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Would you excuse me for a moment перевод на французский

109 параллельный перевод
- Oh, would you excuse me for a moment?
- Oh, tu m'excuses un instant?
would you excuse me for a moment?
Vous voulez bien m'excuser?
Would you excuse me for a moment?
Vous m'excusez un moment?
Would you excuse me for a moment, please?
Excusez-moi, je vous prie.
- Would you excuse me for a moment?
- Excuse-moi une seconde, tu veux? Allez.
Would you excuse me for a moment?
Would you excuse me for a moment?
Voulez-vous m'excuser?
Would you excuse me for a moment?
Excusez-moi un instant?
I'm sorry, would you excuse me for a moment?
Excusez-moi... Je reviens tout de suite.
Would you excuse me for a moment.
- Veuillez m'excuser un instant.
Would you excuse me for a moment?
Voulez-vous m'excuser un moment?
Would you excuse me for a moment, please?
Pardonnez-moi un instant, s'il vous plaît?
Would you excuse me for a moment?
Je vous prie de m'excuser un instant.
Would you excuse me for a moment, please?
Vous voulez bien m'excuser?
Would you excuse me for a moment, please?
Tu m'excuses?
Yes, would you excuse me for a moment? I've got some urgent business.
Excusez-moi, j'ai une affaire pressante.
Would you excuse me for a moment?
- Tu m'excuses un instant? - Bien sûr.
Patty, Selma, would you excuse me for a moment? If you're going for a beer, this is the last one.
Si tu cherches une bière, j'ai la dernière.
Darling, would you excuse me for a moment?
Excuse-moi un instant, chérie.
Would you excuse me for a moment so that I could use the phone?
Je peux me servir du téléphone?
- Would you excuse me for a moment?
- Vous m'excusez?
Would you excuse me for a moment?
J'ai fait le tour de la question.
Would you excuse me for a moment? Of course.
- Voudriez-vous m'excuser un instant?
Would you excuse me for a moment? Yes.
Would you excuse me for a moment?
Tu m " excuses un moment?
Ann, would you excuse me for a moment?
Ann, vous m'excusez un moment?
Ms. Caine, would you excuse me for a moment?
Mlle Caine, veuillez m'excuser un instant.
Would you excuse me for a moment?
Vous voulez bien m'excuser?
Would you excuse me for a moment?
Vous voulez bien m'excuser un instant?
Would you excuse me for a moment?
Tu m'excuses un moment?
Oy vey! Would you excuse me for a moment?
Vous m'excusez un moment?
Would you all excuse me for a moment?
Vous voulez bien m'excuser un instant?
Franklyn, would you excuse me for just a moment?
Franklyn, voulez-vous m'excuser un instant?
Excuse me for a moment, would you?
Excusez-moi, un instant.
Excuse me, would you mind if I borrow the child for a second?
Vous pouvez me passer cette enfant pour un petit moment?
Please, I've got to talk to you for a moment. Would you excuse me?
J'ai à vous parler.
Would you excuse me for a moment?
Vous m'excusez?
Excuse me, sir. Would you mind watching my bag for a second?
Vous pouvez surveiller mon sac un petit moment?
Would you excuse me for a moment?
Would you please excuse me for a moment?
Vous voulez bien m'excuser un moment?
[Telephone rings] Uh, would you gentlemen please excuse me for a moment?
Veuillez m'excuser un instant, messieurs.
Would you excuse me for just a moment?
Excusez-moi un instant.
Would you excuse me for just a moment?
Vous voulez m'excuser un moment?
- Would you excuse me for just a moment?
- Excusez-moi un instant?
Would you two beautiful ladies excuse me, please just for a minute?
Vous m'excusez un moment jolies demoiselles? J'en ai pour une minute.
Excuse me, would you watch him for a moment?
Vous me le surveillez?
Would you excuse us for a moment please, gentlemen?
Vous vouliez me voir... Adolf?
Would you do me a personal favor and excuse me just for one moment?
Tu peux me faire une faveur et m'excuser un instant?
- Would you just excuse me for a moment?
- Vous nous excusez un instant?
Excuse me, would you mind terribly if we spoke to Ray privately for a moment?
Excusez-moi, ça vous dérangerait si nous parlions à Ray en privé un moment?
Uh, would you excuse us for a moment? I don't mean to be rude, but I need to pull her over here and tell her how disgusted I am by you
Excusez-moi, je ne veux pas être grossier mais je dois lui dire combien vous me dégoûtez.

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