aucun problème, mais fermez-la!
Why don't you shut up?
La ferme.
Why don't you shut up?
Oh, la ferme!
Why don't you shut up?
La ferme!
Why don't you shut up?
Pourquoi tu ne la boucles pas?
Thurlow, why don't you shut up.
Taisez-vous, ThurIow.
Why don't you shut up?
Pourquoi ne vous taisez-vous pas?
For once in your life, why don't you just shut up and help somebody?
Pourquoi ne vous taisez-vous pas et n'aidez-vous pas quelqu'un?
Why don't you shut up, please?
Tu ne veux pas te taire?
Why don't you shut up.
- Silence!
And why don't you shut up?
Et pourquoi ne pas la fermer?
I tell you... Why don't you shut up, Guido?
Pourquoi tu la fermes pas, Guido?
Why don't you shut up!
Taisez-vous donc!
- And I don't want you either, so shut up! - Why to choose me yesterday? - Don't be childish Joan, you don't want that gang or any part of them.
- Vous ne voulez pas de cette bande.
- Eh - Why don't you shut up?
- Pourquoi ne vous taisez-vous pas?
- Why don't you shut up? - Russell!
- Si vous la fermiez?
- Why don't you shut up?
- Tais-toi.
Is that it? Oh, why don't you shut up?
Oh, la ferme!
Why don't you shut up?
Tais-toi, je te dis!
So why don't you just shut up and stop beating it into the ground?
Alors, arrête d'insister.
Why don't you shut up. - That's all.
Pourquoi ne vous taisez-vous pas.
Why don't you just shut up until we're done?
Tu ne peux pas te taire jusqu'à ce que ce soit terminé?
- Why don't you shut up.
- Tu vas la fermer, oui?
Why don't you shut up.
Why don't you shut up.
Tais-toi donc.
- Why don't you shut up?
- Tu veux bien la fermer?
Why don't you shut up, you cretin?
Taisez-vous, espèce de crétin.
Why don't you shut up?
Taisez-vous donc un peu!

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