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Why would i kill him перевод на французский

88 параллельный перевод
Why would I kill him?
Pourquoi l'aurais-je tué?
Why would I kill him? He's my snitch.
Pourquoi l'aurais-je tué?
Why would I kill him? "
Pourquoi l'aurais-je tue? "
Why would I kill him in front of everybody?
Pour le tuer devant tout le monde?
Why would I kill him?
Pourquoi le tuerais-je?
Why would I kill him? Okay.
Pourquoi je l'aurais tué?
If I was trying to catch him for bounty, why would I kill him?
Si je voulais l'attraper pour avoir une prime, pourquoi l'aurais-je tué?
- Why would I kill him?
- Pourquoi l'aurais-je tué?
Why would I kill him?
Pourquoi je voudrais le tuer?
He's the only one that knew about me. Why would I kill him?
Lui seul me connaissait, pourquoi l'aurais-je tué?
Why would I kill him?
Pourquoi le tuer?
Why would I kill him? I mean, B
Pourquoi je l'aurais tué?
Why would I kill him?
Pourquoi je le tuerais?
But why-why would I kill him when he gave me that money?
Pourquoi je le tuerais alors qu'il m'a donné cet argent?
Why would I kill him?
Pourquoi voudrais-je le tuer?
Why would I kill him?
Pourquoi je l'aurais tué?
Why would I kill him? You tell me.
- Pourquoi l'aurais-je tué?
Why would I kill him? He was a friend of mine.
Pourquoi je l'aurais tué?
Why would I kill him?
Pourquoi j'aurais voulu le tuer?
Why would I kill him?
Vous plaisantez?
No, I mean why would I kill him, when he was already dying?
Non, je veux dire pourquoi j'aurai voulu le tuer quand il était mourant?
'Why would I kill him when he was already dying?
"Pourquoi l'aurais-je tué, alors qu'il était déjà mourant?"
Why would I want to kill him?
Pourquoi voudrais-je le tuer?
Now why would they kill him? I forgot to ask.
Pourquoi le tuer?
Really, if I had any reason why I want to kill myself just looking at him now, and that reason would be gone let's go back
Vraiment, si jamais j'avais penser à me tuer rien qu'à regarder ça, cette envie me passerait allez, rentrons
Why would I want to kill him?
Pourquoi je voudrais le tuer?
Why would I want to kill him?
Je n'avais aucune raison.
I can't see why anyone would want to kill him.
Je ne vois pas qui aurait pu vouloir le tuer!
Why would a little boy say I'm trying to kill him or I won't let him breathe?
Pourquoi un enfant dirait que je le tue... ou que je l'étouffe?
I don't understand why she would kill him.
Pourquoi le tuer?
Now why the hell would I kill him to stop him from taking them?
Alors pourquoi diable l'aurais-je tué afin de l'empêcher de les prendre?
Why would I want to kill him?
Pourquoi j'aurais voulu?
You didn't keep Doug on the phone so that someone would have opportunity to kill him? Why would I do that?
N'avez-vous pas gardé Doug au téléphone pour que quelqu'un ait l'opportunité de le tuer?
What- - Why would I want to kill him?
Pourquoi voudrai-je le tuer?
Why would I try to kill him?
Pourquoi essaierai-je de le tuer?
I don't see why Anyone would want to kill him.
Je ne vois aucune raison pour que quelqu'un veuille l'assassiner.
Why would I write a million - dollar check to his charity if I was going to kill him?
Pourquoi j'aurais fait un chèque d'1 million de $ si j'étais sur le point de le tuer?
If I was really gonna kill him, why would I write it down?
Si j'allais vraiment le tuer, pourquoi l'aurais-je écrit?
Why would I wanna kill him?
Pourquoi je voudrais le tuer?
Why would I kill people? I chased Sander through the time machine... after he got Gord, lost him.
Riley, j'ai poursuivi Sander à travers le temps et il m'a semé.
I said I'd kill him and I meant it so why would he agree to this?
J'ai dit que je le tuerai et je le pensais alors pourquoi il est d'accord avec ça?
Well, I just spent an hour with the white horse trying to figure out why someone would want to kill him.
Je viens de passer une heure avec le cheval blanc à essayer de comprendre pourquoi quelqu'un aurait voulu le tuer.
So, why would I kill my fall guy if I could use him to take the fall?
Pourquoi tuer mon homme de paille si je pouvais l'utiliser pour prendre à ma place?
- I don't know. He was paying her $ 500 an hour. Why would she kill him?
Elle était payée 500 $ de l'heure, pourquoi le tuer?
Yeah, I understand why it was important to Blake, but why would somebody kill him for it?
C'était important pour Blake. Mais pourquoi le tuer?
I'm inclined to believe him. Why would he kill her
je m'inclinait à le croire. pourquoi l'aurait-il tué?
Why would I want to kill him?
Pourquoi aurais-je voulu le tuer?
I was busier that he was, so why would I have to kill him for his chair?
J'avais plus de travail que lui, pourquoi je l'aurais tué?
I mean, if he was a kingpin in New York City, why would they kill him out here?
Si c'était un caïd de New York, pourquoi le tuer ici?
I'm sorry, but I'm here to confront him, and I just, I need to know why he would kill Derek and what that has to do with my birth mother.
Désolée. mais je suis la pour le confronter, et j'ai juste... J'ai besoin de savoir pourquoi
But why would I want to kill him?
Mais pourquoi est-ce que j'aurais voulu le tuer?

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