Wingate перевод на французский
38 параллельный перевод
British General Wingate conferred with his staff.
Le général Wingate confère avec son état-major.
Wingate and Cochran flew in yesterday. Big conference, GHQ. Must be big.
Wingate et Cochran sont venus... pour une conférence.
Get me Phil Wingate and hurry.
Contactez Phil Wingate en vitesse.
That's a lot of stock Wingate sold for you in 45 minutes, an active issue like Tredway.
En 45 minutes, Wingate a vendu beaucoup d'actions pour vous. Tredway est un problème pour vous.
Mr. Philip Wingate sold 3,700 shares of Tredway common stock, short.
M. Philip Wingate a vendu 3700 actions Tredway à découvert.
- Wingate told you?
- Wingate vous a mis au courant?
Fort Richardson, Wingate, Cobb...
Fort Richardson, Wingate, Cobb.
Scar's band was headed north to winter at Fort Wingate, eatin'agency beef.
La tribu allait hiverner a Fort Wingate, pour etre nourrie.
It's funny, but last winter when we passed through Fort Wingate I didn't have any recollection of a mention of Nawyecky Comanches.
C'est marrant, l'hiver dernier, quand on est passe a Fort Wingate, on ne nous a pas parle de Comanches Nawyecky.
Miss Wingate
Mlle Wingate.
Eve Wingate, the next is yours.
Veille Wingate, le suivant est le votre,
This is Eve Wingate.
Je suis eve Wingate.
Now, be sensible, Miss Wingate, stay where you are.
Soyez raisonnable Mlle et restez ou vous êtes.
Evelyn Wingate, of Cornwall, England ;
Evelyn Wingate, de Cornouailles, Angleterre ;
Miss Wingate was seen hurling a small object into the sea.
FAUT-IL EVACUER? Mlle Wingate a été vue jetant un petit objet à la mer.
British government sources indicate they believe the Wingate girl might have been acting under the alien's order.
Le gouvernement britannique indique que Mlle. Wingate pourrait suivre des ordres des extraterrestres.
Miss Wingate is believed to be hiding with Jonathan Clark, who has been missing several days.
Mlle Wingate pourrait se cacher avec J. Clark, disparu depuis plusieurs jours.
Miss Wingate, Mr.Clark, will be flown to washington immediately.
Vous, Mlle Wingate, M. Klark un avion vous amenera immédiatement à Washington.
Later they went to Burma in'42. It was a sort of junior edition of the Wingate later... and more important operation.
Ils sont partis pour la Birmanie en 1942, c'était une sorte de Wingate en miniature.
Did you know Wingate's married again?
Vous avez entendu que Wingate s'était remarié?
Only, um, you've heard that our choirmaster, Walter Wingate,...
Voilà, hum, vous avez entendu que notre chef de choeur, Walter Wingate...
The man next to Chan is Alex Wingate. Media mogul.
L'homme à côté de Chan, c'est Alex Wingate, magnat des médias.
Contact Wingate Field, report status to Colonel Reynolds.
Contactez Wingate Field et faites votre rapport au colonel Reynolds.
Buster Wingate Hymen,
Isidore Ledoidedan,
Petty Officer Kevin Wingate.
Quartier-maître Kevin Wingate.
McGee, finish sketching an inventory of Wingate's locker.
McGee, finis de dresser l'inventaire du casier de Wingate.
My kids go to Wingate.
Mes enfants sont à Wingate.
- Maybe fund a program at Wingate.
- Financer un programme à Wingate.
Everybody at Wingate is expecting you to be a star football player.
Tout le monde, à Wingate, s'attend à ce que tu sois une star du football.
Go, Wingate!
- Allez, Wingate!
Unsportsmanlike conduct, Wingate.
Conduite antisportive, Wingate.
I understand you applied for a teaching position at Wingate.
Je crois que vous avez postulé pour un poste d'enseignante à Wingate?
Things started heating up more and more. There was an attempted attack at the Wingate Institute.
Il y avait eu la tentative d'attaque de l'institut Wingate.
After that, I went over to him and said,
Après Wingate, je suis allé le voir et je lui ai dit :
I went to Paris on Thursday, maybe Wednesday, on an assignment that was forced on me by Rabin.
Après Wingate, je suis allé le voir et je lui ai dit : " Yitzhak, ça ne va plus.
This is Major Nigel Nelson-Wingate, King's African Rifles, retired.
Major Nigel Nelson, retraité de l'armée anglaise.
- Wingate Ward, second floor.
Pavillon Wingate, au second.
This is wingate bouncing.
C'est du changement de proxy.