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Why would i be jealous перевод на французский

41 параллельный перевод
Why would I be jealous?
Et pourquoi je serais jaloux?
Why would I be jealous?
Moi, d'un vieux?
Why would i be jealous?
J'ai pas de raison d'être jalouse.
Jealous? Hardly. Okay, I might have had some sort of psychotic lapse but that was odd, really, because why would I be jealous?
Ne dit pas "journaliste" comme si tu n'avais pas gravé son prénom dans ta mémoire.
Why would I be jealous if I wasn't in love?
Jaloux et pas amoureux?
- Why would I be jealous of Andrew?
- Jaloux d'Andrew?
Why would i be jealous?
Pourquoi je serais jalouse?
Why would I be jealous?
Pourquoi devrais-je l'être?
Why would I be jealous of some guy with computer skills?
D'un type qui connaît les ordinateurs?
You're jealous because you can't read. Why would I be jealous?
Tu es jalouse parce que tu ne sais pas lire.
Why would i be jealous of this guy, huh?
Pourquoi je serais jaloux de ce gars-là?
Why would I be jealous of Karl's date? Because she was dancing with me, of course.
Car elle dansait avec moi, bien sûr.
Why would I be jealous of you?
Pourquoi je serais jaloux de toi?
You're jealous'cause the kids have fun with sasha. Ok, why would I be jealous?
- Je suis aussi sympa qu'elle.
Why would I be jealous?
Je suis contente pour Booth. Pourquoi serais-je jalouse?
Why would I be jealous of a marriage in which a vain and immodest wife having an affair with another man?
Pourquoi serais-je jaloux d'un mariage où une épouse vaniteuse a une liaison avec un autre homme?
Why would I be jealous of a marriage In which a vain and immodest wife Is having a love affair with another man?
Pourquoi serais-je jaloux d'un mariage où une épouse vaniteuse a une liaison avec un autre homme?
Why would I be jealous of you kissing a who's who of hot hunks?
Pourquoi je serais jaloux que tu embrasses n'importe qui?
Jealous? Why would I be jealous?
Pourquoi serais-je jalouse?
Why would I be jealous?
- Jalouse? Pourquoi?
Why would I be jealous?
Pourquoi serais-je jaloux?
No, why would I be jealous. Of somebody who's cute and smart.
Non, pourquoi je serais jalouse de quelqu'un qui est mignonne et maligne?
And why would I be jealous of you?
Et pourquoi serais-je jalouse de toi?
Why would I be jealous?
Pourquoi le serais-je?
Why would I be jealous of you?
[rires ] Je suppose que tu crains. [ rires]
Why would I be jealous of a ruggedly handsome fellow who wears size-14 sandals and enjoys easy banter with my wife?
Pourquoi je serais jaloux d'un beau mec robuste qui porte des sandales taille 48 et qui aime plaisanter avec ma femme?
Why would I be jealous? You're not.
- Pourquoi je le serais?
Why would I be jealous?
Pourquoi je serais jaloux?
Why would I be jealous of Pepe Muharrem?
Je serais jaloux de Pépé Muharrem?
Why would I be jealous?
Pourquoi je serais jalouse?
- Why would I be jealous?
- Pourquoi je serais jalouse?
Me? Jealous? Why would I be jealous after working here for, like, five years and only getting to go to the crime scene from time to time.
Pourquoi je devrais être jaloux après avoir travaillé ici pendant cinq ans et ne pouvoir aller sur une scène de crime que de temps en temps.
Why would I be jealous?
Pourquoi je l'serais?
Why would I be jealous of a dead girl?
Pourquoi je serais jalouse d'une morte?
Why would I be more jealous of Pierre than of...
Pourquoi le serais-je davantage de Pierre que de...
Why in the world would I be jealous?
Pourquoi serais-je jalouse?
Right, I mean, why would she be jealous?
De quoi elle serait jalouse?
Why would I be jealous of Daniel?
Pourquoi je serais jalouse de Daniel?
Why on God's green earth would I be jealous?
Pourquoi je serais jalouse?
Why on earth would I be jealous?
Pourquoi donc serais-je jalouse?

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