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Why is it doing that перевод на французский

60 параллельный перевод
- Why is it doing that?
- Pourquoi il fait ça?
Why is it doing that?
Pourquoi ça fait ça?
- Why is it doing that?
- Pourquoi ça fait ça?
Why is it doing that?
Pourquoi est-ce qu'il fait ça?
Why is it doing that blinking thing?
Pourquoi ça clignote comme ça?
Why is it doing that?
Qu'est-ce qu'il fait?
Why is it doing that?
Pourquoi elle fait ça?
Why is it doing that when you do that?
Pourquoi elle fait ça quand tu fais ça?
Why is it doing that?
- On ne peut pas! Pourquoi elle fait ça?
Why is it doing that? Why would it...
Pourquoi il fait ça?
Hey. Now why is it doing that?
Pourquoi est-ce que ça coince?
Why is it doing that... good...
Pourquoi ça fait... Bon...
Why is it doing that?
Il se passe quoi?
- Why is it doing that?
Pourquoi ça fait ça?
Our job is to make you understand why. When you know why you're doing something that's bad for you and when you first started doing it.
Notre travail est de vous faire comprendre pourquoi vous vous faites du mal et quand vous avez commencé.
That's why I came to you. I thought you could see him, talk to him and get him to stop this thing he's doing, whatever it is.
Peut-étre pourrez-vous le voir, lui parler... le convaincre de cesser son activité.
That artist in the service at State Security who earnestly told why Hitler had to come, but no onewouId believe him on the principle that if calamity is conjured up it is the soothsayer's doing
L'unique chance... pour le plus grand assassin de masses de l'Histoire.
Why don't you spend some time doing whatever it is that you think you should be doing?
Pourquoi ne pas passer du temps A faire tout ce que tu penses devoir faire?
No, the Ori are wrong for doing what they're doing, but the part I haven't figured out yet, the part that's really bothering me, is why they're doing it.
Eh bien, si c'était la Mecque- - les Nations unies extraterrestres- - ça doit signifïer quelque chose.
Why in God's name is it doing that?
Pourquoi diable est-ce qu'il fait ça?
Why is it doing that?
Pourquoi fait-il ça?
[So why is that... the GNU project that's had so much lead-time, that's been doing this, Why... Why is it that he was able to kinda come in at the tail end so to speak]
Alors comment se fait-il que le projet de GNU qui existe depuis si longtemps, qui essaye de faire ça, comment se fait-il qu'à la fin il reste à la traine, d'une certaine façon?
Why is it that when I'm doing my thing... why is it that men always insist on watching?
Pourquoi quand je fais ça... pourquoi est-ce que les hommes veulent toujours regarder?
That is why I'm doing it with a married man on the fucking floor.
C'est pour ça que je baise avec un homme marié sur le putain de parquet!
And then you go ahead, and you belittle it by turning it into pornography, and I think that the reason why you're doing this is because men can't handle it the fact that these women can have this amazing, fucking, beautiful, mind-blowing orgasm, without a fucking cock!
et tu poursuis en le rabaissant à de la pornographie et je pense que la raison pour laquelle tu fais cela est que les hommes ne peuvent pas affrnter le fait que ces femmes peuvent avoir cet incroyable putain d'orgasme époustouflant
No, the Ori are wrong for doing what they'redoing, but the part I haven't figured out yet, the part that's really bothering me, is why they're doing it.
Non, les Ori ont tort de faire ce qu'ils font, mais ce que je n'ai pas encore compris, ce qui me dérange profondément, c'est pourquoi ils agissent de la sorte.
Why is that? Because everybody's doing it.
Parce que tout le monde le fait.
The beauty of Joy Division is that we did it, four of us. Didn't know what we were doing, didn't know why we were doing it. The chemistry was unbelievable.
La beauté de Joy Division, c'est que quatre gars qui ne savaient pas ce qu'ils faisaient, ni pourquoi, partageaient quelque chose d'incroyablement spécial.
I don't know why you're up here doing whatever it is that you're doing, and I don't care.
Je sais pas pourquoi vous êtes sur le toit ni ce que vous faites mais je m'en fiche.
No, and maybe you were just doing it to be a friend, but I would never let you do that, and you knew that, which is why you didn't tell me.
Non, et peut-être l'as-tu fait en tant qu'ami, mais je ne t'aurais jamais laissé faire, tu le savais, - c'est pourquoi tu ne me l'as pas dit.
Of course it will. That's why Don is doing it.
Oui, c'est pour ça que Don l'a accepté.
Why is it so hard for you to trust that I know what I'm doing?
Pourquoi tu penses que je ne sais pas ce que je fais?
Uh, I... you know, look, I know why you guys are doing this, and the thing is, is that it is a really good time.
Jusqu'au bon moment. Écoutez... Je sais pourquoi vous faites ça mais c'est le bon moment.
I'm not participating in... What I want to do is expose exorcism for the scam that it really is, and that's why we're doing this.
je n'y participe plus... ce que je veux c'est exposer l'exorcisme pour la fraude que c'est reellement et c'est pour ca que nous faisons ca.
You see, that is exactly why you need to be doing it.
Vous voyez, c'est exactement pourquoi vous avez besoin de faire cela.
That's why Chase is doing it.
J'ai confié ça à Chase.
So whatever it is that you're doing here, why don't you just get on with it and leave town.
Donc peu importe ce que tu fais là pourquoi tu ne laisserais pas tomber et que tu quittais la ville.
Why is it then That when--when I was- - when I was traveling the world And--and doing all of the foundation business
Pourquoi est-ce que est-ce, quand je voyageait à travers le monde et que je m'occupais des fonds de la fondation et je résolvais tous ces gros problèmes je.. je je me sentais si légère?
Why is it men always think that women, we don't know what the hell we're doing?
Pourquoi les hommes croient qu'on sait pas ce qu'on fait?
Okay, well, it still doesn't explain how and why somebody would sneak onto Garcia's camp site, drug him, shoot him and make it look like a suicide. What's interesting to me is that all this guy was doing... all he was doing was trying to save his marriage.
Ça n'explique pas comment et pourquoi avant de maquiller ça en suicide. c'était pour sauver son mariage.
Why is it men always think that women, we don't know what the hell we're doing?
Qu'es que tu es en train de faire?
Why not? If there is any person on this earth that I would sit in gum for, it would be you, but I wouldn't be doing it with my spirit.
Si je le faisais pour une personne, ça serait toi.
And when they asked him why'd he keep doing it? He said, "Because that's where the money is."
Et quand ils lui demandaient pourquoi il continuait à faire ça, il disait "parce que c'est là que l'argent est".
- Why is it not doing that?
- Pourquoi ça ne le fait pas?
Now, why is it that my Latino and my proud African brothers got to be doing all the work while these cracker-ass bitches doing the negotiating?
Maintenant, pourquoi mes frères latinos et Africains doivent aller travailler pendant que ces blancs négocient?
Why is it that you're the only one who hasn't asked me what I'm really doing?
Pourquoi es-tu la seule à ne jamais m'avoir demandé ce que je fais réellement?
Well, the fact that you're doing this anyway, because it makes her happy, is possibly number one in the million reasons why I love you.
Hé bien, le fait que tu vas tout de même y aller pour lui faire plaisir est, possiblement, la principale raison qui fait que je t'aime.
Why is it that when Clovis is around, your excuse is always that you're doing it for the Republic?
Pourquoi est-ce que Clovis est là, votre excuse est toujours "faire pour la République"
Which is why you didn't want to hear how your golden boy was doing it, that he was out there trading top secret information to God knows who.
D'où votre refus de connaître les méthodes de votre protégé qui entretenait là-bas un trafic d'infos top secrètes... - Par pitié.
He's not really sure why he's doing that, but he is compelled to do it.
Il n'est pas sûr de savoir pourquoi, mais il est forcé à le faire.
I know how difficult it is for you to see the scope of what we're doing here, but that's why I need the three of you.
Je sais à quel point c'est difficile pour vous de voir l'étendue de ce que nous faisons ici, et c'est pour quoi j'ai besoin de vous trois.

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